"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"You carry a burden, I will lead a horse~~"

"Welcome the sunrise and send away the sunset~~"

"Treading the rough road into a road, fighting against the difficulties and dangers, then set off, set off again~~"

"La la — la la la la la la la la~~"

"A lot of spring, autumn, winter and summer, all ups and downs~~"

"Dare to ask where is the road? The road is under your feet~~"


What a special song!

Are you going to be virus-free in the system?

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!


This song really feels like a guilty conscience!

Seeing Jiang Fan's face suddenly full of solemnity, Lu Hongyue suddenly smiled proudly!


Just an internet celebrity after all!

I was so frightened by my own momentum!

My Lu Hongyue is really awesome!

"Mr. Water, what's the matter with you?"

The corners of Lu Hongyue's mouth raised up, full of mockery!

At the same time, he took a look at Su Lingyu proudly!

Su Lingyu! This is the man you like?


You bitch!

To go to bed with this timid trash, ignore my pursuit!

At this moment, the system order that made Jiang Fan's heart beat has finally arrived!

"Ding! Please give Chen Yi a sweet rice porridge!"


Chen Yi (yi)?

How come this name seems to have been heard somewhere?

However, it should not be a famous person!

Isn't it that world?

Forget it!

Whoever he is!

Order matters!

Jiang Fan directly stretched out his hand!

Lu Hongyue's eyes lit up, revealing a gloomy smile!

Takeaway star!

Actually dare to play with the woman I'm fond of!

Let me give you a good start and smash your hands!

When you are crying for mercy, Su Lingyu will see that I am not only handsome, but also full of domineering!

Lu Hongyue saw Jiang Fan's hand getting closer and closer to him, and he was about to tremble with excitement!

Seeing that the two of them must hold their hands!

at this time!

Jiang Fan's right hand suddenly sank down, and directly held a piece of glutinous rice porridge on the table!

"You eat first, I'll come as soon as I go!"

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Fan was gone!

Lu Hongyue's hands froze in the air and his face was embarrassed!

the first time!

For the first time someone dared to ignore him so much!

Takeaway star!

Lu Hongyue was so furious!

And Jiang Fan has already ran to a corner of no one!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Journey to the West"!"

Journey to the West? !

What a fuck!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

It's actually a Journey to the West!

One of the highest worlds in the same line as the mythical age!


Jiang Fan's cold sweat just came down!

He is fearless and dare to face life and death!

However, this does not mean that he likes to die!

This world is the same as Nezha, a world of horror that will be obliterated if you are not careful!

Although it can be expected, the reward is absolutely terrifying! However, it has to be a life-saving flower!

In the face of those terrifying monsters or mighty powers, these two pieces of meat are not enough to stuff their teeth!

"System! Use task punishment to exempt——"


Jiang Fan hadn't finished speaking, he had already come to a riverside!

The two sides of the river are lush and lush, obviously it is the height of summer!

However, in Jiang Fan's heart, he brought out the cold!


However, since it's here, I can't think of so much!

Regardless of your gods and monsters, you really provoke me, and you have to eat two catties of meat when you die!

Jiang Fan is murderous, and the summoning system begins to locate!

It's just unexpected!

"Ding! Unable to locate!"

Can't locate?

What the **** is this?

Jiang Fan was still in a daze, but something suddenly floated over in the river not far away!

Jiang Fan took a closer look, and it turned out to be a bamboo basket!

The point is, there seems to be a baby in the basket!


What cruel parent actually threw the child into the river!

Without a word, Jiang Fan plunged into the water and swam to the bamboo basket in threes or twos!

Then he lifted the bamboo basket, jumped, and returned to the river bank!

Jiang Fan looked at the bamboo basket!

I saw a baby boy in the bamboo basket. Although he was only a baby, he looked picturesque and very cute!

While Jiang Fan was looking at the baby, the baby was also biting his fingers, looking at Jiang Fan with curiosity!

The two looked at each other speechlessly!

"Where are your parents?"

Jiang Fan asked as soon as he opened his mouth!


The little baby smiled and grabbed Jiang Fan with both hands!

Jiang Fan scratched his head. Only then did he remember, how can a baby speak?

Jiang Fan laughed!

However, the little baby curled his mouth in a grievance, and sprinkled a stream of water directly!



Jiang Fan was careless, and he was **** all over his face!

Jiang Fan wiped his face!

But the little baby giggled again!

"Oh! A poor boy too!"

Jiang Fan sighed and put the baby back into the basket again!

He has to leave after all, so he has to find a home for this child!

It's just that he just moved!

"Look! That Xiao Niezhong must be nearby!"

"As long as you kill him, there will be a great reward!"

"It's weird. I saw him in the river just now, so why didn't I see him in a while!"

Several gloomy voices suddenly sounded from not far away!

Jiang Fan frowned!

Someone is hunting down this child!

For an instant, he couldn't help but remembered the scene when the Jiang family was destroyed!

At this time, with the sound of footsteps, seven or eight brawny men with swords had already arrived near Jiang Fan!

"Huh? Who are you?"

"What a weird costume!"

"Boy! Did you see a bamboo basket?"

A group of people gossiping!

"Bamboo basket? This is what you said?"

Jiang Fan hooked the corner of his mouth and shook the bamboo basket directly!

"Great! I finally found it!"

"As soon as this little evildoer dies, our brothers will have endless glory and wealth!"

"Boy, put down the bamboo basket and roll!"

"Yes! Otherwise, don't blame the uncles for being impolite!"

A group of big guys laughed loudly!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and suddenly punched a huge boulder on the riverside that was up to the height!



That huge boulder was pierced by Jiang Fan with a punch!


"Fuck! Is this still a human?"

"A good man, forgive me!"

A group of big guys almost didn't freak out!

Throwing a long knife in his hand, he knelt on the ground!

"Shut up! Why kill this baby!"

Jiang Fan's expression sank!

"No, it's not that we want to kill!"

"Yes, heroes! We are hired!"

"The one who wants to kill him is a big man in Jiangzhou! It has nothing to do with us!"

A group of people shouted!

"What's the identity of this baby, and why does that person want to kill him?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask!

"We don't know either!"

"I just know, this baby seems to have the surname Chen!"

"The last name is Chen?"

Jiang Fan was startled, and suddenly his face was dull!

"Chen Yi?!"

Could it be that this baby is the customer this time?

No wonder the system can't locate it!

It turns out that this customer is right in front of you!

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