God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 847: You successfully aroused my anger

In the story of Team Galaxy, Liz is the second female!

After the Federal Army failed to fight the Zerg, quickly adjust the strategy!

The protagonist Rico and Lieutenant Ranchek enter the P star together!

Here, they received a signal for help from a base!

It's just that everyone came here to discover that this is actually a trap arranged by the Zerg!

In this battle, not only did Lieutenant Ranchek sacrifice, but Liz, who finally came together with Rico, was also killed by the Zerg!

Just when Jiang Fan quickly recalled the plot!

"Da da da!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

"Kill these bugs!"


"Liz! Hurry up and contact the fleet! This is a trap!"

Countless gunshots suddenly sounded from outside!

Accompanied by the roar of a man!

Liz no longer cared about Jiang Fan, and quickly contacted the interstellar team!

And Jiang Fan has already strode out of the room!

I saw that this is a small base made entirely of steel!

The entire base is firmly surrounded by steel walls up to five meters high!

At this moment, dozens of soldiers are standing on the fence and pulling the trigger desperately, facing the distance!

For a time, the sound of guns almost overwhelmed everything!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

It seems that the Zerg attack has begun!

With a light jump, he has come to the top of the fence!

Just seeing the scene below, even the well-informed Jiang Fan was a little lost!


Countless bugs!

Like the ocean, there are no marginal bugs!

Each of these bugs is about 2.5 meters high, with six sharp long legs like bayonets, and the terrifying upper and lower jaws are like guillotines!

These are the most common units among the Zerg, the arachnids!

However, these bugs are too many!

Not to mention this group of ordinary people, even if the master comes, they will have to be tortured to death!


Forget it, hurry up and finish the meal!

Jiang Fan roared suddenly!

"Who is Rico!"

"I'm here!"

A male voice with vibrato suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan took a closer look, and it really was Rico!

However, at this moment, Rico was holding his head and shrank into a ball!

It's completely different from the appearance of showing great power in the movie!

"Hello! The takeaway you ordered!"

Jiang Fan directly took out the chicken wings and handed them to Rico!

The crowd was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"Hey, who is this person?"

"Come to deliver the food? Is he a takeaway?"


"What the **** is the Federation doing! Support hasn't come quickly yet!"

"Nima! If I don't die, I must go back to ruin those bastards!"

The crowd was shooting desperately while cursing!

But Rico was trembling all over!

"I, I didn't order takeaway! Quickly send me out of here!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

what's the situation?

How did Rico become so scared?

"Boy, he has been poisoned by a kind of insect, and his fear is magnified infinitely! Now it's abolished! Leave him alone, run away!"

A bald middle-aged man yelled at Jiang Fan!

This person is Lieutenant Ranchek!

Rico was originally his general, but he didn't know that he was now abolished. He was also very upset!

Blame these **** bugs!


Jiang Fan smiled and opened the box directly!

Suddenly, a scent drifted out!

As soon as he smelled this, Rico's eyes widened!

"It smells good!"

"I, I really want to eat!"

"No! I can't control it!"

Rico took the chicken wings in one hand and gnawed directly!

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"Although it's cold! But it highlights the aroma of the sauce!"

"Oh my God! I've never had such delicious chicken wings!"

"I feel that my fighting spirit is surging!"

"I have become a fighting **** that specializes in killing insects! I want to fight! I want to kill insects!"

After Rico finished eating the chicken wings, he suddenly roared, took up two machine guns, and desperately pulled the trigger at the insect sea below!

"Da da da da!"

The tongue of fire poured out, and Rico was almost as good as one hundred!

Everyone was stunned!

What the **** is chicken wings?

Is it a stimulant?

This takeaway boy is too amazing!

Actually directly turned Rico into a human weapon!

Encouraged by Rico's fighting spirit, the others roared frantically!

For a time, the Zerg offensive was actually stopped alive!

Lieutenant Ranchek was overjoyed!

This little brother is amazing!

"Tough guy team! Give me a hard hit!"

Ranchek laughed!

And Jiang Fan, after receiving the reminder that the order was completed, was ready to bugger!

Sorry everyone!

Use your courage to guard this sea of ​​stars!


Before Jiang Fan returned, the entire base suddenly trembled!

The next moment, the position in the middle of the base collapsed suddenly!

Then, a Zerg head that was the size of a table of Eight Immortals suddenly came out!

"Crap! It's a tank bug!"

"Defend! Defend! Get rid of it quickly! Otherwise we will all die!"

The crowd screamed desperately!

But the tank worm shook suddenly, and it had completely emerged from the ground!

I saw that this thing was five or six meters high, two eyes were glowing green, six legs were extremely sturdy, and the carapace was glowing with black light!

At this moment, Liz just ran out of the command post!

"Lieutenant! The fleet has been contacted! They-my God!"

Liz was stunned when he saw the tank bug!

The Tank Worm had already taken a deep breath, and a ball of flame suddenly sprayed towards Liz!


Rico roared desperately!

That's it!

No one can survive the hot flames of the tank bug!

Seeing, the flame is about to spray Liz!

But at this moment!


A figure was almost like a phantom, and directly picked up Liz and hid away!

It is Jiang Fan!


The flame suddenly sprayed on the steel house!

It can be seen to the naked eye that the steel building was directly burned to residue by the flame!

"Attack! Attack!"

The lieutenant shouted desperately!

"Da da da!"

However, the bullets hit the tank bug, but they bounced off one after another!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already jumped onto the fence with Liz!

"Thanks, thank you!"

Liz looked at Jiang Fan gratefully!

"You're welcome! I have something to do, go ahead!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and was about to run away!


"Jiang Fan! Behind you!"

Liz suddenly screamed!

Jiang Fan turned around and saw that the tank worm actually aimed at him, and another flame spurted out!


Jiang Fan ducked sideways, avoiding the flame directly!

However, the wall next to him was burned with a gap!

Jiang Fan is directly on fire!

So many people shoot you and you don't care, so I'll only pick Lao Tzu to start!

"There is a kind! You succeeded in arousing my anger!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and he suddenly rushed towards the tank worm in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable!

"Jiang Fan!"

"No! Don't be impulsive!"

"Damn it! Is this takeaway guy crazy!"

"Fire aid! Quick! Fire aid!"

The crowd screamed desperately!



A white light flashed in Jiang Fan's hand!

Already passed by the huge tank bug!

next moment!


The tank worm, which is bigger than the two-story building, is actually divided into two parts!

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