God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 838: Follow-up to the Light Judgment

"what happened?"

As soon as he saw the expressions of the two, Jiang Fan immediately knew something was going on!

"Mr. Jiang, we have recorded Wu Tao's actions these days!"

As Lu Zhenglong said, he took out a tablet, and what was displayed on it was the map of Los Angeles!

"According to our observations, he has appeared for the longest time in this position!"

As Lu Zhenglong said, he pointed directly at the place marked with a red cross!

Jiang Fan frowned, vaguely feeling that the place was a bit familiar!

Yue Jianhan on one side spoke softly!

"Master, the first presiding judge!"

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

The first presiding judge!

The existence of that fourteenth-level pinnacle!

It is also the most powerful existence that he has killed!

Thinking of Annie's terrifying coercion at the time, he now felt a kind of horror!

If it weren't for the scary spike item like the Crown of the Moon at the time, he might not have had an accident, but the people in Los Angeles and his related people would die!

Jiang Fan squeezed the root of the mountain (the eyes were centered, the bridge of the nose started), and suddenly he spoke!

"Is there any surveillance around there?"


As Lu Zhenglong said, he found a video directly!

I saw in the video, Wu Tao quietly squatted halfway on Annie's death position. Because he had his back to the monitor, he couldn't see what he was doing at all!

But he stayed there for three full minutes before he stood up slowly!

Then, his face was extremely solemn and left!

Jiang Fan watched this video repeatedly, and only then did he put down the tablet after a long time!

"Interesting! See Han, do you remember those two people at that time?"

"Remember! I beheaded the third presiding judge at the time, and hurried to you, but I didn't expect to find out after I went there that the first presiding judge had been killed by you a long time ago!"

Yue Jianhan looked at Jiang Fan enthusiastically!

"Master's methods, disciples dare not forget now!"

"Did you not find anything missing?"

"What's less?"

Yue Jianhan thought for a long time, still shook his head!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"You never thought, there are first and third, what about the second?"


Yue Jianhan suddenly showed a dazed look!

"Is this Wu Tao the second presiding judge?"

"It is possible, but not necessarily! In short, one thing is certain, this person is absolutely inseparable from the Holy Light Judgment!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"That disciple is going to kill him!"

Yue Jianhan's eyes were cold!

"No! The first presiding judge and the others have been dead for so long before the Holy Light ruling came to investigate the cause of death. There must be a problem! Let Christine follow him first!"


"Uncle Zhong, call everyone else to the hall!"

Soon, apart from Christine who is following Wu Tao, all Jiang Fan's team have appeared!

"Big Shuang and Xiao Shuang, you have been with Lao Lu during this period of time, and take care to protect his safety!"


"Lao Lu, assist Da Shuang and Xiao Shuang to find a group of people with good character and bones!"


"Long Yan and Douglas, Wang Yi stayed at Jiangzhai. Seeing the cold, you are still the same as before. Pay more attention to Qiu Mingyue!"


"Uncle Zhong, if those industries are taken over, Bai Xia can start operations!"


"Chengfeng, you temporarily follow Wang Yi and learn more about how to behave in the world!"


"Okay! Let's go away if nothing happens!"

Soon, a group of people left each!

Only Loyal Uncle and Curtis stay here!

Curtis looked at Jiang Fan pitifully!

"Master! What about me?"

"You and I will go to Xiangzhou tomorrow night!"


Curtis looked blank, but he immediately reacted with a smile of joy on his face!

"You, you mean, found that place?"

"Not yet! But there is a clue to that Wang Beard!"

"Praise you! My most powerful master!"

The necromancer's laughing throat is exposed!

As long as the ancient tomb can be found, there will be countless blood roots!

At that time, he must be the second person to break through the eleventh level!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Uncle Zhong!

"Uncle Zhong, are you okay?"

Uncle Zhong was very embarrassed when he wanted to speak and stopped!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Say it!"

"Hehe, Master, I just want to say that you are very much like the head of the household now!"

"Come on! It's definitely not what you want to say!"

"Okay! Then I'll be straightforward!"

Uncle Zhong gritted his teeth!

"Master, I, I am not used to living here, I want to go back to the old house!"

"Old house? You mean sister Feng over there?"


"Uncle Zhong, are you okay? When the Jiang family was still there, your housekeeper's room was more luxurious than mine! Now you tell me that you are going back to the old house, what is wrong with you? Is anyone saying anything? Up?"

By the time of the last sentence, Jiang Fan's face had completely sunk, and his eyes were full of murderous intent!

If anyone dares to be disrespectful to his loyal uncle, no matter who it is, he will die!

Uncle Zhong was taken aback and hurriedly explained!

"No master! I really can't get used to it! I, I just miss it a little bit!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment!

"Uncle Zhong, you know, we've been exposed, so if we go there, what if it hurts sister Feng and Xiaoru?"


Uncle Zhong sighed and suddenly smiled!

"Master, I just talk about it casually, I'll go to sleep first!"


Seeing Uncle Zhong's departure, Jiang Fan couldn't help but think of Xu Xiaofeng's blind date again, and he suddenly got big!

Even Curtis's flattery is not fragrant anymore, and he goes to bed dejectedly!

Jiang Fan came to Lanying early the next day!

This is a Monday exam!

Standing on the podium, Jiang Fan looked at the students in Class 3 with a smile!

"Ahem, today—"

Jiang Fan hasn't finished a word yet!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Hurry up!"

"We can't wait!"

"Jiang Fan! Just wait for retribution!"

The students are very angry!

Murongcui is even more murderous!

"OK! Since you are so confident, the exam for each subject will be shortened by ten minutes!"


"You are too shameless?"

"Forget it, don't worry, this **** makes a lot of sense!"

"Damn it, it doesn't matter if you can't win with punches and kicks, and you can't beat him!"

"Asshole! Let go!"

Soon, Jiang Fan has issued the test papers!

With the rustle of writing, the exam officially began!


"Jingle Bell!"

With the bell ringing!

"The answer is over! Turn in all the test papers! Lu He, what else do you write?"

"I, I'm a little bit close, give me half a minute!"

"Give you a hammer! Hurry up!"

Jiang Fan put away the test paper and paused: "The exam is at two in the afternoon and ends at five. There is no intermission!"

"You are too cruel!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Since you want to cheat me, you are not qualified to say no!"

Jiang Fan smiled, turned around and left!

Give the test papers to a few teachers, and Jiang Fan immediately went straight to the Tengluo restaurant!

Here is exactly the blind date that Sister Feng said!

But, seeing Jiang Fan enter the restaurant!

At the corner not far away, Lu He, Wu Chengliang and others walked out with a strange smile!

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