It was Tao Yuan who was talking!

At this moment, Tao Yuanzheng looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

He is so familiar with Jiang Fan's voice!

Almost in an instant, let him return to Los Angeles!

Back to that, the moment of intimate contact with Yoneda!

He even recalled the slightly sour touch of the toilet brush on his head, and he knew it clearly!

That takeaway!

This guy with a mask must be the **** takeaway!

"Bastard! What are you! How dare you talk to your master like this!"

Curtis looked ruthless, and suddenly pointed at Tao Yuan!


A group of yin fire suddenly rose from Tao Yuan's feet!

It only takes a few seconds to burn Tao Yuan into a pile of dry bones!


Tao Yuan screamed in shock!



Yu Miaoyan, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly snorted coldly, and squeezed his right hand in Tao Yuan's direction!

next moment!

That group of yin fire actually "waves" directly and exploded into a plume of smoke!

Curtis was slightly startled!

And Yu Miaoyan has looked at Curtis coldly!

"Dare to commit a crime at my Yu's house, looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, she was already facing Curtis, and suddenly a wisp of wind popped out!

Curtis hadn't reacted yet, Jiang Fan actually flicked his finger!


Two strands of finger wind collided, unexpectedly blowing up a violent wind!

Jiang Fankuo stood still, motionless!

And Yu Miaoyan was shocked to take a step back!


"Yu Miaoyan is a master at the eleventh level!"

"Mr. Jiang is so amazing!"

"Oh my God! Unexpectedly, my brother-in-law is still a super master!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock!

And Yu Miaoyan had already screamed!

"How do you know my martial arts?!"

At this moment, she was horrified!

The air force of this hand can be released even if the internal force reaches a certain level, but she uses a unique technique!

Qi Jin is far more powerful than normal excitation!

But Jiang Fan just flicked his finger, and it was exactly the same as her technique!

This is incredible!

However, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Turned around and walked towards the bedroom!

Yu Miaoyan hesitated for a moment, but he didn't stop it!


As soon as Tao Yuan gritted his teeth, he was about to rush forward!

However, Zhu Tianxing suddenly grabbed him!

"No hurry! In a moment, when he begs me!"

"But master, this kid is the one who insulted me in Los Angeles!"


Zhu Tianxing was startled!

"Didn't you say that he is a takeaway? How can he come with Gentle?"

"Yes, that kid is a takeaway! As for why he came home, I don't know!"


Zhu Tianxing's face is gloomy!

"Go! Go and take a look!"

Jiang Fan and others walked into the bedroom, and suddenly saw a delicate woman, lying halfway on the bed looking at the phone!

It's just that this woman's complexion is obviously with an abnormal red color!

She is the daughter of the owner of the Yu family, Yu Xiaodie!

Seeing Jiang Fan, Gentle and the others coming in, Yu Xiaodie's expression was overwhelmed!


However, after seeing Xia Yuanqing, she suddenly showed a look of ecstasy!

"Big Brother Yuanqing!"

Xia Yuanqing walked a few steps quickly and wanted to hug Xiaodie!

However, after walking to the bed, he forcibly suppressed his emotions!

Just asked softly: "You, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Brother Yuanqing, why are you here? Are you here to see me?"

Yu Xiaodie looked happy!


Before Xia Yuanqing had finished speaking, the door of the living room suddenly opened!

Immediately afterwards, a slightly hoarse male voice suddenly sounded!

"Who was it just now! How dare to make trouble in my Yu family!"

Accompanied by this sound, a man in his thirties with a thin body and full of shame in his eyebrows, has strode in!

Upon seeing this person, Master Zhu Tianxing was overjoyed!

"Ze Shao!"

This person is Yu Xiaodie's own brother, Yu Xiaoze!

"What happened just now? Who moved the hand?"

Yu Xiaoze asked coldly!

"It's him! It's this kid's hands!"

Tao Yuan pointed directly at Jiang Fan!

At this moment, a group of people gathered at the door of the bedroom. Yu Xiaoze looked in the direction of Tao Yuan's fingers, but his complexion changed slightly!


"Huh! It turned out to be Shao Ze!"

The gentle face is also not pretty!

"Miss Wen, just returned to the capital, came to my house to choose something, what do you mean?"

"Ze Shao, feel free to learn, don't you need to go online?"

Smile softly and coldly!

"Aze, it is true!"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Yu Miaoyan actually spoke slowly and lukewarm!

Yu Xiaoze's face is gloomy!

And Master Zhu Tianxing, looked at Yu Xiaoze, and looked at tenderness, and for a moment, suddenly felt something wrong!

They have met Wenrou twice, only knowing that they are friends of Yu Xiaodie, but they don't know the specific family background!

Now, seeing that gentleness and rigidity are just like Xiaoze, but Yu Miaoyan actually speaks towards gentleness, it is obvious that gentleness is a big man with a lot of background!

And that takeaway boy, since he is with Gentle, he has obviously climbed to the top!

damn it!

Diaosi counterattack is simply unbearable!

"Since my sister-in-law said it was okay, I was reckless!"

Yu Xiaoze grinned reluctantly, and was about to leave!

Just then!

The moment he turned around, he suddenly saw Xia Yuanqing standing next to Xiaodie's bed!

"Xia Yuanqing!"

Yu Xiaoze's eyes suddenly cold!

Suddenly rushed towards Xia Yuanqing, and then grabbed him by the collar!

"You dare to come home, it seems that the lessons I taught you last time were not enough!"

"Three brothers! What are you going to do?"

Yu Xiaodie was shocked, struggling desperately, and was about to get up!

"Xiaodie! Don't move! This kid Xia Yuanqing is approaching you obviously with bad intentions! Today, I will let him disappear completely!"

Yu Xiaoze said, pulling Xia Yuanqing and leaving!

"Brother 3! Don't Brother 3!"

When Yu Xiaodie was anxious, he vomited a mouthful of blood!


Xia Yuanqing, who was originally dragged by Yu Xiaoze, like a dead dog, suddenly broke away from Xiaoze and rushed towards Yu Xiaodie desperately!

It's just that he hasn't waited to rush to Yu Xiaodie's side!


Yu Xiaoze actually kicked Xia Yuanqing away!

"You rubbish, you deserve to touch Fluttershy too?"

As Yu Xiaoze said, he has gently supported Yu Xiaodie!

"Sister, are you okay?"

"I, I'm okay, third brother, please, you, don't embarrass Brother Yuanqing!"

Yu Xiaodie's teary eyes are hazy!

"You stupid girl! This **** is obviously taking advantage of you! Are you still begging for him?"

"You do the math yourself, when did he call you before, not to borrow money? How much money did he swindle from you over the years?"

"This kind of man, let me kill it!"

Yu Xiaoze looked at Xia Yuanqing with contempt!

"No third brother, yes, I volunteered. Brother Yuanqing has ambitions, and I am willing to support him!"

"You! Alas!"

Yu Xiaoze's angry face turned blue!

And Jiang Fan, his eyes widened!

He finally figured out the relationship between Xia Yuanqing and Yu Xiaodie!

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