All the rest were stunned!

All stared at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"Dead, dead?"

"You, do you know who they are?"

"They are the children of a wealthy family in the capital!"

"You lunatic! You are done!"

Everyone yelled at Jiang Fan!



Jiang Fan breathed in, suddenly counted his palms!

"Boom boom boom!"

Everyone present, except Lin An, was completely shattered by Jiang Fan in an instant!

"Plop! Plop!"

The sound of falling to the ground kept ringing!

In the huge villa, for an instant, only Lin An was left alive!

"You, who are you?"

Lin An was completely frightened!

This man's martial arts is so perverted, and the methods are so vicious!

Obviously, there is a deep hatred with him!

However, when did he offend such a character?

"Who am I? Don't Lin Shao remember?"

Jiang Fan asked back!

"I do not care who you are!"

"I, I am the Lin family, the future heir!"

"You, as long as you let me go, I can take it, nothing happened!"

"Even if a few of them die, I will help you settle it!"

Lin Anqiang pretended to be calm!

"For someone like you that even my own brother would dare to kill, I really don't have much confidence in your credibility!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"You, how do you know!"

Lin An's complexion changed drastically!

Only the little lady Chen Ling knew about killing his own brother!

How would this person know?


There is another person, he also knows!

"You, you are Jiang Fan!"

Lin An suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Jiang Fan!

"Guess it!"

Jiang Fan's mouth curled up and slowly took off his mask!

"It's you! It's really you!"

There was cold sweat on Lin An's forehead!

"Lin Shao, you are in good health. Not only did the injury healed last time, but it seems that martial arts has also recovered!"

Jiang Fan smiled!


Lin An's legs trembled, her eyes were full of fear!

When he was in Los Angeles, he was going to kill Jiang Fan!

Later, when Jiang Fan and Yue Jianhan were both defeated, they wanted to pick melons for cheap! However, he did not expect that he was seriously injured by Yue Jianhan's sword energy, and he could only escape desperately!

After returning to the capital, he didn't want to kill Jiang Fan all the time!

But because he was afraid of killing Jiang Fan and asked Chen Ling to tell the story of his eldest brother Lin Sheng's death, he finally resisted the killing intent!

Seeing, there are still five days left, that is the date of his marriage with Chen Ling, as long as Chen Ling is killed by that time, it will be Jiang Fan's death date!

Lin An even thought excitedly about how to torture Jiang Fan to death!

But who would have thought that Jiang Fan would come to the door on his own initiative before he could even start!

"Young Master Jiang, we might have misunderstood a little bit before, otherwise, let's have a good chat?"

"Is that necessary? Don't resist, I promise you will die happily!"

"Jiang Fan! You, don't deceive others too much!"

"I just deceived you!"

As Jiang Fan said, it was a big mouth without warning!


Lin An was pumped into the air and flew up, vomiting all over her mouth and teeth!

"Jiang Fan! How dare you fucking—"


Before Lin An finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already kicked his calf!


Lin An let out a miserable cry and wailed desperately while holding his calf!

"Jiang Fan! Young Master Jiang! Forgive me! Please, forgive me!"

Lin An burst into tears!

"Crack! Crack!"

Jiang Fan kicked out again!

Lin An's ribs broke all at once!

"Ah!!! Jiang Fan! You must not die! You must not die!"

Lin An convulsed in pain!

However, in the face of Jiang Fanhao's smoky aura, he didn't dare to resist at all!

"Don't die?"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and stepped on it again!


"Jiang Fan! You beast! Beast!"

Lin An howled desperately, rolling all over the floor in pain!

"It's almost there, Shao Lin, it's time to send you on the road!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, his eyes flashed with a hint of murderous intent!

"No, no!"

Lin An looked horrified, supported with both hands, crawling backwards desperately!

However, Jiang Fan made a heavy kick and stepped on his stomach!


Lin An suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood!

"Jiang Fan! Kill me, you will definitely die too! I'm down here, waiting—"

Lin An stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!



Jiang Fan stepped heavily and broke Lin An's neck completely!

Lin An's eyes widened suddenly, as if he couldn't believe it now, Jiang Fan really dared to kill himself!

Silently looking at Lin An's deadly corpse, Jiang Fan's eyes gradually showed a strange light!

"Shao Lin, you're afraid you won't understand until you die. I can kill you happily, but why do I want to torture you?"

"Now, I will tell you!"

As Jiang Fan said, a pair of white long-barreled gloves suddenly appeared in his hands!

That is the white glove of Saitama from the world of "One Punch Man"!

White gloves: This is a pair of gloves made by Saitama, soft, tough, and malleable!

Note: When you use this item, you can transfer the credit for killing the target to anyone at random!

"System! Use, white gloves!"


The white light flashed suddenly!

And Jiang Fan has continued to meditate silently in his heart!

"Conversion goal-Zhou Ning!"

"Hehehe, Shao Ning, this is my first gift for you!"

"Take it well, the Lu family's anger!"


Jiang Fan laughed wildly, turned around and left!

As Jiang Fan walked out of the villa, Lin An was hidden in his pocket, and the phone that was in the recording state suddenly flashed inexplicably!



Jiang Fan galloped all the way, and soon came to a nearby courtyard near the river!

Looking at this silently, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly appeared with a look of unspeakable remembrance!

The last time I came here was to escape the heat!

At that time, there was Xiao Lin, Wan Wu, and a group of children of the old servants of the Jiang family!

In the Jiang family, there is not much difference between the subordinate and the master!

The former Jiang Fan can be said to be a top-notch dude, but even then, for these servants and children of the Jiang family, they still get along as brothers and sisters!

Sometimes even these guys who ignore their respect and inferiority are chasing their heads!

But when the Jiang family destroyed the door, those idiots all stood in front of him one by one!

Looking at this other courtyard, Jiang Fan seemed to flash the scene of everyone playing together!

It's a pity, but now, he is already alone!

And the owner of this courtyard has also become - Zhou Ning!


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, his eyes had gradually returned to clarity!

"Wait, wait! Master won't let you die in vain!"

Jiang Fan muttered, a longbow full of patterns appeared in his hand!

Yunmeng Bow!

Fold a piece of paper and put it on the arrowhead, Jiang Fan suddenly bent his bow to shoot an arrow!


The arrow turned into a stream of light and steadily stuck in the middle of the courtyard of the other courtyard!

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