God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 737: Huaxia Club Wushu Coconut Can't Stop the Wind

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and Alice, who was fused with T virus, had actually reached level 9 of strength at this moment!

Valentine and others were even more stunned! Unexpectedly, Alice, who is so gentle on Jiang Fan's face, is actually so powerful!

Seeing the Avengers being kicked, Alice suddenly jumped out, and the volley was a whip kick!

However, the Avengers who were still in the air suddenly turned over with incomparable dexterity, and then suddenly hit Alice with an elbow!


A loud noise!

Alice snorted, she was knocked to the ground and struck out a dozen meters!


Alice groaned in pain!

And the Avengers had raised the Vulcan Cannon and pointed it at Alice suddenly!

Seeing, as long as the Avengers pull the trigger, Alice will die!

There was even a hint of despair in Alice's eyes!

at this time!


A tall figure suddenly appeared in front of Alice!

It's Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! Get away!"

Alice screamed desperately!

At the same time, my heart is full of endless touch!

But the next moment!

"Da da da da da!"

The roar of the Vulcan Cannon has suddenly sounded!

In an instant, the bullets denser than the rainstorm roared and shot towards Jiang Fan!

Everyone trembled, as if they had seen Jiang Fan being beaten into pieces of meat!



In Jiang Fan's hands, a long sword with bright silver light suddenly appeared!


"Swish swish swish swish!"

With a sneerful smile at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth, the long sword flew, and all his bullets that rushed toward him were smashed into the air!

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan, who was dancing like a fan, completely stunned!

"Long sword, split bullet?!"

"Split, is it Gatling's bullet?!"

"Is this a human being?"

"I swear, even if it is the anti-war drama, I dare not shoot like this!"

"I, I'm a little dizzy, maybe it's over ovulation!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan incredible!

too exaggerated!

Even sniper bullets can be tolerated!

But this is really Gatling, known as the six-barreled Vulcan cannon!

The rate of fire is as high as 6,000 rounds per minute!

A car can be shredded in ten seconds!

However, this kind of dense bullets were all picked up by Jiang Fan!

What a reason to go!

And the group of people from the umbrella company looking at the big screen almost stared out!

"Fuck! This kid, is this kid a monster?"

"It's crazy! This isn't a sword light, it's an ion shield!"

"Check it out! Check out where he came from!"

"Nima! Did the Chinese people grow up eating elixir?"

"Hua Xia can martial arts, the coconut wind can't stop it!"

The crowd almost collapsed!

And the Avengers are also dumbfounded!

"Click! Click!"

The bullets were all shot, and I was still pulling the trigger with a dazed expression!


Jiang Fan breathed out a suffocating breath, and slowly flicked his wrist twice!

At this moment, because he was too fast before, his long sword was almost all red!

The cuff of the right hand is even more full of white smoke!

"You're finished, is it me?"

Jiang Fan put away his sword, and suddenly smiled sullenly!

Before everyone reacted, Jiang Fan had teleported to the Avengers!

next moment!

Jiang Fan has already hit the Avengers' stomach with a heavy punch!


The whole world seemed to tremble suddenly!

The Avengers trembled all over, steeply and then took a step back!

Staring blankly at his armor!

next moment!

Focusing on the point where Jiang Fan's fist fell, the armor on his body that could not even be pierced by a sniper bullet was suddenly covered with countless cracks!



The armor suddenly burst into a piece of iron!

And the Avengers knelt on the ground weakly!

For a moment, the expression in his eyes unexpectedly restored his clarity!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan?"

The Avengers actually spoke!

That voice turned out to be Matt!

"It's me, old friend!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were not ferocious, but a trace of sorrow appeared!

He knew it was Matt, but he still had to start!

After all, in this way, for a normal person, life is better than death!

All he can do is to give him a good time!

"It's great to see you again..."

Matt smiled happily, then slowly closed his eyes!

This powerful and incomparable Avenger was killed by Jiang Fan with a single punch!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing an Avenger and earning 1000 Karma Points!"

A thousand causal points?

Jiang Fan was startled!

And the crowd was stunned!

Including Alice, everyone looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

It's too fierce!


Just a punch!

Killed the Avengers unexpectedly!

As for the people in the umbrella company, they are completely sluggish!

"Dead, dead?"

"The Avengers are currently the strongest monster strengthened by the T virus!"

"And that special alloy armor that can't be worn by a sniper rifle!"

"These things can't even hold that kid with a punch!"

"This guy is definitely not a normal person!"

Everyone trembled in shock!

It's amazing!

This is powerful before they even thought about it!

Only Kane stared at Jiang Fan's face firmly!

"No! Immediately play the previous scene to me again!"

Soon, the scene of Matt talking with Jiang Fan suddenly appeared!

"Jiang Fan?"

"This monster was originally called Jiang Fan!"

"So, he and Matt must know each other!"

"Moreover, when he appeared, he was with Alice again!"

"Could it be that they met in the hive?"

Kane's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Oh my God! Is this kid also infected with T virus?"

"Yes! That's right! Only in this way can he explain his superhuman strength!"

"T virus! It must be T virus!"

"Call the headquarters! I want to report this matter immediately!"

Kane was overjoyed!

I have done a good job!

And definitely, a great achievement!


Following Kane's instructions, the assistant immediately turned on the communication device!

Soon, a three-dimensional simulation figure appeared in front of Kane!

With a big back and wearing a white medical coat, this man looks like a scholar!

However, his eyes were full of greed and viciousness!

This person turned out to be the end of "Resident Evil 2" and the big boss in "Resident Evil 3", Dr. Isaac!

"Kane? What's the matter?"

Isaac spoke slowly!

"Doctor! Good news! Our Avenger was beaten to death!"

Kane looked excited!

Isaac was silent for a moment, then suddenly yelled!

"You idiot B! What kind of good news is this!"

"No, no, no! I mean, the one who killed him is probably also a T virus infected person! He is a hundred times stronger than the Avengers and Alice combined!"


Isaac trembled all over!

"Doctor, I will pass the picture to you now!"

As the picture passed, Isaac was speechless for a long time!

After a long time!

"Kane! I want you to capture this kid named Jiang Fan alive at all costs!"

"Definitely! Must catch him!"

Isaac's voice is full of endless greed!

"Yes! But Doctor, the strength of this kid..."

"With him, the Nemesis Project is a rubbish, I give you the highest authority in Raccoon City!"

"As long as you can catch him, you can use all the power there!"

"Even including those semi-finished products!"

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