God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 817: Which grandson blows me up

What the **** is this?

Jiang Fan was surprised, the system prompts have continued to sound!

"Love knows no borders, regardless of race!"

"Love is with the beloved woman, watching her favorite sunrise!"

"Love is the courage to know that it is impossible, and never compromise, even to be the enemy of the whole world!"

"The above is taken from the King Kong Quotations!"

"Ding! Please give a sweet candied banana to King Kong who is at the end of the road!"

King Kong? !

Damn it!

Can this be sent too? !

Orders are important!

Jiang Fan changed his direction and came directly to a Cantonese restaurant!

"Boss! Here are some candied bananas!"

"Wood problem!"


A candied banana is freshly baked!

Jiang Fan casually found a small alley to hide!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"King Kong"!

King Kong's main story is that an adventurous entrepreneur and filmmaker Carl led a filming team to a deserted island to shoot, including the heroine Ann and the screenwriter Jack!

They encountered attacks from dinosaurs and local indigenous people, and An’s screams were exchanged for King Kong’s response!

This gigantic orangutan, even the fierce dinosaurs feared it a bit, but it was in love with it!

The film crew stunned King Kong with anesthetics and brought King Kong back to New York from the deserted island, but a farce by the ambitious Carl angered King Kong!

King Kong rushed to the street, but met Ann!

But at this time, countless mercenaries were killed!

Finally, King Kong, who watched the sunrise with Ann, was finally seriously injured by mercenary weapons and fell from the Empire State Building to death!

Simply put, this is a sad love story across species!

Wrong love!


Jiang Fan appeared again, already on a chaotic street!

There are broken cars everywhere, and several buildings are in ruins!

At the same time, not far away, there were countless gunfires!

"Da da da!"



Just by listening to the intensive gunfire, you know that the battle is absolutely fierce!

Don't think about it, it must be the mercenary who is dealing with King Kong!

Jiang Fan looked in the direction where the gunfire was coming from. Sure enough, a huge group of black shadows were jumping flexibly in this steel jungle!

Go straight to the Empire State Building!

I found a customer!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up, and he took out the bicycle without saying a word, and rushed over!

At this moment, the lucky bike has been upgraded to a silver level!

Jiang Fan kicked his feet and turned into a phantom!

In less than two minutes, he had chased behind King Kong!

"Boss! Your wiredrawing—"

Jiang Fan hasn't finished speaking!


A loud noise!

A shell exploded directly behind him!

The powerful shock wave directly blew Jiang Fan somersault!

And just such a delay, King Kong has already ran away again!

"Slot Nima! Which grandson blows me up!"

Jiang Fan is furious!

However, before he finished speaking, two more shells fell beside him!

"Boom! Boom!"

For a time, the dust around Jiang Fan was flying!

Far away, in a car!

"Captain! We seemed to have blown up just now!"

A soldier exclaimed!

"What about it? It's not the first one! If you die, you will die! At that time, it will be said to be trampled to death by that monster!

A captain with a cigar sneered coldly!

"But, but this is not true!"

"Facts? Don't be silly boy! We are the offspring of robbers and criminals! When have we paid attention to the facts?"

"If you dare to question us, just kill it! Hahaha!"

The captain laughed wildly!

The great Citi Nation does not need facts, only need to use guns to solve all those who are looking for facts!

When the time comes, naturally what they say is what it is!

As for shameless?

Hehe, as long as there are benefits, what is shamelessness?

However, before the captain's laughter was over, the soldier suddenly screamed!

"Then, that person is not dead!"

"not dead?"

The captain was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly looked at the place where the shell fell!

I saw the wind blowing, a handsome Chinese man, standing there like a mountain!

At the same time, his murderous gaze has locked himself firmly!

The captain panicked for no reason!

It is more fearful than when facing the ape!

"Fire at him!"

The captain roared suddenly!


Everyone was stunned!

But the next moment!


Everyone just felt like a flower!

That Huaxia guy has actually arrived in their car!


"How is this possible?!"

"How did this guy come here?"

"Is it magic?"

A group of soldiers panicked!

And Jiang Fan had already grabbed the captain's neck!

"That's right! You are indeed the offspring of robbers! I am promulgating a law now. All robbers on this land are damned!"


As soon as Jiang Fan finished his voice, he had already crushed the captain's neck!

Everyone was stunned!

Look at Jiang Fan incredible!

"You, you killed the captain!"

"This bastard!"

"kill him!"

"Dare to kill our noble soldiers of Citigroup, you have only one dead end!"

Even the soldier before, roared angrily!

All the guns of everyone are aimed at Jiang Fan!



A bright light suddenly illuminates the entire night sky!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan was already riding his bicycle and chasing King Kong!

And that car, with a group of soldiers, was shattered by a sword!


Jiang Fan is driving fast!

And the mercenaries who were only chasing King Kong, this time even Jiang Fan surrounded them!

"Da da da!"

"Boom boom!"

Bullets and cannonballs are constantly falling by the riverside!

However, these things can't even touch the corners of his clothes!

Soon, Jiang Fan finally chased King Kong downstairs in the Empire State Building!

"Hey! Boss! The meal you ordered..."

Jiang Fan just yelled at King Kong!


King Kong suddenly roared, straightened up and turned back!

Before, King Kong had been running on all fours, or jumping horizontally and horizontally on various buildings, Jiang Fan had not seen its full picture at all!

At this moment, when he saw the whole picture of King Kong, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly widened!

so big!

King Kong is at least twenty meters tall, a full six-story building!

Just one hand is bigger than a double bed!

Especially the mouth with fangs, you can swallow a person in a few minutes!

Jiang Fan has sent such a long order, and it is the first time he has encountered such a big thing!

And at the moment, King Kong still holds a blond beauty in his hand!

Needless to say!

This woman must be the heroine Ann!

It's just that King Kong has been hit by guns all over his body at this time!

In its mind, except for Ann, all human beings are enemies!

Including Jiang Fan, who is kind and facing himself!

"Ahem! Boss! Your—"


King Kong didn't wait for Jiang Fan to finish, he roared fiercely, and he slapped Jiang Fan!

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