God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 739: Oh this **** wonderful copper smell

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing an unfinished Avenger and earning 900 Karma Points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing an unfinished Avenger and earning 900 Karma Points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing..."

Five consecutive upgrades sounded!

Jiang Fan's sword actually earned 4,500 causal points!

Kane was completely confused!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

too strong!

This guy is not the current umbrella company at all, it can provoke!

"Spare, spare..."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Kane was so scared that he backed away desperately!


The sword light in Jiang Fan's hand flashed again, and he cut off Kane's leg directly!

"Relax, I won't kill you! You are only worthy of food that turns into zombies!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully, kicked Kane, and then waved to Carlos and the others!

"Go and start the helicopter!"


Carlos went to launch the helicopter, and Dr. Asifford and others had already got together!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you!"

"Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, we would have become zombies!"

"More than that, there may be no more corpses left!"

The crowd is grateful!

"Little meaning!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"All get on the plane!"

Seeing a group of people walking towards the plane, only then did Alice come over!

"Jiang Fan, don't you really go with us?"


"But, it won't be long before the nuclear bomb of the umbrella company will arrive, and the entire raccoon city will be razed to the ground by then!"

Alice hurriedly said!

"It's okay, that stuff is useless to me!"

Jiang Fan smiled confidently!

Alice was stunned!

What does Jiang Fan mean? Does it mean that even a nuclear bomb can't kill him?


This is also amazing!

Jiang Fan's strength is terrifying!

"Then, take care!"

"Well! Next time you have trouble, remember to order my takeaway!"

Jiang Fan waved goodbye!

Soon, with the helicopter taking off!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission-rescue (2)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward item-Dr. Asifford's T virus research and development manuscript!"

"Ding! This takeaway mission has been completed, you have 30 minutes of stay time, you can choose to return automatically, or you can choose to return automatically after the time!"

"Ding! The system prompts! The umbrella company will launch a nuclear bomb at Raccoon City in half an hour. Please pay attention to the stay time of the host!"

There is still half an hour!

Jiang Fan looked happy!

And at this moment, after smelling the strong **** smell here, countless zombies have surrounded them again!

Suddenly Jiang Fan gloomily looked at Kane, who was still crawling desperately, trying to escape!


"You, what are you going to do?"

"No, don't!"

Seeing Jiang Fan getting closer and closer, Kane's scared pants were soaked!

"Go to hell!"

Jiang Fan kicked Kane into the group of zombies!

"Ah! No! No!"

"Help! Help!"

"Crack! Click!"

Accompanied by the chewing of countless zombies, Kane finally screamed and ended his life!

And Jiang Fan was already grinning and looked at a group of zombies!

"My cause and effect, little baby! I'm here!"



With a white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

However, at this moment, he is covered with thick blood stains!

That was the result of his crazy slaughter of zombies in the last half an hour!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for accumulating 22,543 causal points!"

Two thousand two!

This order actually earned more than 22,000 causal points!

This is definitely the most time I have gotten a causal point in history!

Even if the loan owed by "No Debt and Light" is used to pay off, there will still be more than 20,000 yuan left!

Make a profit!


This **** wonderful copper smell!

It smells so good!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining Alice's love-the T virus super evolutionary bloodline!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining Matt's gratitude-the T virus super violent bloodline!"

"Ding! Other rewards are being summarized..."

"Ding! Reward merger! Congratulations to the host for obtaining-ammunition support!"


Actually gave two bloodlines!

Worthy of being a rewarding world!

The reward this time is amazingly rich!

However, this is not over yet!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Avengers and successfully obtaining the six-barreled Vulcan Cannon!"

Damn it!

Actually exploded the Vulcan Cannon of the Avengers!

Jiang Fan couldn't wait to look at a bunch of rewards!

Alice’s bloodline is a normal blood red!

And the Avengers, it's dark with a trace of darkness!

T virus super evolution pedigree: Silver+!

Attribute: Evolutionary!

Remarks: This is the most perfect combination of T virus and human beings! Use this bloodline, you will get extremely powerful potential!

Silver level!

It turned out to be a silver pedigree!

Although the introduction is unclear, there is no doubt that as long as Alice has appeared in the movie, all the abilities must be possessed!

The super violent bloodline of T virus: Silver level!

Attribute: Rage type!

Remarks: Use this bloodline to get extremely powerful explosive power!

It turned out to be another silver rank!

This T virus is really weird to the extreme!

As far as things touch it, there is almost no rubbish!

But the strange thing is that this is the first time Jiang Fan has seen such a vague pedigree!

Putting these two bloodlines away, Jiang Fan looked at the Vulcan Cannon again!

This Vulcan cannon is far more exciting than the one in the movie!

The dark gun is as long as 1.5 meters long! The diameter of the barrel is even thicker than a household trash can!

There is also a handle for carrying on the gun, and under the handle is a counter!

Six-barreled Vulcan Cannon: Black Iron Class

Level requirement: Level 9

Attack power: fierce

Ammunition: 5000 rounds

Remarks: This is a modified six-barrel cannon with a rate of fire of up to 6000 rounds per minute! Any object blocking it, no matter what it is, will be torn to pieces in an instant!

Tip: Corresponding to this piece of equipment is its unparalleled recoil!

Jiang Fan was excited!

This is the first time I have got such a cool equipment!

The point is, this is actually a high-grade firearm!

Although it is only Black Iron Grade, it can't stand this thing with a high rate of fire!

The only drawback is that this thing only has 5,000 rounds of bullets, even if it's scrapped!

Look at the ammunition support!

Ammunition support: Jiang Fan is definitely the most gentleman I have ever seen! Only guns can match this kind of man!

Note: With this item, you will get an endless supply of ammunition within ten minutes! Including but not limited to Remington shotguns, Winchester shotguns, AK47, MP5, PKM, M4A1, AWM, Colt revolvers, grenades... At the same time, your own firearms will be used for the duration of this item Among them, transformed into infinite ammunition!


Jiang Fan's eyes are staring out!

This is so special, it is simply the most popular weapon in the ages!

It's too fierce!

Thinking of using this item, Jiang Fan's blood would boil with the same firepower as the explosion!

The point is, if the Vulcan Cannon is fired for ten minutes without limit, the gods can't stand it!



Jiang Fan laughed loudly, and was about to leave the system space!

But at this moment, he suddenly caught a pile of straw paper out of the corner of his eye!

That thing is exactly the reward given by Dr. Asifford after he completed the side task!

Jiang Fan didn't think this thing was of any use, but when he picked it up, his expression changed!

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