God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 747: If you want to eat him, you have to do the big picture

Almost all of the Zhou family above the second generation have a cool nature, and they can sacrifice everything for profit!

Zhou Yuande asked Zhou Ning to ask those people, on the one hand, to make those people pay, on the other hand, to take the opportunity to suppress Zhou Ning!

Since the Jiang family was destroyed, Zhou Ning's limelight has been a bit too strong!

Even when it is exuberant, it threatens him a little bit!

Seeing Zhou Ning's departure, Zhou Yuande gave Zhou Yandao a disdainful look!

"There is something wrong with my son, but you can't help at all. It's a waste!"

"Yes, yes, what my father said!"

Zhou Yandao only promises!


Zhou Yuande snorted, turned around and left!

"Big Brother..."

Zhou Yanzheng looked at Zhou Yandao with some heartache!

Back then, Zhou Yandao was the genius of the Zhou family!

At the age of thirty-five, he reached the level of a half-step master!

If it were not for Zhou Yuande to force the unprepared Zhou Yandao to attack the Grandmaster Realm for his own status, causing Zhou Yandao's merits to fall short and martial arts to be abolished, then the current Zhou family, I am afraid that...

"It's okay, it's okay! I'm used to it!"

Zhou Yandao laughed!

"Azheng, you have to worry about Xiaoning's affairs!"

"Brother don't worry, I have no heirs, Xiao Ning is my own son! There is such a way to calculate Xiao Ning, I will definitely not let them feel better!"

"They are all relatives, and peace is the most important thing, and peace is the most important thing!"

"Oh! Big brother... that's all!"

Zhou Yanzheng shook his head helplessly, turned and left the villa!

As everyone left, Zhou Yandao suddenly smiled coldly!

"Huh! Old fellow, if I really show something more, I'm afraid I won't live long, right?"

"You are much tougher than Zhou Yuanwang!"

Everyone thought that Zhou Yuande was trying to gain the upper hand in the struggle with Zhou Yuanwang, and this forced Zhou Yandao to attack Grandmaster!

But no one knew that at that time, Zhou Yandao had absolute certainty that he could enter the Grandmaster Realm!

It's just that he was attacked at a critical juncture when he was about to break through. This was a failure and his martial arts were all abolished!

And the person who attacked him was Zhou Yuande!

And the reason why this hometown did this was just because he was afraid that his future would threaten him!

"This old guy is cool in nature, can't do anything for himself?"

"Xiao Ning is so strange, does it have something to do with this old guy?"

"No, it seems we have to speed up!"

There was a glimmer of light in Zhou Yandao's eyes!


At the moment, a corner of the restaurant in Beihai Hotel!


Jiang Fan patted his stomach comfortably!

It's so comfortable to wake up and eat!

If Zhou Ning sees him now and knows how to calculate himself, but Jiang Fan, who does not know when he came to the capital, I am afraid that the **** will get angry!

"Master! There's new news again!"

Wang Yi, with a happy expression, ran in from the outside anxiously!

"Some reporters saw the four-family motorcade and they were heading to Zhou's house!"

"If you can't fight, you will lose a little money and it will be over. Why are you so excited?"

Jiang Fan waved his hand boredly!

"By the way, how do you arrange your itinerary in the capital?"

"It's simple here in the capital. It's okay today. I will participate in an interview tomorrow morning, the premiere in the evening, and then wait for the global release!"

"Okay! Book an air ticket for tomorrow night! After attending the premiere, go directly back to Los Angeles!"

"Huh? So fast?"

Everyone was stunned!

"Well! The ghost place in the capital seems to be calm, but in reality there are reef storms everywhere!"

"Although I am sure to stir up the situation, there are too many variables here, and if one is not careful, it is easy to get myself in! It is better to get out as soon as possible!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"But, don't you always say that wealth is in danger?"

"Indeed! But the seven giants and the four great families are not ordinary people. I was surprised by my surprise. This has a miraculous effect. If the same thing happens again, it will be impossible to hide it!"

"Beijing, it's a game of chess, and the Zhou family has now become a big dragon! If you want to kill him, you have to make a big game!"

"It's a pity that although I have the brainpower to make games, I don't have the strength to make games!"

"Although I have a hole card that is not worse than the grandmaster level, I am only a person, and among the giants in the capital, there is definitely more than one grandmaster!"

"What's more, if the capital is in chaos, I'm afraid that ten monsters will be shot!"

Jiang Fan looked at the blue sky outside the window for a long time, and sighed faintly!

"The ten monsters?"

All of them are covered in circles!

Only Curtis suddenly widened his eyes!

"Master, you, what you said, shouldn't it be Tianding Shiji?!"

"Ten Ding and Ten Extremes? What is that?"

"Why never heard of it?"

Wang Yi and others looked blank!

"This, I also saw it accidentally in the Dark Council!"

"It is said that they are the ten strongest people in China! Even the seven giants and the four big families can't afford to provoke them!"

Curtis said slowly!

"so smart!"

All of them were stunned!

"Don't think about this, right, Miss Su and the others?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"I went out in the morning! I heard it seems to be, I am home!"

"Come back home?"

Jiang Fan was startled, but suddenly remembered that Su Lingyu seemed to be a native of Beijing!

It's just that her family background seems to have never been reported by a reporter!

"By the way, Miss Su said, I'm afraid I can't go back to the hotel today, and the mobile phone may have no signal, so you can remember her words, don't be impulsive! Then, don't be wronged!"

Wang Yi said hurriedly!

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled and shook his head, and suddenly took out an ordinary mask and put it on!

"Let's go, go out and visit! I will pay for all the consumption today!"

"Long live sir!"

"Praise you my master!"

"My lord is mighty!"

"Foster father is really domineering!"

A group of people happily left the hotel, riding on the Mercedes-Benz business arranged by Zhang Wentao, frantically opening the consumption mode!

Who says men don’t like shopping? The key is to see, what is needed!

The car drove all the way to get off people!

Wang Yi and Lu Bu are naturally going to the red light district for health care!

The Douglas brothers and sisters chose Food City!

As for Curtis, this necromancer is going to the antique street!

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

"The water is deep in that place, don't be pitted!"

"Master, you don't know this. Speaking of identifying antiquities and rich knowledge of tombs, each of our necromancers is a master!"

Curtis looked smug!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and immediately understood!

The entry-level course for the Necromancer is to dig out the grave and absorb the breath of death!

There is a saying that practice makes perfect, planing and planing, naturally it will pass!

Unexpectedly, the Necromancer has the function of appraising treasures!

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan's heart suddenly moved!

Although the antique street is very pitted, but don't care if it is pitted, in case you encounter something that can change the cause and effect!


Soon, the two came to Antique Street!

I saw that the street here is spacious, with shops on both sides, and there are countless stalls on the street!

When there are the most people on the antique street, it is in the morning!

Although it's noon now, there are still a lot of people, and there are crowds everywhere bargaining or looking through things in silence!

The things on the stall are not without antiques, but they are all modern. Even if there are ancient ones, most of them are defective or extremely damaged!

This kind of thing, the system does not even give half a causal point!

However, with the attitude of giving it a try, the two still turned around in front of a few stalls!

The result was naturally nothing. Jiang Fan was about to enter the shops on both sides, but at this moment!

Curtis suddenly looked happy!

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