God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 814: See what you are summoning

Bad luck for Eto'o!

If it's another thirteenth level, Jiang Fan would have to use full firepower!

Even have to use those two gold-level props!

But this thing is an undead creature, and a bottle of holy water was turned over for him!

Jiang Fan ignored Eto'o's screams, and the sword suddenly flashed!


As the blood flew, Eto'o had been chopped into a stick by him!

The crowd's eyes widened, shocked!

This is level 13!

The thirteenth-level devil!

Enough to kill everyone present!

However, in front of Jiang Fan, this hapless guy didn't even have a chance to shoot, so he was cut off by Jiang Fan!

Who the **** is the devil?


Everyone swallowed and spit, they all looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

The big devil Eto'o was even more frightened!

Too ruthless!

Who the **** is this kid!

No matter if you summon yourself out without offering sacrifices, you still want to kill yourself!

It's simply a loss of conscience!

No humanity!

"You lunatic! Pervert! You dare to be so disrespectful to me! I swear, I will take your soul out and crush it alive!"

Eto'o was furious!


Jiang Fan didn't pay attention to him at all. Instead, he was curious about holding the long sword, and started to poke him at him!

For a time, black blood overflowed!

Eto'o was even full of holes!

Everyone just feels scalp numb!

Too abnormal!

Can't you just kill him happily?

"Strange! Isn't this thing afraid of pain?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"Master, although the great devil possesses the sense of touch, his pain nerves are not developed because of the need for fighting!"

"Moreover, they are extremely capable of self-healing, and it won't take long for them to grow out after a broken hand or foot!

"That's it!"

Jiang Fan suddenly realized!

"Then how can you kill him?"

"Easy, just behead your head!"

Curtis wiped the cold sweat from his forehead!

"Damn! You **** servant! You dare to betray me! I swear—you! What are you going to do!"

Seeing Jiang Fan's long sword gestured to his neck, the big demon who had roared at Curtis suddenly panicked!

"You, I warn you, I'm a demon with a background!"

Feeling Jiang Fan's unconcealed desire to kill, Eto'o suddenly screamed!

In fact, what he said is not any language on the earth at all, but the strange thing is that everyone can understand what he means!


"Is there any background?"

Jiang Fan raised his hand and chopped off the head of the great devil!

Everyone trembled!

It's so special!

The big devil finally gave Jiang Fan a fierce look, and his blood-red eyes finally turned pale!

This is the sign of the devil's death!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the devil (medium)! Shuiyu Zimu Sword feedback 875 causality points!"

More than 800 causal points!

Jiang Fan was excited!

Up to now, just killing alien creatures has earned a full 1,100 karma points!

But Curtis seemed to be really unable to summon, and the whole person was paralyzed on the ground!

Now I am looking at myself with tears in my eyes!

"Ahem, Curtis, it's okay to practice summoning more! See what messy things you summon!"

Jiang Fan's heart is dark and refreshing, but his face is dissatisfied!

Curtis opened his mouth, crying without tears!

"Okay, let's all fall apart! Curtis, these corpses are all yours, deal with them, and see if there is a second use opportunity!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand!

Curtis was stunned, and suddenly looked overjoyed!


Not only can the necromancer be summoned from another world, but he can also make his own necromancer!

Although the undead servants are more stupid, they win at full loyalty!

It was like Augustus at the time, that full nine levels of hatred was made by himself!

With so many raw materials, there is even a complete big demon, enough for him to make a powerful undead servant!

"Praise you! My generous master!"

Curtis turned his worries into joy, and immediately drew a magic circle, and received all this pile of things into the magic space!

He suddenly felt that Jiang Fan's killing all these things didn't seem to be a bad idea!

Jiang Fan slept cleanly all night, and after breakfast, he went straight to Lanying!

But still halfway, his phone rang!

Moreover, it turned out to be an overseas call!


As soon as Jiang Fan picked it up, an excited voice rang!

"Daniel? Is things done?"

Opposite, it is the second son of the Drake family, Daniel, the friend Jiang Fan met in Everbright!

Before Jiang Fan left the City of Evernight, he asked him to help launder money. It seems that it must be over now!

"Yes! But sorry, the amount is too big, it is still two days late, in order to apologize, the family decided to give you two percentage points back!"

Daniel's voice was apologetic!

"Okay! Don't transfer money to my card, I will let others contact you for specific operations!"

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and contacted Bai Xia immediately!

"There is an extremely large amount of funds that will be injected into the company under the pretext of overseas investment. You can get in touch with the other party!"

Jiang Fan said simply!

"Brother Fan is awesome! You can even get overseas investment! How many are there?"

"Not too much, but at least not less than 2 billion!"

Jiang Fan's tone is flat


Bai Xia suddenly screamed!

Two billion? !

This is not much!

But when he thought of the wealth of the Jiang family, he suddenly calmed down!

For Jiang Fan, the money is really nothing!

"Brother Fan, great! With this money, chain stores can develop into second- and third-tier cities!"

"Well, the chain store business can't stop, and the factory must hurry up! Publicity, spare no effort to publicize! We must promote this brand to the whole country in the shortest time!"

"Brother Fan, don't worry! I will speed up!"


Hanging up, Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Compared with the former Jiang family, this little industry and money in his hands is not even a fraction of a fraction!

But this is only the first step!

Once the funds have accumulated enough to affect the stock market, Bai Xia can start trading!

And his developed allies, such as Fernand, Emile, and Leonid, will also take the opportunity to take action!

How did the Zhou family destroy the Jiang family back then, how would Jiang Fan return it!

Zhou family!

It's just killing you, but it's so boring!

And at this moment, the capital!

Zhou family!

Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang sat face to face, they both looked at each other with a dry smile!

"Yuande, this tea is good!"

"Patriarch likes it, I still have half a catty, I'll send it to you in a while!"

"You don't have to, you are all respected by Yandao and others, how am I embarrassed!"

"Patriarch is polite! Yantang! Send the rest of the tea to the Patriarch!"

Zhou Yantang agreed and immediately took the tea leaves out!

Seeing that there was no one else in the room, Zhou Yuanwang took a sip of tea and suddenly spoke!

"Yuande, what can you say straightforwardly!"

"Haha, Patriarch is happy! Then I'll just say it! Although Zhou Ning's waste is not a good thing, it can be considered a good thing! Now that our contract with Jiang Fan has disappeared, I don't know what Patriarch's plan is next?"

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as he heard this name, Zhou Yuanwang's face suddenly became gloomy!

I even felt a dull pain in my left face!


Taking a deep breath, Zhou Yuanwang finally spoke in a deep voice!

"how do you want to do it?"

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