Everyone was stunned!

"Listen to me! I am Zhou Ning, I am definitely not a murderer! Let me go today, I will find out the truth and return one of you..."

Zhou Ning hasn't finished speaking!

"Grass mud horse! What about the twelfth level!"

"That's right! Kill him!"

"Even if you are a great master, don't even think about running today!"

"Brothers fight! Kill this frenzied murderer!"

The four families in the villa, without fear, roared, and suddenly rushed towards Zhou Ning!


In almost an instant, Zhou Ning's driver and bodyguard were completely torn to pieces by the crowd!

Even Cheng Yu was exploded by the four of Lin Chongyun, vomiting blood to the beater!


Zhou Ning let out a desperate roar, and suddenly shot!


The ninth level who stopped in front of him were all spitting blood and flying by him!

Afterwards, Zhou Ning grabbed Cheng Yu and suddenly rose into the air, rushing towards the outside of the villa from a distance!


"Contact the family master!"

"It's a full tens of kilometers away from Zhou's family, deploy defenses along the road to kill Zhou Ning!"

"The Lu family will never suffer this loss!"

"Follow me back to Lin's house and report this to the old lady!"

"The Yan family too, let the ancestors come to ask someone!"

"Zhou Ning is not dead, my Song family is endless!"

Accompanied by the roars of several powerful figures in the four families, a net of heaven and earth for chasing and killing Zhou Ning was completely formed!


In the hotel, unlike Zhou Ning, who is a bereaved dog, Jiang Fan's sleeping place is called a refreshing one!


The saliva is flowing out!

It wasn't until the door was pushed open that he instinctively woke up!

It was only when Jiang Fan opened his eyes that Jiang Fan realized that it was already bright, three rods in the sun!

And Wang Yi and his confidants who broke in were looking at himself with surprise!

"what happened?"

Jiang Fan yawned lazily!

"Master! Good thing! What a great thing!"

Wang Yi's excited eyes are shining!

"Two hours ago, Zhou Ning fought with Lin, Lu, Song, and Yan!"

Soon, Wang Yi recounted the news he had heard before!

"Master! Now the whole capital is going crazy!"

"I heard that people from these four houses are trying their best to hunt Zhou Ning!"

"Furthermore, the heads of the four families are preparing to go to Zhou's house and come to ask crimes!"

"This time, the Zhou family is dead!"

Wang Yi laughed!

Curtis and others are even more excited!


"It’s not that easy! Because of the time limit, I did this game last night just arbitrarily, and didn’t leave any back-hands. This alone would make at most a few rivals! As for letting these companies go to war, it’s not at all. may!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and leaned on the bed comfortably!


"This, is this the game you did?"

"We only got off the plane at nine o'clock last night, and the time for you to go out was only a few hours!"

"Such a terrifying round in such a short time!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Douglas and Christine were even more horrified!

so horrible!

No wonder Master Isaac favors Jiang Fan so much!

The wisdom of Master Jiang Fan is simply terrifying!

"It's not a game, just a small calculation! Unless you can kill the powerful figures of the Lin, Lu, Song, and Yan families, or you have to add a part of the benefits! Otherwise, it's just a few fourth-generation children, even the main family. Straight line is not enough for them to go to war!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Look at it, this matter will only go away in the end, but in the Zhou family secretly, I am afraid that some blood will come out!"

"As for Zhou Ning, I don't know about this little gift, he is still dissatisfied with it!"


"Zhou Ning is here!"

Accompanied by a roar!

"Swish swish!"

The three figures suddenly flew up and rushed directly into a small alley!

Opposite the three of them, it was Zhou Ning who was covered in blood!

Behind Zhou Ning was Cheng Yu who kept vomiting blood!

Zhou Ning's face was extremely gloomy at this moment, and none of the blood on his body belonged to him!

They were all from the Four Clan members who were badly injured by him, squirting out!

"Zhou Ning! Go to death!"

All three of them were level ten masters. When they saw Zhou Ning, their eyes reddened and they suddenly shot!


The attacks of the three hit Zhou Ning's forehead, heart, and calf, respectively!

However, Zhou Ning's face did not change, and her whole body trembled suddenly!


The three screamed and flew upside down!

The person is still in the air, already spouting a big mouthful of blood!

Zhou Ning actually used his body as a carrier to directly export all the Qi Jin that blasted into his body, and returned it to the three of them!

According to Zhou Ning's cultivation base, there is absolutely no need to do this!

However, this is the most energy-saving way to fight back!

Zhou Ning is too tired!

The people of the four families are like mad dogs. They can only travel ten kilometers, but even for such a short distance, they have been attacked by more than twenty waves!

In two of them, there are even twelve-level masters leading the team!

Without checking, Cheng Yu was almost beaten to death!

"Ning, Ning Shao, go by yourself, I, I can't drag you down!"

Cheng Yu said, spouting another mouthful of blood!

"It's okay! The manpower that the four families can send now is at most twelve levels!"

"As long as it is within the twelfth level, no one is my opponent!"

"Even if there is a thirteenth level, I am sure to take you away!"

Zhou Ning looked cold!

"The top priority now is to join hands with the help sent by the family as soon as possible!"

"Damn it! It's been more than two hours, why haven't they arrived yet!"

Zhou Ning's blue veins jumped on his forehead!


I have come from Zhuge who is alive, even if it is the Jiang family, they have been killed by myself!

But this time, it was actually calculated like this!

The key is that the other party actually knows himself so much!

That Feijian Chuanshu, if you change someone else, you will definitely have a lot of doubts!

But because I was so ancient, I didn't even have the slightest doubt!

Especially, the other party knew that he was in his current situation and urgently needed a piece of credit to overcome Jiang Fan's death, so he revealed the news that Lin An had killed Lin Sheng!

Let yourself enter the urn thoroughly!

Who the **** is this person who harmed himself!


Damn it!

Zhou Ning trembled with anger, his eyes were red!

At this moment!

"Huh! Zhou Ning's child, I finally found you!"

A thunderous sound suddenly exploded!

Immediately afterwards, a powerful and terrifying aura completely locked Zhou Ning!

"Level Fourteen?!"

Zhou Ning was shocked!

He never dreamed that the four families would actually have a fourteenth-level super master to shoot!

Zhou Ning grabbed Cheng Yu and wanted to escape!



With a loud shout, Zhou Ning was so angry that the other party roared, stiffening all over, and froze in place!

In the next moment, an old man with white beard and hair suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Ning!

This old man was wearing an antique gown, with a childlike appearance, but his left foot seemed to be somewhat disabled, and when he walked, he was limping!

However, Zhou Ning's cold sweat came down when he saw this person!

This person turned out to be the second generation of the Lin Family, the younger brother of Lin Shuci, the current Patriarch of the Lin Family, Lin Shucheng!

This old guy, but the existence of the peak of the fourteenth level!

Wugong is even better than Lin Shuci!

If he hadn't made a problem in his practice back then, causing a section of the meridian of his left leg to be abolished, I am afraid that he is already a master!

Facing such an old monster, Zhou Ning couldn't run even if he ran!

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