God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 755: The mighty power of the world

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was shocked!


"It's worthy of being the teacher's benefactor, domineering!"

"This momentum is simply amazing!"

Mingjiao people admire!


Zhang Wuji was even more excited, tears shed again!

Just the same as before!

This time, the benefactor stood in front of him again!

The six major factions were directly angry!


"Too arrogant!"

"You want to protect Mingjiao on your own? Rampant!"

"Humph! Just let me Tang Wenliang meet you!"

Among the Kongtong faction, a man with a tenth level aura suddenly appeared more and more, punching Jiang Fan!

"It's Tang Wenliang, one of the five elders of Kongtong!"

"Haha, Don's Seven Injury Fist is extremely overbearing, and one punch can kill this kid!"

"Kill Jiang Fan first, then destroy Mingjiao!"

People from the six major factions laughed loudly!

"No good! Hurry up and hide!"

"Seven wounded punches, one punched seven wounds! When hit by this fist, there are no visible scars on the outside, but the internal organs will be shattered!"

"This Tang Wenliang actually hit the killer!"

"Don't take it hard, just hide!"

The Mingjiao people exclaimed for a while!

And Tang Wenliang's fist had already hit Jiang Fan's eyes!

But at this moment!

"Seven wound fist? Huh!"

Jiang Fan didn't dodge, and he blasted out with a backhand punch!

It's just that this punch blasted out, and it caused a lot of thunder!

Tang Wenliang's pupils shrank, only to feel that his scalp was about to explode!



Tang Wenliang didn't even have time to scream, and Jiang Fan's whole body was blasted into a pile of minced meat!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the fifth elder Tang Wenliang from Kongtong, and successfully extracting the "Seven Damage Boxing"

be quiet!

It's quiet!

"Got it!"

"Too, too fierce!"

"Even with a punch, Tang Wenliang was beaten to death!"

"Is this guy a demon?"

The six major factions only feel dry and dry for a while!

"Asshole! The shot is so vicious!"

Among Shaolin, a monk jumped up suddenly, his hands claws, and he buckled Jiang Fan directly!

"Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand!"

"It's Master Yuanyin!"

"This kid is dead!"

The crowd was excited!



Jiang Fan didn't dodge, but he punched again!


Yuanyin let out a miserable cry, and the whole person, like Tang Wenliang, was blown to pieces again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beating Shaolin Yuanyin and successfully drawing "Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand"!"

"One punch, another punch!"

"This kid is too fierce!"

"Damn it! Who is he? Except for Zhang Wuji, how can there be such a terrifying master in the Demon Cult!"

"The key is that he is much more ruthless than Zhang Wuji! Shots will kill!"

The six major factions saw a palpitation!

But a man from the Kunlun faction waved his hand fiercely!

"Single alone is great, I don't believe him to attack in groups! Arrange a sword formation!"

"Swish swish!"

In the blink of an eye, seven Kunlun elders armed with long swords had already surrounded Jiang Fan!

"Kunlun Sword Array!"

"It is said that this sword formation is extremely powerful, and even the four major guardians of the Demon Cult are not opponents!"

"This time, you can definitely subdue this kid!"

The crowd renewed their confidence!


The sword formation just started!


A dazzling white light suddenly lit up from Jiang Fan's hand!

Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

next moment!

"Puff puff!"

With seven muffled sounds in a row, seven heads suddenly flew up!

Kunlun Sword Array, one sword kills in seconds!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

too frightening!

This kid is simply a monster!

Jiang Fan suddenly took a step forward!

Look at the six major factions coldly!

"Who else!"

All those who were swept by Jiang Fan's eyes were evasive with horror!

Actually, no one dared to look at him!

"Great, great! Too great!"

"It's worthy of being the teacher's benefactor, it's so domineering!"

"Especially this decisive killing, no one can beat it!"

"It's saved! This time we are definitely saved!"

The Mingjiao congregants are very excited!

"Asshole! Let's go together!"

An elder of Huashan sent a loud shout!

The crowd glanced at each other, and suddenly the elders of all factions rushed up!

Only the Wudang faction hesitated and did not move!

Seeing the crowd smashed, Jiang Fan smiled grimly!

The long sword suddenly flicked!

next moment!

"Swipe it!"

A blood mist suddenly rose to the sky!

Countless stumps and broken arms were sprayed out like an explosion!

"What a fast sword!"

"Oh my God! What kind of swordsmanship is this!"

"Ah! My hand!"

"Run! This kid is a monster!"

Countless miserable howls sounded!

Everyone is desperately backing away!

Only in an instant, within a hundred meters of Jiang Fan, apart from the hot blood and dead bodies everywhere, there was no more living person!

Everyone just feels that the soul is trembling!

too frightening!

This kid's swordsmanship is simply through mystery!

That ruthless means of killing is even more like a demon!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with fear!

And Jiang Fan actually took a step forward again!

Suddenly roar!

"Who else!!"


The people of the six major factions were so scared that they backed away one after another!

All of a sudden, the six major factions that were already at the forefront of their military capacity were almost defeated!

The minds of Mingjiao congregants only watched!

Too domineering!

Thousands of people are forced to retreat by one person!

Throughout the ages, unprecedented!

But at this moment!

"No, don't be afraid! This kid, there is only one person!"

"Our six major factions have a thousand people!"

"Employing people to fill in can also fill him to death!"

The one who talked has actually been relieved, Master Exterminator!

The six major factions suddenly changed their faces!

He actually surrounded Jiang Fan again!

The Extinction Master had already smiled grimly, and the long sword suddenly came out of its sheath and aimed at Jiang Fan!

"Boy! Today, it's you and Mingjiao—Nani?!"

Not only is it extinct, everyone's eyes widened in an instant!

I saw Jiang Fan thrust the long sword into the ground, and then, a huge gun with a hideous appearance appeared directly in his hand!

Six-barreled Vulcan Cannon!

"Tell you, the number of people always makes no sense to Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly, and suddenly pulled the trigger!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The Vulcan Cannon suddenly let out a loud roar!

The tongue of the muzzle burst out more than a meter long in an instant!


"My leg! My leg was knocked off!"

"What is this!"

"What a terrible hidden weapon!"

"I don't want to mess around! I want my mother!"

"Help! Help!"


In an instant, the six corpses were everywhere!

A group of people **** and ran away!

I can't even take care of weapons and banners!

Everyone can't wait to become a cheetah!

In the blink of an eye, the entire Guangmingding was completely wiped out, and it was peaceful!

Yin Tian is stunned!

Wei Yi smiled dumbfounded!

Yang Xiao was stunned!

All the Mingjiao congregants were all dumbfounded!

Even Zhang Wuji, who desperately sucked at the chopped fish head, looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

The look in his eyes is full of worship and panic!

It's too fierce!

Worthy of beggar!

The six major factions with strong soldiers and majestic horses were actually run away by him alone!

This is going against the sky!


Jiang Fan blew his muzzle!

"Wasting my bullets! A bunch of chores!"

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the six major factions, Jiang Fan sipped disdainfully!


All the Mingjiao people swallowed and spit!

What is domineering?

This is domineering!

So handsome!

Too sturdy!

Simply supernatural!

One ride is a thousand!

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