"That's right! If you know that the opponent is so powerful and lose a casino, then you lose!"

"In fact, it wasn't a big deal at all, who made Ma Dongmei so cruel?"

"Yeah, how could we be so passive now if it weren't for her to do her own thing!"

"Huh! That woman is used to being arrogant, she deserves to hit a rock this time!"

Seeing Ma Xianghai speak, the others shouted!

"You, you guys!"

Ma Dongchen gritted his teeth angrily!

Had it not been for this group of **** to say that the other party had deceived people too much, and the Ma family had no reputation, they would have forced the eldest sister to take action before the eldest sister's investigation was clear, how could such a thing happen!

It's fine now, something happened, it's not all of you who have become eldest sisters!

A group of white-eyed wolves!

Ma Dongchen clenched his fists tightly!

On the theme, a forty-year-old man with very similar eyebrows and eyes to Ma Dongmei, but with a gloomy face, looked coldly at the following group of arguing Ma family principals!

He is the Patriarch of the Ma family and the brother of Ma Dongchen and Ma Dongmei, Ma Donglai!

The reason why the Ma family can run across Qingjiang is because of their brothers and sisters' operations over the years!

And now, this group of waste is actually going to hand over Ma Dongmei!

A bunch of idiots!

This is obviously the layout of someone who wants to eat the Ma family!


Ma Donglai suddenly slapped the table!

Suddenly, the entire conference hall was silent!

"By now, you still don't understand? The other party doesn't want anything at all, but the entire Ma family!"

"The top priority now is to find a way to solve the opponent's masters, not to let Dongmei go out and commit the crime!"

There was silence underneath, and after a long time, Ma Dongchun suddenly whispered!

"That's not necessarily! What if they want Ma Dongmei?"

As soon as Ma Dongchun spoke, other people suddenly clamored!

"Yes! Maybe you will be fine if you hand over Ma Dongmei!"

"Big deal, lose some more money!"

"Even if the other party really wants to annex Ma's family and hand over Ma Dongmei, it will also win a lot of time, enough for us to find a master!"

"Yes! Patriarch, you can hand over Ma Dongmei!"

Seeing everyone with a mean look, Ma Dongchen couldn't help it anymore!

"Bastard! If you don't have a big sister these years, how can you all be so happy!"

"The eldest sister is a woman, but the master is in charge of the Xingtang, because of what? It's not because you are unworthy!"

"She ruined her reputation for the sake of her family, and she can't marry now!"

"But what about you? All of you are insatiable, idle, not doing business, and those things that corrupt the reputation of the family, which one is less of you!"

"Now that I want to betray my eldest sister, Ma Dongchen is the first one to refuse! There is a kind! Just step on my corpse!"

Ma Dongchen's eyes were red, and he was murderous!

Ma Donglai has already burst out a tenth level aura!

Dong Chen was right, for the sake of Dongmei, he, the eldest brother, would give it up!

Ma Xianghai and others looked stiff!

But immediately, everyone became angry from shame!

"Asshole! Ma Dongchen! I'm your uncle! How dare you be so presumptuous!"

"How many of your brothers and sisters have been firmly in the master's house these years, you may be greedy!"

"Yes! Hand over Ma Dongmei! Otherwise, your master will get out!"

"Ma Donglai, you have only entered the tenth level only a few years, and Santangshu is the tenth level peak!"

"Without that old fellow Ma Xiangyun, your master is nothing!"

A group of horses showed their ferocity, and a big battle was about to break out!

But as a result, Ma Donglai several people will only be more ill-fortuned!

At this moment!

"I'll go find them!"

A female voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Ma Dongmei, who is graceful and luxurious, full of ladylike temperament, has slowly walked into the hall!

"Ma Dongmei?"


"Little girl!"

Everyone's complexion changed!

The difference is that Ma Dongchen and Ma Donglai have gloomy faces, but the others are overjoyed!

"Haha! Good! Dongmei is still sensible!"

"Don't worry, if you are really unpredictable, the third cousin will definitely seek justice for you!"

"Yes! Our Ma family is not easy to bully!"

"Dongmei, you can plead for good after you go, it doesn't matter how much money you give!"

A group of people swept away the previous ferocious state, and everyone spoke uprightly!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would have thought it was someone else who was so shameless just now!

However, looking at the ugly state of this group of people, Ma Dongmei sneered!

"Okay! Don't pretend to me, Ma Dongmei, when I was thirteen years old, went through the rivers and lakes with my elder brother. What scenes have I not seen?

"Put away your set! Remember, the old lady is not for you, for the Ma family!"

Ma Dongmei smiled proudly!

Then, he glanced at Ma Donglai and Ma Dongchen reluctantly, turned around and left!

"Little girl!"


Both of Ma Donglai's eyes were red, but they were stopped by those bastards, and there was no way to stop Ma Dongmei!

Only at this moment!

"Miss San, where are you going?"

"Turn off your fart——Jiang Fan?!"

Ma Dongmei's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Jiang Fan who suddenly appeared in disbelief!

"it's me!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Jiang Fan..."

For a moment, Ma Dongmei's face was full of arrogance, she couldn't control it anymore, she almost hugged Jiang Fan in tears!

"Ahem! Miss San, I have a girlfriend, let's not do this!"

Jiang Fan patted Ma Dongmei on the back, and then carefully broke free!

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Baoma's house with me!"


Ma Dongmei wiped her tears, but she reacted immediately!

Does Jiang Fan have a girlfriend?

who is it?

Qiu Mingyue?

Xia Fanxing?


The old lady had only left Los Angeles for a few days, and these two **** actually came out on top!

damn it!


It is simply unforgivable!

The reason why Ma Dongmei still thinks about this is exactly the same as the mentality of Huai Po and others!

Jiang Fan appears, all is well!

"Hey! Boy, who are you?"

"How did he get in?"

"Grandma Huai! Who is this person? Quickly let him go away! Didn't you see Ma Dongmei preparing to go to Ma Jiaping?"

"Boy! This is the Ma family, hurry up!"

Seeing Ma Dongmei stop, the Ma family gangsters suddenly panicked and shouted!



Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and a sword aura suddenly popped out at the arrogant one!

The condensed sword energy is as real as it is, and it is as fast as a surprise! It also brings a force that shocks people's hearts and souls!


Sword Qi flashed!

The person's voice stopped, and a blood line appeared on his forehead!

The next moment, he looked up to the sky and fell down!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

If you don't agree, kill directly!

This kid is more ruthless than the group of people who came to look for things yesterday!

The key is to burst into sword energy!

Such a method, at least, tenth-level sword repair!

The other ten levels, they don't care about it!

But the sword repairer with the strongest attack power, everybody in this room, don't even want to live between shots!

"He, who is he!"

"It's terrible, that sword aura definitely has the strength to kill tenth level in a second!"

"The point is, he seems to be Ma Dongmei's friend!"

"This is how to do!"

"How could Ma Dongmei know such a murderer!"

A group of horse bastards, all panicked!

Everyone was trembling with fright!

Especially the third uncle of the Ma family, who is known as the strongest, is like a quail at the moment, hiding behind the crowd, not even dare to let go!

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