Jiang Fan thought about it, and directly moved the universe to the third level!

Anyway, the potential for the great shift of the universe is based on a percentage!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host "The Great Shift of the Universe" for reaching the third level! The copying skills are currently reserved-six!"

In an instant, the zhenqi in Jiang Fan's body actually skyrocketed again, and it increased by 50% compared to before!

And the energy that can be accumulated has reached the fifth level!


Jiang Fan laughed!

This time, it was so cool!


There are two more rewards!

Qishang Boxing Book (Bronze Grade): Kongtong School Peerless Boxing Technique! They are the Heart-damaging Jue, the Lung-damaging Jue, the Liver Intestine Jue, the Cangli Jue, the Essence Loss Jue, the Trance Jue, and the Seven Injury Jue! Fist strength and treacherous changes, one punch seven wounds!

Remarks: Learn this skill, you can send out different strengths at the same time, either fierce or feminine, destroying the enemy's internal organs, complex fist strength, flickering throughput, changeable, amazing power!

Tip: Cultivation below level 10 will have seven injuries in one practice!

This thing is really not serious martial arts!

However, it can be used for Long Yan to practice!

He doesn't need weapons himself, this boxing technique is just right for him! And he himself is level ten, so don't worry about the sequelae!

Shaolin Dragon Claw Slayer (Bronze Grade): One of Shaolin's 72 stunts. After training, his power is amazing!

Remarks: This skill is divided into thirty-six styles, fierce and fierce, with amazing power!

Give Long Yan too!

Anyway, I have a big shift, when Long Yan learns, watch him type it again, copy it and it will be OK!

"Ding! Because the host slaughtered a large number of disciples of the six major factions, he achieved the title-the villain of the rivers and lakes!"

"Ding! System prompt! When the host enters this world next time, he will be cast aside by the righteous people!"

It doesn't matter!

The villain: Wearing this title will reduce the goodwill of the righteous person towards you by 50%! But the evil people's favorability for you will increase by 100%!

Keep it first!

Look at the causal point, 7154!

Jiang Fan is satisfied!

"System! Back!"


Jiang Fan has returned to the real world!

Everyone only saw that Jiang Fan had just entered the bathroom, and then turned around again!

"Brother-in-law, you, why did you go?"

Xia Yuanqing's face was covered in circles!

But Curtis is not surprised!

"It's okay!"

Jiang Fan smiled and took his seat again!

But at this moment!


The door of the private room was suddenly kicked open!

Immediately afterwards, a gloomy and stunning beauty has strode into the private room!

Behind her was Manager Li with a panic face!

"Miss! Miss! Hurry up! Stop here! There are few people here—"

Before Manager Li had finished speaking, the woman had already pointed at Xia Yuanqing!

"Xia Yuanqing! You bastard!"


Manager Li shut up directly, her eyes rolled around, and she turned around and left!

This beauty obviously has a lot to do with the youth!

It's better not to blend in with this kind of thing!

When Xia Yuanqing saw the woman, her eyes widened suddenly!

"You, you, you, you, you-why are you here?!"

"Humph! If I don't come, how can I see your good deeds!"

The woman's face is like frost!

Point to the others!

"Fuck me all!"

All of a sudden, in the private room, except for Jiang Fan, everyone rushed out!

"Xia Yuanqing! You are not as good as a pig and a dog! You don't show up for ten and a half days at every turn, and when you show up, you actually ran here to have fun!"

"No, you listen to me explain, I am because..."

"I won't listen! Follow me right away!"

The woman said, she reached out and grabbed Xia Yuanqing's collar!

"No, no! Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law, save me!"

Xia Yuanqing grabbed Jiang Fan by the sleeve!

"Yo? Brother-in-law? Xia Yuanqing, you are really good at it! You dare to bring your brother-in-law out to find pleasure, it seems that you are not even afraid of Xia Fanxing now!"

The woman smiled coldly and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"You! Lift your head! Take off that mask! I want to see, what kind of stuff are you!"

"This... isn't necessary?"

Jiang Fan laughed dryly!

"Stop talking nonsense! Let you pick it, you pick it! Otherwise, girl, I'll do it myself!"

The woman looked gloomy!


Jiang Fan sighed, finally raised his head slowly, and then took off his mask!

"Miss Gentle, meet again!"

"You! How could it be you!"

The woman suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Jiang Fan with an incredulous expression!

She turned out to be Jiang Fan met in Shencheng. She likes to read the overbearing president's article, saying that Jiang Fan plays with fire and is gentle!

At that time in Shencheng, Wen Rou also wanted Jiang Fan to help her with a ritual that she had died, but since then, the two have not been in contact!

Unexpectedly, met here today!

"Ahem, I didn't expect Miss Gentle to be so young--"

"No! I came to find him for my friend! I have nothing to do with him!"

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, Gentle hurriedly yelled!

Don't let Jiang Fan misunderstand!

"This sad guy knows that Yu Xiaodie has a deep affection for him, but he just hangs Xiaodie!"

"I know that Xiaodie is vomiting blood, so I can't even look at it!"


Xia Yuanqing's eyes widened suddenly!

"Fluttershy vomits blood again?!"

"Huh! What kind of pretense? Did your Xia Er Young Master really care about Fluttershy!"

"No, no, I, I..."

Xia Yuanqing trembled all over, with a sad expression on his face!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Looking at Xia Yuanqing's appearance, it is obvious that he still has feelings for that Xiaodie!

Does he have any unspeakable concealment?

However, Yu Xiaodie?

Why is this name a little familiar?

"Miss Gentle, that Miss Yu's condition is very serious?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Yeah! Xiaodie was in good health. I don't know why. Since two years ago, her body has been worsening every day, and occasionally she would vomit blood!

"I have seen all the examinations, and have searched all the Chinese and Western medicines. No symptoms can be found at all!"

"Now, I can only rely on the expert of the medicine door to continue her life!"

"The last time I asked you to help me with the ritual, the name was that I was from the Wen family, but in fact, it was for her!"

Explain gently and hurriedly!

She doesn't even know why when she sees Jiang Fan, she feels rushed!

Especially, thinking of the last time he and Jiang Fan almost kissed her, she suddenly blushed!


How could Jiang Fan become the son-in-law of the Xia family?

I never heard of Xia Fanxing getting married!

Could it be that Xia Yuanqing deliberately pulled relatives?


Jiang Fan has the ability to borrow his life. In Shencheng, Jin Deyan even worshipped Jiang Fan in order to get his life!

The Xia family wanted to use Xia Fanxing to win over Jiang Fan, which was even more unexpected!

At the thought of this, Gentle breathed a sigh of relief!

"Well, I still know two-handed medicine, why don't I go and have a look?"


Unexpectedly, Gentle and Xia Yuanqing actually spoke at the same time!

Soon, a few people left the hotel and went straight to home!

However, looking at the direction of the car, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up with a strange color!


With the sudden brake sound, the car finally stopped at the door of an old house covering a very large area!

This is a prosperous area in the capital, but within a full mile of the house, there is actually not half a tall building!

This is obviously not that the developer does not want to build it, but that they dare not move this land at all!

Looking at the old house in front of him, Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!


Sure enough, it is Yu family!

Seven giants, Yujia!

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