Seeing this girl, Jiang Fan was startled!

He always felt that this little girl was a little familiar, but she looked a little strange!

"Hello there!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Mr. Water, yes, can you sign me?"

The girl asked expectantly!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly and wrote the words Takeaway Star directly on her T-shirt!

"Thank you!"

The girl's smiling eyes narrowed!

"Takeaway Star, me, can I take a photo with you?"


After taking the photo, the girl hesitated, and suddenly ran aside in a hurry, whispering a few words to a middle-aged man!

But Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan with a smile!

"Okay, even Miss Wei Jia is your fan!"

"Miss Wei Family? She is, Wei Fuling?!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

This little girl turned out to be the daughter of the Wei family, Wei Fuling!


"No, it's impossible? Wei Fuling is so thin and small, how could it become like this?"

Jiang Fan had seen Wei Fuling back then. With that pale yellow dress and fluffy hair, she was obviously a stunted little girl. Now she has become so beautiful!

"Female Big Eighteen Change!"

Su Lingyu smiled slightly, then turned around to talk and laugh with a group of acquaintances!

At this moment, the middle-aged man whispered by Wei Fuling also came over!

"Mr. Water, the premiere will be over in a while, can you spare some time?"

"Is there a problem?"

"That's it, my lady would like to buy you a cup of coffee! Please show your face!"

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Soon, as the premiere ceremony officially began, the host was already on the stage!

After the simple speech, it is the interaction between the program crew and the crew!

This time, the global promotion can be said to have completely started the reputation of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang", and it has pushed Jiang Fan's popularity to the peak!

So most of the host’s questions are actually centered on Jiang Fan!

Even Su Lingyu has become a green leaf!

A series of processes are completed and the film premiere officially begins!

And at this moment!

Jiang Fan went directly to the bathroom under the pretext of going to the bathroom!

At this moment, there has long been a crew member of his height and body shape waiting here!

The two exchanged clothes, and the other side immediately took out a mask and put it on!

"Thanks a lot!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"You're welcome! With so many gifts from you, this is all right! I wish you a smooth journey!"


Jiang Fan sneaked out of the Convention and Exhibition Center!

That's right!

He just wants to leave the capital now!

At this moment, everyone's eyes are attracted by the movie premiere, and the plot of the movie is even more exciting!

At the very least, before the end of the movie, except for the few people who should be sitting next to Jiang Fan, no one else would find out that the real Jiang Fan had already left!

Came to the back door silently, where there was already a low-key Volkswagen Magotan waiting there!

Jiang Fan got on the car and took off his hat, and suddenly saw Xia Fanxing with a straight face!

"Mr. Jiang, the takeaway star! With my wages, I actually ran out to make a movie. Should I give me a reasonable explanation?"

Although Xia Fanxing had a straight face, her eyes were full of smiles!

At the same time, there is a kind of deep worship!

Every time the takeaway star appears, it is when school is over at noon and evening!

And every time he appeared, Jiang Fan was gone!

Especially during this global promotion, Jiang Fan also asked for leave!

Although Xia Fanxing had guessed for a long time, she finally confirmed Jiang Fan's identity when she received a call from Jiang Fan today and asked her to wait for her here!

so amazing!

Unexpectedly, his own man is so outstanding!

At this moment, she admired Jiang Fan to her bones!

"President Xia forgive me! Jiang must do his best in the future!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"What I said is not allowed to deny!"

"My word-of-mouth thief is good!"


Soon, the two were on the highway and headed straight to the airport!

There, Fanxing Group’s private jet is already on standby!

As long as the plane takes off, no matter how many talents the Zhou family has, they will never be able to use it anymore!

Once back in Los Angeles, Jiang Fan will return to the sea!

Three months later, it is the Zhou family's death date!


The car was speeding all the way, half an hour later, it had arrived at the airport!

Here, a Global Express 7000 is standing quietly!

"Fanxing, won't you go back?"

"No, I haven't finished some things!"

"That's good! I'm waiting for you in Los Angeles!"

Jiang Fan smiled! Ready to board the plane!

He had already passed through Yu Xiaoze's ditch before, and the Yu family begged himself, and Yu Xiaodie had deep roots in Xia Yuanqing. Even if the Zhou family wanted to take revenge on the Xia family, there was no way to start!

He didn't worry about the safety of the Xia family at all!

"Jiang Fan, I..."

At this moment, Xia Fanxing suddenly stopped talking!

"what happened?"

"No, it's okay!"

Xia Fanxing smiled reluctantly!

"Jiang Fan! I just want you to know that no matter what I do, it's all for you!"


Jiang Fan looked confused!

"It's nothing, go back, and don't come to the capital again in the future!"

There was a bit of bitterness in Xia Fanxing's smile!

If Jiang Fan knew what he was doing, would he still face himself like this?

Well, for him, everything is worth it!

Xia Fanxing waved her hand gently!

Jiang Fan also waved goodbye!

But at this moment!


An extremely sharp and breaking wind suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a bullet glowing with red light suddenly shot at the center of Jiang Fan's eyebrows!

And until then!


Two violent gunshots sounded suddenly!

Jiang Fan's mouth curled up, showing a disdainful smile!

Sniper rifle?

And it's an ordinary armor-piercing bullet?

This thing would still pose a threat before the tenth level, but now--

Jiang Fan raised his right hand, directly facing the bullet, and flicked his finger!


With a muffled sound, the bullet was broken!

The sniper who aimed at Jiang Fan in the distance almost didn't stare!

A sniper bullet is broken with one finger, is this really a human!

too scary!

And Jiang Fan's gaze seemed to have penetrated the limit of distance, firmly nailed to his body!

The sniper trembled all over, not even paying attention to the gun, turned around and ran!


Jiang Fan hooked the corner of his mouth and he was about to draw out the Yunmeng bow!

But at this moment, his heart trembled suddenly!

There are obviously two gunshots, but why, there is only one bullet?

Where's the other bullet?

"Um... Jiang, Jiang Fan..."

Xia Fanxing's weak voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan's face was pale, his whole body trembling, his neck seemed to be rusted, and he reluctantly turned around little by little!

Xia Fanxing was pale and frowned, looking at him reluctantly!

"Jiang Fan..."

Xia Fanxing opened her mouth, suddenly weakened!

Jiang Fan hugged her subconsciously, but it was slippery wherever she started!

Only then did he realize that Xia Fanxing's heart was constantly spewing blood!

The red blood stained her whole body!

Xia Fanxing at this moment seems to be wearing a blood-colored wedding gown!

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