
Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly widened!

At this moment, the Nine Suns True Scriptures, the power of a bull, and even the three heads and six arms, have all been activated!

In addition to the Jinyiwei suit, the 20% power bonus of the horse-cutting long knife, and the pure power attribute, it has definitely reached the level of 11!

However, in the face of such a formidable blow, Toguro was able to block it with one hand!

How could this guy's power be so strong? !

"You are very strong, but you still don't understand what is called-strength!"

As Toyulu spoke, he suddenly punched Jiang Fan in the chest!


Jiang Fan is like a small stone, with a long knife for cutting a horse, suddenly flying upside down, and once again smashing into the auditorium!


A loud noise!

The whole audience is filled with smoke and dust!

This time, an auditorium in the two sections was smashed and completely disappeared!

Moreover, Jiang Fan continued to cast away, and even smashed an eighty-meter-long hole in the wall of the entire venue!

The whole venue is quiet!

too strong!

One hundred percent Huyulu is not a force that should appear in the human world at all!

Jiang Fan might be beaten to death by his punch!

"Cough cough cough..."

at this time!

A series of coughs suddenly sounded!

Then, a huge gravel was suddenly pushed away by an arm extending from below!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan, who was covered in smoke, stood up from the ruins!

"Fuck, groove, groove, groove!"

"Well, is this kid really human?"

"Is it all right?"

"Too abnormal!"

The eyes of the rest of the audience are almost staring out!

Nima is too exaggerated!

The power of that fist, let alone a person, even if it is a battleship, it is properly shattered by its destiny!

But Jiang Fan has nothing to do with it!

Toguro was also stunned!

Jiang Fan's power is indeed weak in his opinion!

But this defensive power is simply terrifying!


Jiang Fan patted the dust on his body, but smiled helplessly!

The golden bell is strong, but the power gap between the two sides is too big!

The point is that Toguro still has a limit state of 100!

"You are too strong! Although the price is very heavy, but there is no way!"

In Jiang Fan's hand, a tube of blue and red injection was suddenly released!

Spiderman blood!

"This thing, I originally left it to others!"

"After all, it is easy to use, but to clear it, you need to spend a full 100,000 causal points!"

"But compared to the last hole card, it can only take the lesser of two evils!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Toguro was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan had not hesitated to put this tube of injection directly on his neck!


As the bloodline injection was finished, Jiang Fan suddenly stiffened!

next moment!


A burning feeling suddenly spread all over the body!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's aura soared, and that surging sense of power was like a volcanic eruption, surging out!

A trace!

Jiang Fan can even feel it!

Only a little bit away, you can enter a completely new state that you can't imagine!


Jiang Fan grabbed the horse-cutting knife beside him!

The whole person almost seemed to be teleporting, already in front of Toguro!

The long sword lifted up and fell suddenly!

Regardless of the speed or strength of this knife, it looked completely incomparable to the previous knife, but Toguro's pupils shrank, and he directly raised his arms to block!


A loud noise!

The ground under Toguro's feet suddenly exploded into a pit with a diameter of several tens of meters!

And the long sword of the horse cut deeply into his muscles!

Everyone was shocked!

Toguro is even more unbelievable!


Jiang Fan suddenly drew his knife, and he was about to hack it again!

He even had a hunch that this knife would not only split Toguro, but would also split it, a smooth way!


"This is... fear?"

A gleam of light suddenly flashed through Toguro's eyes full of shock!

At this moment!

Jiang Fan only felt a great sense of fear, and it was as if it were overwhelming!

His body did not obey his orders, and desperately backed away!

next moment!


A wild laugh suddenly resounded throughout the venue!


Toguro Lu's body suddenly filled with smoke and dust within a few hundred meters in diameter, and even the rubble under his feet began to slowly float from the ground!

"Jiang Fan! I want to thank you!"

"It's you! It made me feel fear for the first time!"

"It's you! Finally let me see what another realm looks like!"

"In return, let you take a closer look at my state after the breakthrough!"

At the critical moment of life and death, Hu Yulu unexpectedly broke through!

For an instant, Jiang Fan only felt that his scalp was about to explode!

Every cell in the body is screaming!

That has only one meaning-escape!

Must escape!

The audience who felt the horrible breath screamed desperately and fled the venue one after another!

Toyu Lu's body was filled with smoke and dust, and a nuclear explosion-like demonic air, even more soaring into the sky!

Then came his roar full of ecstasy!

"Percent—two hundred!"


A dazzling light suddenly burst from Hu Yulu's body!

The entire venue with a diameter of one thousand meters, in an instant, blasted, blasted, exploded and shattered!

Jiang Fan pierced the ground with a long knife, desperately blocking this smoke!

However, the rest of the people who were too late to escape from the venue were either submerged in the ruins or blown directly into powder by the aftermath of the explosion!


Until the smoke cleared, the brand new Toguro finally appeared in front of everyone in the center of the ruins of the venue!

Compared to a 100% state, his body has almost shrunk in a circle!

A face has restored the state it had before transforming!

However, the muscles exposed all over his body at this moment actually all showed a weird thread shape!

Around the joints of the body, round exoskeletons appeared!

Especially, at this moment, he didn't even leak a trace of breath!

Jiang Fan is almost crazy!

It's not a 100% limit state!

It's a breakthrough!

Toguro actually broke through!

200%? !

Damn Nima!

The system you **** obliterated me directly!

Toguro shook his neck and suddenly smiled at Jiang Fan!

next moment!


Toguro suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan as if teleporting, and then simply punched and blasted directly!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and he suddenly blocked the sword in front of him!



Cut the horse with a long knife, and suddenly break!

It's not over yet!


Fist banged on Jiang Fan!


The flying fish suit burst into pieces!



Jiang Fan's sternum suddenly rang!

The golden light all over his body is even flashing away!

The golden bell was actually abandoned!

It was not because the door was broken, but because of this incomparable punch, it was directly destroyed!

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