God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 811: Who wants to murder Zhongliang?

With Ma Desheng's screaming, Jiang Fan and the others were stunned!

"Director Ma, did you follow the example of the Ximen official and got caught and raped in bed?"

Jiang Fan looked shocked!

"It can't be seen, your old man's house is also a beast with a personal face and a beast!"

"No, no! Yes, someone is trying to kill me!"

Ma Desheng couldn't take care of Jiang Fan's teasing, with a look of horror!

"Someone wants to kill you?"

Jiang Fan blinked his eyes! Why do you listen to this, so unreliable?

"Yes! It's horrible!"

Ma Desheng began to tell with tears in his eyes!

"I, after school, I found that the tire was punctured!"

"I have to ride my bike back!"

"But I didn't expect that when I was passing Fenhe Road, I was almost hit by a car!"

"I thought it was an accident. I didn't expect that when passing a small alley, a man suddenly rushed out with a knife!"

"If it hadn't been for me to run fast, I'm afraid I would have been dead on the street now!"

"Oh heaven! I, Ma Desheng, are so majestic and unselfish, who is trying to murder Zhongliang!"

Ma Desheng wiped his tears with a look of grief and anger!

"Well, Director Ma, you probably just encountered a robbery. Come on, sit down and have a beer!"

Jiang Fan patted Ma Desheng who was still in shock!

Ma Desheng drew a bottle of beer in one breath, and finally took a sigh of relief!

Just sitting on the stool, he suddenly screamed and jumped up!

"Damn crayfish! Boss! Fry me these guys on my ass!"

Ma Desheng hurriedly took off the crayfish from his butt, and finally settled down with peace of mind!

The boss was busy cleaning up the water tank knocked over by Ma Desheng, and he roared immediately after hearing this!

"Fatty boy, want to fry yourself, don't you see Lao Tzu busy?"

Ma Desheng was yelled, and he dared not say anything again!

"Boss, add a pair of chopsticks and a crayfish!"

Jiang Fan speaks!


The boss immediately agreed with a smile!

Ma Desheng was stunned!

"Damn! Why do you treat him so well?"

"none of your business!"

The boss glared at Ma Desheng again, and turned around to fry the crayfish!

"Fuck, bastard!"

Ma Desheng looked at Jiang Fan angrily!

"Jiang Fan, you say! Have you persecuted this boss!"

"Director Ma, do you have persecution delusions? Or you should go home!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand!

"Don't don't don't! Me, I just say it casually, haha, haha!"

Ma Desheng's face turned pale, and he hurriedly looked at Jiang Fan beggingly!

At the same time, the little eyes kept looking around!

He was frightened just now. When he was in the alley, the man was definitely not robbing him, but really wanted to kill him!

If it hadn't been for the person to trip and let him escape successfully, he would definitely be dead now!

And at this moment, a corner far away!

Hu Xiaoqiang is staring at Ma Desheng sullenly!

"Fatty man! Good luck!"

Today, he first punctured Ma Desheng's tires, and then waited at the school gate!

Until Ma Desheng rode his bicycle on the road, he immediately followed, preparing to find a chance to kill Ma Desheng!

Unexpectedly, this fat man was so lucky that he could hit Ma Desheng at a glance, but the fat man happened to pass by under a street lamp!

Instead of hitting Ma Desheng, the car hit a street light!

Hu Xiaoqiang hurriedly took a shortcut and hid in a small alley where Ma Desheng went home, ready to continue his hands!

But I didn't expect Ma Desheng could be stabbed to death by sight, but he stepped on a piece of watermelon rind!

The fat man realized that he was going to kill him, so he quickly slipped away!

He chased after him desperately, and only now did he follow!

"It seems that violent killing is a bit difficult, in that case, hehehe..."

Hu Xiaoqiang smiled coldly and left secretly!

After a barbecue, Ma Desheng drank a mess!

Hu Guang and Yang Jianye sent him home, but Jiang Fan changed his outfit and reopened the takeaway mode!

All the way to 9:30, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded!

"Ding! System reminder! Your "Fortunate Bike" has reached the promotion standard! Please return to the system space to proceed with the promotion operation!"

Finally upgraded!

Jiang Fan looked happy!

Feel free to find a place with no one, Jiang Fan immediately enters the system space!

"Ding! Your "Fortunate Bike" has reached the promotion standard!"

"Please choose the type of promotion: First, promotion! Second, evolution!"

Don't think about it, advance first!

"System! Advance!"

"Ding! This equipment costs five thousand causal points to advance, do you want to advance?"

The last time I was promoted from Black Iron to Bronze, because it was the first time, the system was given away for free, but this time, it was finally charged!

Jiang Fan's causality point has reached 11400 at this moment, and he didn't hesitate immediately!



A white light suddenly fell down!

In the next moment, on the lucky bike, a silver-white light burst out immediately!

"Ding! Successful promotion! Congratulations to the host for getting a silver-level item-a lucky bike!"

Silver level!

With the silver light gradually converging, the bicycle has revealed its true face!

Although the shape of the lucky bike is unchanged at this moment, the shape is more smooth, and there is another gear on the handlebar!

Five gears!

The bronze-level lucky bike has a top speed of 90 miles per hour, but it has reached a full 150 miles per hour in the fifth gear!

With the addition of Jiangfan people and vehicles, the speed can reach at least 180!

One hundred and eighty bikes!

Speed ​​is the second best thing. The key is that the lucky bike at this moment has gotten two upgrades and two opportunities for evolution!

The current evolution direction is bicycles-electric cars-motorcycles!

Jiang Fan has always been low-key, and evolution currently seems completely unnecessary!

However, the transformation and upgrading need to spend a lot of causal points to purchase materials or enter the corresponding world to complete!

Blessed by the system, it's best to give a chance to rebuild!

Jiang Fan left the system space and immediately adjusted the bicycle to fifth gear!


In an instant, the bicycle rushed out like a rocket!

"Fuck! What is that!"

"It's vaguely like a bicycle! The flash of fire is gone!"

"Simply faster than Fujiwara Takumi!"

"It must be a takeaway star! That's an exaggeration!"

The crowd exclaimed!

Jiang Fan was speeding all the way, at this moment, the phone suddenly rang!

"My lord! The address of Wu Tao has been found!"

Kristen's voice suddenly sounded!

"Very good! Don't get too close to him. Although this person is only level ten, you may not be his opponent!"

Jiang Fan and Wu Tao had been in close contact, and that person gave him the feeling that he was definitely not an ordinary tenth-level master!

"Subordinates understand! Your lord, what do you do next?"

"Keep staring at him! See who he is in contact with!"


As soon as I hung up the phone, the phone rang again!

But this time, it was Lu Zhenglong's!

"Mr. Jiang, Wu Tao found it!"

"Talk about it!"

"Yes! This Wu Tao is from Taozhou. He was recommended by a friend from Los Angeles to join Blue Eagle more than a week ago! However, it is a bit strange!"

"Wu Tao's friend said that Wu Tao didn't recognize him when he went to pick him up! And just a month ago, the two had just finished a class reunion together!"

As soon as Lu Zhenglong finished speaking, Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

"Stealing beams and changing posts! Interesting!"

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