God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 783: Triumphant Lu Hongyue

"Huh! Stop talking nonsense! Get out! Get out of here!"

Fan Jigan was unwilling to show weakness, and showed a man in jealousy to the fullest!

"You really haven't been beaten enough!"

Jiang Fan suddenly became angry, and when he got out of the car, he was violently beaten to Fan Jiqian!

Fan Jigan cried out!

Of course, both of them are acting!

The crowd was stunned!

One after another took out their phones to take pictures!

"Again, beaten again!"

"Takeaway Star is really a grumpy brother!"

"Birds! Let go of Fan Fan!"

"Asshole! How come there is such a cruel man in the world!"

Several fans of Fan Jigan rushed in desperately and snatched Fan Jigan!

"Takeaway Star! You will definitely get retribution!"

"Yes! Don't be proud of you! We, Fan Fan, will definitely make a comeback!"

"One day when the tiger returns to the mountain, half of the sky will be stained with blood!"

"When the time comes, the first one to use you to sacrifice the flag!"

Several fans yelled!

Jiang Fan tickled at the corner of his mouth and swayed away!


Jinghu Courtyard!

I have to admire the Zhou family's ability. The other courtyard where there were dead bodies and blood flowing in the river last night, today has actually been completely renewed!

There is nothing unusual at all!

It's just that there is still a **** smell in the air that can't be erased!

At the moment, in the study room!

"Shao Ning! I just got the news that at noon today, Lu Hongyue invited the crew of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" to have dinner in Su Xin Zhai!"

As soon as Cheng Yu walked in, he hurriedly spoke!

"Lu Hongyue?"

Zhou Ning was startled!


"Yijian Wushuang... Isn't that the Jiang Fan movie?"

"Yes! Jiang Fan has gone too!"

"Why does Lu Hongyue invite them?"

Zhou Ning frowned!

"It is said that it is for Su Lingyu!"

"For Su Lingyu?"

Zhou Ning suddenly sneered!

Cheng Yu was startled!

"Does Ning Shao think that there is a problem here? The whole capital knows about Lu Hongyue's pursuit of Su Lingyu. There should be no other meanings, right?"

"Of course it's okay if it's normal! But now, the problem is bigger!"

"We just had a conflict with Lu Lin Song Yan's four families. Last night Jiang Fan made a big disturbance in Zhou's family. As a result, they met today. Do you think it is okay?"


Cheng Yu smiled awkwardly!

The one who plays the role is to leave room for wisdom to the master!

If you behave too cleverly, doesn't it appear that the owner is very useless?

"However, it is not true that it is true that this matter is not necessarily that they are conspiring. After all, Jiang Fan is the news of the takeaway star, and there are few people know! It is very likely that Jiang Fan wants to take the opportunity to provoke the relationship between us and the Lu family!"

Zhou Ning suddenly continued!

"Ning Shaoying! Then, do we need to test Lu Hongyue?"

"No! If Lu Hongyue is really connected with Jiang Fan, he will definitely show his guilty conscience!"

Zhou Ning smiled proudly!

At this moment!

A servant suddenly ran into the study!

"Shao Ning! See you Lu Hongyue from the Lu family!"

"Huh? He actually came?"

Zhou Ning was slightly startled!

"Go! See him!"


Zhou Ning and Cheng Yu came to the main hall of the other courtyard!

At this moment, Lu Hongyue is slowly sipping tea!

"Shao Lu, long time no see!"

Zhou Ning smiled!

"Young Master Ning! It's been a long time since I got together!"

Lu Hongyue also smiled!

After the two sat down, Zhou Ning immediately looked at Lu Hongyue curiously!

"Shao Lu is looking for me, is there something wrong?"

"of course!"

Lu Hongyue looked excited!

"Shao Ning! Big news! The star of the takeaway is Jiang Fan!"

As soon as Lu Hongyue spoke, Zhou Ning's heart suddenly jumped!

Directly exchanged a look with Cheng Yu!

"Shao Lu! Is this news true?"

"Of course! I saw it with my own eyes!"

"I invited the crew of "Yi Jian Wushuang" to dinner today, in order to win Su Lingyu's heart by attacking the takeaway star!"

"Who knows, I found out that the star of the takeaway is Jiang Fan!"

"Shao Ning! That **** Jiang Fan, but the big enemy of your Zhou family!"

"Find him and kill him! You Zhou family, just sit back and relax!"

Lu Hongyue looked excited!

Hurry up and kill Jiang Fan!

I'm completely relieved if I kill him!


Zhou Ning's eyes twitched!

"Haha, Shao Lu, logically speaking, since you know that the takeaway star is Jiang Fan, didn't you make a move at the time? You and him seem to have hatred, right?"

"That kid is amazing, I am not his opponent!"

Lu Hongyue said directly!

Zhou Ning's eyes flashed with a strange color, and suddenly nodded with a smile!

"Thank you Shao Lu for the news! I, Zhou Ning, will have to thank you again in the future!"

"You're welcome! By the way, I have something to do, let's go now!"

"Shao Lu, go slowly, I'll see you off!"

"no, I'm fine!"

Lu Hongyue walked briskly out of the Jinghu Courtyard, and returned to Lu's house with a smile on his face!


Sure enough, the same as Jiang Fan said!

Zhou Ning didn't doubt it at all, and also said that he was grateful to himself!

This is obvious, I owe myself a favor!

As for the death of Lu Honglei, it was his cousin who died, not himself!

Today, he is relying on his own wisdom to turn the crisis into peace. Such a glorious deed must be bragged with Dad!

Lu Hongyue walked into the tea room proudly!

Lu Changyun, the head of the Lu family, drinks tea here on time every afternoon!


As soon as Lu Hongyue walked in, he smelled a faint tea fragrance!

And in front of a wood-carved tea table, a gentle-looking man was making tea!


"Hong Yue? Why are you here?"

Lu Changyun looked surprised!

My own son has always thought that the tea-drinking procedures are cumbersome and not conducive to pretending, so he never comes here!

Today, the sun is really coming out from the west!

"Dad! I just relied on my own wisdom to turn the crisis into peace! So, come here specially and report to you!"

Lu Hongyue smiled proudly!

"Oh? Talk about it!"

Lu Changyun was surprised!

Although Lu Hongyue likes to brag, even if it is a little thing, as long as he does it well, it is worthy of comforting him!


Lu Hongyue cleared his throat and directly said what happened this afternoon!

Of course, as for Jiang Fan's attention, he was all taken to him!

Lu Hongyue said that it sputtered wildly!

But Lu Changyun's complexion was getting worse and worse!

By the time Lu Hongyue finished speaking, his face was almost blackened to the bottom of the pot!

"You said, you and Jiang Fan, met?"


"When you talked to Jiang Fan, you drove all the others away?"


"In order not to make the Zhou family suspicious, you also deliberately told Zhou Ning that Jiang Fan is the star of the takeaway?"


"You also told Zhou Ning that the reason for looking for Jiang Fan was for Su Lingyu?"

"Old, dad, you, are you okay?"

Seeing Lu Changyun gnashing his teeth and throwing up questions one by one, even Lu Hongyue, who is in the mood, feels wrong now!

"I'm okay, I'm okay... How can I have such a stupid son like you!"

Lu Changyun took a deep breath, then suddenly roared, slapped hard, and threw it directly on Lu Hongyue's face!

This slap was so cruel that he actually flew Lu Hongyue into the air and almost didn't hang on the chandelier!

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