Upon hearing that scream, Jiang Fan was shocked!

It's not for nothing else, just because the voice shouted—"Partridge Whistle!"


Tomb Robber is not a sightseeing tour!

This customer is going to die, even if he can take all these treasures away, there is a shit!

And at this moment, the dark figure has come to the opposite side of Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan has read the original work and already knows that this thing is a fei worm made by rot jade!

Fuyu itself is a collection of worms. Once it encounters a high temperature, the worms that were originally dormant will resurrect. At the same time, they will continue to decompose strong acid through death and corrode any creatures whose temperature exceeds a certain standard!

Especially in the face of warm-blooded animals such as humans, even if only one falls on a human body, it will corrode the human body, and then through rapid ovulation of adult worms, finally more and more!

Jiang Fan let out a low cry, and his true energy came out!

The strong and unmatched innocence directly smashed a large number of insects, and Jiang Fan's body was shaken, and he had appeared opposite the treasure room!


Jiang Fan kicked out against the wall!

Suddenly kicked a big hole in the wall!

Jiang Fan walked in, and suddenly saw that there was a secret room inside!

At this moment, a candle was lit in the southeast corner of the secret room. By the light, you could just see a monk and a priest holding a man yelling!

Those two people, it was Master Luchen and Father Thomas, and the man with a mouthful of golden blood held by them was the partridge whistle!

There is also a tortoise shell full of words on the side of the partridge post!

According to the original work, the partridge post thought that the dust bead in this secret room was a tortoise shell!

Can't stand the blow for a while, vomiting blood in depression!

"Partridge whistle! Wake up!"

"Master! What happened to him?"

"He hasn't found the Xiao Chenzhu after all the hardships, he's anxious! If he doesn't hurry out and breathe, he has to be suffocated!"

"But the ghost fog is too fierce, we can't get out at all!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already rushed in!

"You, who are you?"

"This donor, how did you get in?"

When I saw Jiang Fan, Master Lichen and Thomaston were shocked!

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm a takeaway!"

"Outside, takeaway?!"

The two of them were stunned!

And Jiang Fan has quickly come to the partridge post!

Open the takeaway directly!

Suddenly, a sweet and sour taste filled the whole secret room directly!

Even the partridge whistle wakes up after smelling this smell!

"who are you!"

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, the partridge whistle was shocked, and he wanted to dig out the bachelor box on his waist!

"Don't panic, my name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver you food! Your blood is surging now, if you move around again, the gods will be hard to save!"

The partridge whistle suddenly stiffened!

And Jiang Fan has already delivered the takeaway to his eyes!

Once you smell the scent of takeaway, even a strong-willed partridge whistle can't resist the temptation, and you can eat it when you take it!


"Too refreshing!"

"There are such delicious shredded carrots in the world!"

"I feel like I'm soaking in lake water!"

"Ah! Zagrama! My hometown!"

The partridge whistle was eating and taking out, suddenly a carp struck, and jumped up!

At this moment, he is full of power!

The spirit of spirit has reached the peak!

Master Liechen and Thomas were stunned!

"Amitabha! What kind of carrot is this? It's amazing!"

"My merciful Lord! This is nothing short of a miracle!"

"A piece of radish can bring people back to life. The ancient East is really incredible!"

Both of them looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you!"

Partridge whistle is even more grateful!

"Little meaning!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

At this moment!


Just across from a few people, a strange voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan took a photo with a flashlight, and suddenly found that the source of the sound was beside the big hole where he entered!

There should be a secret door to the secret room, but at that moment, a strange black Buddha statue with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes appeared!

The Buddha statue is the size of an ordinary person, with a hundred hands and three heads, but there is no trace of compassion on the Buddha's face. On the contrary, it has wide fangs and is extremely evil. The head is not a Buddha wheel, but a string of hideous skulls!

What's more terrible is that the black Buddha's body is full of evil eyes!

At this moment, being illuminated by the light of the flashlight, those eyes turned strangely!

Seeing this kind of sight, the scalps of the people in the partridge whistle blow up!

The ancient tombs he has unearthed are endless, and the anecdotes and secrets he has seen are countless, but as evil as this black Buddha, it is simply unheard of!

Father Thomas screamed even more!


Forgot to even beg God!

And the next moment, those eyes suddenly stopped, and then, they floated out of the Buddha statue, gathered into a black fog exactly like the black Buddha, and suddenly pounced on a few people!

"I fought with you! Accept the Lord's punishment!"

Father Thomas roared, and suddenly spilled a half bottle of holy water with him!

The moment the holy water sprinkled, the black mist suddenly separated, avoiding the holy water!

Master Liechen looked at it and laughed suddenly!

"Foreign monk's methods are great! Since the black mist is afraid of magical weapons, the moment of moon breaking must have passed! Let's look at the methods used by Lao Na to collect this monster!"

There is a moment when the moon breaks in the theory of feng shui, and when it is said that it is fierce, when encountering such a day, the Bodhisattva closes his eyes and fierce demons dance in a wild, extremely dangerous!

Seeing the effect of Thomas' holy water, Master Liaochen thought that the time had passed. He immediately took off the prayer beads from his neck with excitement, and shouted the Buddha's horn!

"Huh! The monster is killed!"

As he said, he suddenly threw the Buddha beads against the black mist!

However, the black mist allowed the Buddha beads to pass through, still rushing towards everyone!

Master Liechen looked dumbfounded!

"This...this is really weird! Is it that my Buddha's power is so powerful that I am not as good as Western holy water? Alas! This...what the **** is this world!"

The old monk cursed directly when he was anxious!

But the partridge whistle simply stretched out his hand and directly took out the two **** boxes in the back of the waist, and fired at the black mist!

"Boom boom!"

There were several gunshots, but the black mist did not respond, and still rushed to everyone!

At this time, the three of the partridge whistle completely numb their claws!

They all looked at the black mist with despair!

at this time!

"Don't panic! This thing is a worm made by rotten jade. It is extremely sensitive to temperature. Only look for things that exceed the temperature of the tomb!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"It turned out to be this thing!"

"The reason why this thing came out was definitely because a candle was lit!"

"No wonder there was not before!"

The three suddenly realized!

But then immediately his face was bitter!

"We, our bodies, are also beyond the temperature!"

"When the candle goes out, isn't it our turn?"

"Jiang Fan! You must have a way?"

The partridge whistle suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"Hehe, just kill!"

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands and greeted a group of worms!

"Don't make it! That worm is extremely terrifying, and once it touches it, it will turn into a pool of pus and blood! Jiang Fan, hurry-fuck?!"

Before the words of Master Liaochen's master, he saw Jiang Fan's body shake, and the violent Nine Suns blasted out, but in an instant, all these worms were shaken to death!

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