
This is definitely a huge bet!

"Can't bet!"

"Jiang Fan! Say your terms!"

"Asshole! What do you want!"

All Zhou family members are in a hurry!

Even Zhou Yuanwang couldn't take care of the hot pain on his face and screamed desperately!


"Shut up! You trash, you are not eligible to bargain with me!"

Jiang Fan gave a gloomy smile, and said in a deep voice!


For a moment!

Everyone's hearts are beating!

Zhou Ning was sweating profusely for an instant!

Three seconds!


But for Zhou Ning, these three seconds are simply longer than three years!

If you win the bet, you will get revenge!

Jiang Fan will definitely die miserably!

But if you lose, then the entire Zhou family will completely become history!

This bet is too big!

Zhou Ning's hands trembled!

Sometimes the eyes are dark, sometimes fearful!


Jiang Fan's voice sounded like thunder in Zhou Ning's ears!

Suddenly his eyes were fierce, and he touched the nuclear bomb suddenly!

For a moment!

Everyone's hearts jumped to their throats!


Seeing that Zhou Ning's hand was about to touch the nuclear bomb, his movement suddenly stopped!


Accompanied by Jiang Fan's last reading sounded!

Zhou Ning trembled all over, and finally dropped his arms weakly!

He is scared!

He is really scared!

Using Jiang Fan's life alone to gamble the entire Zhou family, he can't afford to gamble!

"Jiang Fan, what do you want?"

Zhou Ning slowly raised his head, looking at Jiang Fan in despair!

He lost!

Those who lose, still have their own courage!

He gave up this gamble, which is equivalent to giving his life to Jiang Fan completely!

Even if Jiang Fan tortured him, he had no room for resistance at all!

In an instant, Zhou Ning seemed to be back two years ago, back to that, extremely desperate moment!

"What do I want?"

Jiang Fan chuckled, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, patted Zhou Ning's face both lightly and lightly!


With this slap, it doesn't hurt or itchy at all!

However, with such a slap in the face, Zhou Ning's whole body was trembling!

In an instant, what was more in his heart was not shame, but that kind of inexplicable fear!

It's exactly the same!

It's exactly the same as the slap in the face two years ago!

Two years ago, Jiang Fan slapped himself like this, making his trip to Los Angeles a joke!

Let yourself lose face in front of the Wang family father and son!

Even this slap in the face once became his nightmare!

"Zhou Ning! Tell me about you, are you cheap? Huh?"

"I originally planned to let you continue to enjoy the rest of the day, but you just want to come to me!"

"You are so dead! It's still the same as before, so stupid that makes people cry!"

Jiang Fan smiled happily!

The right hand patted Zhou Ning's face again and again!

The corners of Zhou Ning's eyes twitched, and there was resentment in his eyes, but more, but all of them were fear!

"Jiang Fan! You, don't be proud! Don't forget, your two subordinates are still in my hands!"

Zhou Ning gritted his teeth!

Jiang Fan attaches great importance to love and justice, and will never let his two subordinates die easily!

I have a chance!


"Don't be idiot! I don't even want my own life. Do you think I care about their life and death?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

Zhou Ning was stunned!

"You, don't you care about love and justice? They, they are all your confidantes!"

"Heart? Do you think someone who has been with me for a few days can become my confidant?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Zhou Ning was startled slightly, then his complexion changed drastically!

That's right!

Before in Los Angeles, Lu Bu had never appeared!

And Wang Yi's identity is just a deputy director of the crew!

A few people get along for only a few days!

How could he become Jiang Fan's confidant!

That's it!

Originally, I wanted to use these two people as a threat to save my life!

But now think about it, is this all the bait that Jiang Fan deliberately spilled?

The purpose is to elicit yourself and kill yourself!

Jiang Fan has a nuclear bomb as a deterrent, and the Zhou family will not care about their life or death at all!

Own, is this going to die?

I can not be reconciled! I'm not reconciled!

Zhou Ning opened his mouth and his face was desperate!

"However, killing you in this situation is really meaningless!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Zhou Ning with contempt!

"Zhou Ning, don't you want to live? Don't worry, I will keep you a hundred years old!"

"I will let you watch and look at the Zhou family, how did I get wiped from the world little by little!"

"I will let you deeply understand the despair of losing money, losing power, and losing everything!"

"Live well! Only by living can you witness the glory of my Jiang family when it re-emerges!"

Jiang Fan straightened up and spoke slowly in a tone of charity!

"Get out! I won't kill you!"

Zhou Ning stared at Jiang Fan blankly. For a moment, he only felt that a heart had completely fallen into the abyss!

Jiang Fan!

This demon!

He is back!

Completely back!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Zhou Yuanwang!

"Patriarch Zhou, next, we can talk about business!"

"What do you want?"

Zhou Yuanwang said coldly!

"Simple! Curtis!"

"Yes! Master!"

Curtis hurried to Jiang Fan's side, and directly handed over a document that exudes magical waves!

Jiang Fan took it and threw it directly to Zhou Yuanwang!

"This is a magic contract! Within three years, as long as I don't attack the Zhou family, the Zhou family will never seek revenge from me!"


"This is impossible!"

"Jiang Fan! You broke into my Zhou family's old house and insulted the owner, don't think about it!"

"We will never let you go!"

The Zhou family crowd roared!

Especially Zhou Ning glared at Zhou Yuanwang!

"Patriarch! Absolutely not sign! Even if the nuclear bomb exploded! The ancestors and the others can still live, there is hope for the Zhou family!"

"But if Jiang Fan does not die, the Zhou family must die!"

"No sign! Absolutely no sign!"

Zhou Ning snarled frantically and slammed into the nuclear bomb!

What Jiang Fan said just now was definitely not a joke!

Although I don't know where he has the confidence, but this wicked species definitely has the ability to ruin the Zhou family!

Jiang Fan must die!

Must die!

Even if he is to be buried with him, it doesn't matter!

At this moment, Zhou Ning completely abandoned life and death for the whole family!

Burst out of unprecedented courage!

Seeing Zhou Ning is about to hit a nuclear bomb!


There was a burst of shout, and it suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, five full pressures suddenly fell from the sky!


Zhou Ning was directly pressed to the ground by these five coercive forces!

You can't move even a finger!

It is surprisingly the five fourteenth levels of the Zhou family, all shot!


"You bastard!"

"Do you want the Zhou family to bury you with you!"

Zhou Yuande and others were so angry!

And Zhou Ning, looking close at hand, looked like a nuclear bomb at the end of the world, struggling desperately with a look of despair!

"a bunch of idiots!"

"You guys, you are so stupid!"

"You don't understand at all!"

"Jiang Fan must die! Must die!"

Zhou Ning screamed desperately!

However, no one would care about him anymore!

Even Zhou Yuanwang did not hesitate to sprinkle a drop of blood on the contract document!


The entire contract document burned instantly, and instantly turned into countless light spots and disappeared!

The contract comes into effect!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ning, who was still struggling desperately, completely softened to the ground and closed his eyes in pain!

It's over, even if the Zhou family is still the first family in the capital, it is already the sun that has risen to the highest point!

Waiting for it, only sunset!

And Jiang Fan, the endless night, is destined to completely swallow the Zhou family!

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