God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 774: You must avenge others

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that when you were young, you were just a little security guard who ate biscuits every day! What made you work hard to get to where you are today?"

Years later, faced with reporters' questions, Zhang Xiaochuan, who has grown into a brother in the security industry, sighed softly, and then took out a yellowed sheet of paper!

"It's him!"

Zhang Xiaochuan gently stroked this piece of paper!

"It's the man who is as dazzling as the scorching sun, giving me infinite confidence and hope!"

"His demeanor and his encouragement are the street lights that guide me astray!"

"He made me understand that persistence and love are the only way to the top!"

"Although he is just a takeaway, he has created one miracle after another!"

"I have been following in his footsteps to achieve what I am today!"

The reporter was stunned!

"Mr. Zhang, who are you talking about?"

"He? He is a legend! A miracle that can't be surpassed! A sun that I have been looking up to all my life! He is—the takeaway star!"

At this moment!

Looking at that line of domineering fonts, and looking at the smiling Jiang Fan, Zhang Xiaochuan has secretly vowed in his heart that he will also become a man like a takeaway star!

And Jiang Fan smiled slightly and went straight to the studio!

"Mr. Water, this time we are broadcasting live on an international platform. If you have any questions during the interview, you immediately stretch out your little finger and we will immediately insert the advertisement!"

Wang Hongzhi followed Jiang Fan and said cautiously!


Jiang Fan nodded!

Soon, everyone has come to the studio!

The person in charge of this interview is Yu Jing, the host of Old Ocean Entertainment!

A few people communicated slightly, and the show finally started!

Although as a top host in China, Yu Jing couldn't help being a little nervous in the face of Jiang Fan!

This is a takeaway star!

Called a living legend!

It also has the largest fan base in the world!

In particular, the quality of these fans is extremely high, and there are many daughters in politics and business circles!

Even the daughter of the boss of the boss behind him is his fan!

If you are not careful, let alone your future, your job will be smashed into pieces!

However, this is also an opportunity. If the interview is worthwhile, the lady who is pleased will be so prosperous!

With a cautious and pioneering mentality, Yu Jing finally asked the first question!

"Mr. Water, do you have any experience in this global promotion?"


"Huh? What does this mean?"

"To put it simply, foreign food is too single, and it is too inconvenient to deliver food!"

"Mr. Water seems to miss the countless delicacies of our China! Speaking of which, do you have any food you like to eat?"

"That's too much! But there is only one kind that impresses me the most!"

"Oh? Can you share it with us?"

Yu Jing's eyes lit up!

"Yes! My favorite is Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup! Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup is made from an old hen that is more than three years old. Men regain their power! Drink Uncle Zhong’s chicken soup and be the most beautiful woman! Uncle Zhong’s chicken soup! The Pacific Ocean in chicken soup!"


Zhou Ning, who was watching the show with a gloomy expression, sprayed out!

Simply embarrassed!

"Shao Ning, are you okay?"

Cheng Yu, who had just recovered from his injuries, asked hurriedly!

"No, it's okay!"

Zhou Ning barely wiped her mouth, only to feel the buzzing of her brain!

"Shao Ning! This Jiang Fan is so inspiring for Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup, will this industry be his?"


Zhou Ning smiled coldly!

"The truth is nothing! It's impossible for Jiang Fan, this kid to not know that I'm observing his every move. Now that I throw out Uncle Zhong's chicken soup at this time, I definitely want to divert our attention!"

"What's more, if it is really his property, and he is too late to cover up, how could it be so idiotic to say it!"

"Ning Shaoying!"

Cheng Yu looked admired!

"However, Shao Ning, I heard that Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup is developing very fast! Now, almost all first-tier cities have their branches! Should we inject capital?"

"It's not necessary!"

Zhou Ning waved his hand directly!

"It's just an online celebrity shop. How big a storm can it make? If this is the bait that Jiang Fan deliberately throws out and let us put it on, then we will lose a lot!"

"What Shao Ning said is!"

Cheng Yu looked straight!

"The top priority now is to completely get rid of Jiang Fan while he is still in the capital, and don't care about the rest!"

"By the way, how did you inquire about him before?"

Zhou Ning suddenly asked!

"It has been found out. All his staff returned to Los Angeles last night. We were late and didn't stop!"

"As for Jiang Fan, he has booked a plane ticket tonight!"


Zhou Ning's eyes twitched!

"It seems that we must hurry up!"


At the same time, in another mansion!

"Takeaway Star! Damn! You bastard!"

A feminine and handsome man with mascara is staring at Jiang Fan on TV!

The bitterness and anger in his eyes almost overflowed!

This person was actually embarrassed by Jiang Fankeng at that time, Fan Jiqian!

Fan Jiqian can be said to hate Jiang Fan!

If it weren't for Jiang Fan, he is sitting there for an interview now, and he is admired by thousands of people!

"Fanfan, what's the matter?"

A pair of fat hands suddenly appeared from behind him, hugging his small waist!

The owner of the hand is a middle-aged woman with a fat body, a fat face and a bit super red on her face!

Seeing that she only wore a piece of **** underwear that showed flesh everywhere, the two of them must have just finished shooting!

If Jiang Fan were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this woman was an outsider of the Lu family, who had been in Shencheng and wanted to support herself, Lu Qi!


Fan Ji snorted!

"Look! Takeaway star, a rascal! Not only did I **** my scene, but now I'm still doing the show! I don't care, you must avenge others!"

"Takeaway Star?"

Lu Qi was startled slightly, and suddenly looked at the TV!

Just looking at it, her face suddenly became gloomy!

At that time, when she heard that Fan Jigan had an accident, she immediately came forward and saved Fan Jigan through the relationship with the Lu family!

However, although the people have been saved, word-of-mouth stinks in the street!

In order to avenge her beloved face, and to keep Fan Jigan's position as the traffic king, Lu Qi made a decisive decision!

First, she arranged for a commercial blockbuster that had been filmed under her, and through the head change technology, the original protagonist's head was replaced with Fan Jiqian!

Later, he bought a large number of reporters in an attempt to make the movie "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" stinky!

Unfortunately, this matter was settled by Jiang Fan!

Immediately afterwards, the two films of the two sides were promoted globally at the same time, and Lu Qi offered a price on the black market, hoping to get the movie hard disk of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang", and then through the production of pirated copies, to combat the crew!

But she didn't expect that this would give Jiang Fan a chance to rob--cough cough, make a claim!

Lu Qi didn't give up, and finally instructed Hu Baoliang, the vice president of Chuanghai Media, to stage a terrible heist during the North American promotion of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!

Unfortunately, the crew of "Yi Jian Wushuang" and the takeaway star were fine, but Hu Baoliang, an idiot, was almost killed by that group of robbers!

After three consecutive failures, and even the vice president of the company almost died, Lu Qi is going crazy!

At this moment, seeing Jiang Fan and others who are leisurely advertising on TV, her anger can be imagined!

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