God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 749: Discover one and protect one

Xiangzhou has always been known for its mountains and rivers, and it is only a few hundred kilometers away from Los Angeles. Celebrities have been buried there in all dynasties. There are battles in the mountains. Naturally, it is not surprising!

Jiang Fan suddenly tore off a piece of sticky paper and wrote his number on it!

"If you meet him next time, let him contact me!"


Wu Jingui nodded hurriedly!

"By the way, you took it from him before and said that it was something that has been stolen. To whom did you sell it?"


Wu Jingui hesitated for a moment, but when he saw Jiang Fan's eyes, he hurriedly spoke!

"Boss Zhang! Boss Zhang of Banyuezhai! His Banyuezhai is on this street, just walk one hundred meters to the right from the teahouse!"


Soon, Jiang Fan and Curtis came to Ban Yue Zhai!

The half-moon fast is not small, it has two floors. The first floor is full of bogu racks with some porcelain antiques, but even those who don't know how to do it know that most of the displayed are fakes!

Real licensed goods will be traded privately!

Seeing Jiang Fan and the two came in, a woman in a cheongsam greeted him immediately!

"What do the two gentlemen need?"

"Is the boss here? I have something in my hand, I want to ask him to help with palms!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly with his hands behind his back!

The woman's complexion moved slightly!

"Sir, the boss is upstairs waiting for guests. The two of you have some tea first and wait a moment!"


The two sat in front of the tea table, and the woman immediately poured water and tea skillfully!

"Sir, I don't know what kind of treasure you have. I'm fascinated by it here. Why don't you let him take a look first?"

The woman handed Jiang Fan a cup of tea and said with a smile!

Jiang Fan took one out of his backpack at will, and threw the silver medal left over from the previous robbery!

The woman was taken aback and hurriedly caught it!

Just seeing the pattern of the silver medal, the woman took a deep breath!

What is carved on this silver medal is a picture of a banquet, the characters are vividly copied, and the corner patterns are full of strong exotic colors!

"This, silver jewelry from the ancient Roman period at this time!"

The woman exclaimed!

"Huh? Good eyesight!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

It is indeed an antique business, even foreign goods can be seen!

"Mr. It's ridiculous. If it weren't for studying world art history in Qiqiu, I'm afraid I would not be able to see this thing!"

The woman gave a wry smile!

This gentleman definitely has a great background!

Look at the way he throws this thing out casually, this antique with a history of thousands of years is just an opening dish!

I'm afraid they may not be able to eat this kind of patrons!

And Jiang Fan and Curtis were also startled!

Do you still need to study in this business?

Sure enough, the integration of the world is not just talking!

It seems that it's not easy to mix in any line!

Several people were talking, and there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs!

"Miss, Qing young man, then it's settled, I promise to tell you the news within a few days!"

A pleased male voice rang!

"Hmm! Don't worry, I was also doing a protective excavation there, and the group of soil mice in the province destroyed the historic site!"

A slightly gloomy male voice sounded!

"What Qing said is! If the other party knows that you are willing to pay so much money, you will have a happy mouth with a crooked smile!"

Jiang Fan turned his head and saw that two men and a woman were walking down the stairs!

One of them is fat, obviously the boss, while the other man is tall, and as for the woman--

Ugh? Is Mao so familiar?

Jiang Fan was thinking, that woman had already spoken!

"Boss Zhang, although money is not a problem, but..."

"The stars?!"

Jiang Fan suddenly exclaimed!

The next moment, the woman trembled all over and turned around suddenly!

Exactly, Xia Fanxing!

"Jiang Fan!"

Although Jiang Fan was wearing a mask, Xia Fanxing recognized him at a glance!

For a moment, her face was full of joy, and she almost rushed over and hugged Jiang Fan!

The beauty is in his arms, the warm fragrant nephrite makes Jiang Fan's nostrils twitch again!


Come again!

Jiang Fan ran the exercises, and suddenly suffocated his nosebleeds back!


Jiang Fan took off his mask and took two breaths hard!

"Jiang Fan! It's really you! Why did you come to the capital?"

Xia Fanxing looked happy!


Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, the man with Xia Fanxing frowned!

"Fanxing, who is he?"

This man was in his thirties, his figure was thin, his skin looked a little rough, but his eyebrows were extremely handsome, and his whole body was full of a scent of scrolls!

When he saw this man, Jiang Fan was suddenly upset!

"and who are you?"

Seeing a smell of gunpowder between the two of them, Xia Fanxing was startled!

Then, Liu brows were upside down!

"Second brother! What are you screaming! This is me—my boyfriend, Jiang Fan!"

"Second brother?!"

"Your boyfriend?!"

Jiang Fan and Xia Yuanqing both widened their eyes!

The next moment, the two chuckled twice, reaching out and shaking each other's hands!


Seeing that Jiang Fan did not refuse to say that he was a boyfriend, Xia Fanxing was immediately happy!

As for Curtis, his face changed directly!


Amazing master!

Not only did he have a leg with the superstar Su Lingyu, but now he has such a beautiful girlfriend!

Is this world really relying on the face to eat?

Then I, Curtis, don't want to be with Bear Biscuit forever?

"Jiang Fan, why did you come to the capital?"

"Just do something temporarily, by the way, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"My second brother usually likes to study antiques, and I came out with him today!"

Xia Fanxing said, pointing at a box Xia Yuanqing was holding in his left hand!

"Smelt it! It's the breath of blood roots!"

Curtis suddenly looked excited, and also pointed at the box!

Jiang Fan's expression moved, these things were actually bought by Xia Yuanqing?

Then those words he just said--

"Fanxing, find a place to sit down!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!


Several people returned to the previous teahouse again!

"Hehe, brother-in-law, what do you do?"

As soon as he sat down, Xia Yuanqing looked at Jiang Fan with a pleasing expression!


"Takeaway?...Good! Good!"

Xia Yuanqing was stunned, but beyond everyone's expectations, there was no slightest objection to it!

"Brother-in-law is so handsome and free and easy, so he should be a takeaway!"

Jiang Fan is a bit square!

Can't help but look at Xia Fanxing: "Your second brother... has a normal brain?"

"Huh! He doesn't care who I look for, the point is, just give him money!"

Xia Fanxing rolled his eyes!

"Huh? Your family, don't you lack money?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"My family is indeed not short of money, but my dad is more ruthless against him than against thieves!"

"My second brother is an archaeology fan. His life ambition is to protect all the ancient tombs in China!"

"My dad gave him a company before, but he used all the money to buy the tomb thief!"

"Also tell them, find one, protect one!"

"Just tell him where there is an ancient tomb, and once he determines the value of the ancient tomb, he will directly give the tomb thief a large sum of money, and then report the news for protective excavation!"

Xia Fanxing looked miserable at home!

"This... noble and noble!"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

"Hehe, everywhere, it's all about protecting the treasures of civilization, I just do what I can do!"

Xia Yuanqing looked indifferent to Mingzhi!

"Master, your uncle, it seems that there is indeed a problem with your brain!"

Curtis secretly said cautiously!

"It's not an ordinary problem! Because this old man has broken his financial lifeline, and the eldest brother doesn't allow him to mess around, so he desperately tries to please me!"

Xia Fanxing sighed!

"By the way, look at you, you seem to be interested in these kinds of antiques?"

Xia Fanxing said, pointing at the box!

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