God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 718: Surpass its bottom card

"Ding! System warning! T virus use has timed out, please inject the antidote immediately!"

Jiang Fan turned a deaf ear, still desperately punching!

And his power hasn't stopped growing!

Jiang Fan at this moment has almost completely surpassed the twelfth level!

It has even reached the thirteenth level!

And Lu Toguru not only started to vomit blood when he was beaten, but the muscles all over his body began to explode and break!

Even his entire left arm has been completely broken by Jiang Fan!

Persist, as long as you continue to persist, Toguro will undoubtedly die!

But at this moment!


From the inside out, Jiang Fan suddenly heard a sound somewhere in his body, an insignificant crisp sound!

In the next moment, the tsunami-like power in Jiang Fan's body, almost like a low tide, began to decline crazily!

The sharp pain disappeared completely!

At the same time, all the skin of Jiang Fan began to show fine bleeding spots!


As a small piece of skin cracked, a few drops of water flowed out of it!

Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

The genes are broken!

Use T virus beyond the time limit, backlash, and it's started!

"Last punch!"

Jiang Fan roared suddenly!

At this moment, all the power in his body was condensed in a punch!

Then, desperately blasted out!


Toyulu suddenly let out a dying roar!


A roar like a nuclear explosion suddenly resounded throughout Jiaoshou Island!



Jiang Fan took two steps back and suddenly sat down on the ground!

And on his body, countless skins have been cracked, and the water in the wound is flowing more and more!


Jiang Fan barely took out a tube of green injection!

T virus antidote!


After the injection, Jiang Fan finally fell to the ground!

It's a pity that he injected too late, and the water in the wound was still gurgling out!

"System, back, back..."

"Ding! The mission hasn't been completed and can't return!"


Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

next moment!

Opposite him, an arm suddenly broke out of the terrifying pit that was hit by him just now, a hundred meters in diameter!

Next, the muscles all over his body shattered, and Toguro, who almost turned into a **** man, actually slowly climbed up!

However, his breath has completely dropped to freezing point!

Anyone can see that he is about to die!

It's just that Huyulu at this moment is actually laughing!

"Jiang Fan, you lost!"

With a cheerful smile, Toguro suddenly took a deep breath, then punched Jiang Fan heavily!

Everyone is pale!

This is Toguro's final punch!

But it was also the last punch after the breakthrough!

An unstoppable punch!

And Jiang Fan now, even his genes are collapsing!

I can't avoid it, how can I resist it!

But Jiang Fan just smiled, his little finger hooked!

next moment!


A hideous monster two meters high, covered in black and strange iron armor, with flames spewing from its eyes, flared fangs, and blood flowing on its four hooves, suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

Mount-Demonized Nightmare Beast!


Toguro hit the nightmare beast with a punch!


Before the demonized nightmare beast even wailed, it suddenly burst into a black mist!

And Quan Jin, it ends here!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly summoned his mount to block the sword at this moment!

Lu Togyu ​​looked at Jiang Fan blankly, and suddenly asked, "What if it didn't exist?"

"That's okay!"

"To be honest, I lied just now, because the hole card is called the hole card because it was unexpected!"

"However, I can tell you now!"

"Beyond the T virus hole cards, I still have, two!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan, almost half of his body has become clear water, but he is still smiling!

"That's it!"

Toguro smiled, and then stood like that, slowly closing his eyes!

"Everyone, audience! Appeared! The final champion of this conference is Jiang Fan!"


Is that little rabbit host alive?

With such a thought, Jiang Fan slowly glanced at the world for the last time!

"System! Back!"


As soon as he entered the system space, a white glow suddenly sprinkled down, completely covering Jiang Fan!

Normally, Jiang Fan can only heal his injuries in an instant!

But this time, it lasted a full half a minute!

As the white light disappeared, Jiang Fan finally opened his eyes!

The prompt tone of the system finally sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the soul of the warrior. Will you start a second job transfer?"


A dark green light and shadow suddenly floated from Jiang Fan!

The expression of the light and shadow was calm, exactly the same as Toguro!

A silver thunder and lightning suddenly lit up in mid-air, suddenly struck above the phantom!


The light and shadow suddenly turned into a dark green light, directly filling Jiang Fan's eyebrows!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the second successful job transfer! Current occupation-Intermediate Ten Thousand Worlds Deliveryman!"

For a moment!


Two fireworks were set off in the system space!

At the same time, it seemed to be a little brighter here, and a little flickering light appeared vaguely around!

It's just that Jiang Fan has not had time to see clearly, a white light is already shining on him!

With the white light shed, the same feeling of injecting and T virus appeared again!

That is a sense of power full of everything under control!

However, unlike T virus's forcibly breaking through the shackles, this feeling is natural!

Jiang Fan gently clenched his fist!


A deep sonic boom suddenly sounded!

But Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

"It's a pity, the current strongest strength is only at the tenth level, even if you burst out, it will be around the eleventh level. If you want to reach that horrible state, I don't know how long it will take!"

Although the T virus is terrible, it really deserves the word tyrant!

That kind of life-burning promotion is simply terrifying and incredible!

It's just that the price is too heavy!

He almost died of genetic collapse!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful transfer. The reward options are being adjusted! The world's income will be distributed first!


Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

This time the loss was too great, the Jinyi Wei suit was scrapped, and the golden bell was also scrapped!

Especially the golden bell!

That's a full 30,000 causal point!

First see what this world can give to yourself!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the painting demon and successfully got the makeup technique!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the gift of Unkillable Grace from Liyujia Team!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the promise of Little Hades!"

Jiang Fan first took out makeup!

Makeup: exquisite monsters, start with me!

Remarks: By learning this skill, you will master superb makeup skills and become a master of makeup!

This thing... a magical skill!

Jiang Fan learns directly!

Next is the gift package of Li Yuga's Unkillable Grace!

Li Yuga Team's Unkillable Grace Gift Pack: Open the gift package, and you will get two Li Yuga team magic items at random!

"Open the gift pack!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a dark feather garment!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fruit of the previous life!"

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