God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 856: You said it was a misunderstanding

At first sight, Jiang Fan was about to pinch the neck for rejuvenation!

"No! No! Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding!"

Bao Zhenxing hurriedly spoke!

"We, we just want to test you!"


Jiang Fan's face suddenly sank!

"In that case, were you kidding me just now?"

"This this……"

Bao Zhenxing looked at Bao Zhenrong with a panic!

Bao Zhenrong was about to speak immediately!

And Jiang Fan had already grinned gloomily!

"Bao Zhenrong, think about it before you speak! Only one person who dares to play with me will end!"

When Jiang Fan said this, everyone only felt that the bone marrow was cold!

What's the end of that, don't need Jiang Fan to say, they also know!

Bao Dabao hasn't reacted yet, his face is completely blank!

It could be seen that he didn't even know about this matter!

But Bao Zhenrong is ashamed!

Before Jiang Fan came, he had an appointment with Bao Zhenxing. Although he had to use Jiang Fan's power to balance the situation in Xiangzhou and fight against the Pang family, he must not be let down!

Therefore, this is why I want to play a red-and-white face and give Jiang Fan a bit of power!

So that Jiang Fan knows the strength of the Bao family in Xiangzhou!

But Jiang Fan's appearance is too shocking!

No one thought that his strength would be so powerful!

And his temper and murderous intent are actually stronger than strength!

Now obviously, he has only two ways!

One, admit that you played Jiang Fan just now, and then wait for Jiang Fan's revenge!

The other is to let Bao Zhenxing completely carry the pot!

Bao Zhenrong sweats like rain, and can't wait to kill himself alive!

And Bao Shuai has already screamed!

"This matter has nothing to do with us! We just listened to the uncle's words and came to test you!"

"Mr. Jiang! Let go of my dad! Please, let him go!"

Jiang Fan was unmoved, but looked at Bao Zhenrong coldly!

"Speaking of which, are you really kidding me?"

Bao Zhenrong trembled all over, and suddenly pointed at Bao Shuai!

"Bastard! What are you talking about! It is clear that you, father and son, want to seize power and deliberately embarrass Mr. Jiang!"

"I have persuaded you a long time ago! A big man like Mr. Jiang is not something you can provoke!"

"You just don't listen! You are more than guilty!"

"Mr. Jiang! You don't have to be polite! Just do it!"

Bao Zhenrong looked ruthless at the moment!

For the future of the family, what is the death of a brother and nephew!

"You fart! Bao Zhenrong! Obviously you said that the waist test Mr. Jiang!"

"Now that annoys him, you want me to take the blame! You bastard!"

Bao Zhenxing and his son were furious!

"Shut up!"

Jiang Fan suddenly cried out, then let go of his hand and directly released Bao Zhenxing!

Released? !

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

And Jiang Fan has already smiled!

"Hehe, I said it was a misunderstanding! Look at the trouble, it's a level ten dead in vain!"

what? !

Everyone is dumbfounded!

They all looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

Bao Zhenrong and Bao Zhenxing are even more **** expressions!

So emotional. You were acting just now?

However, the next moment, the two people only felt that their hairs were standing up!

too frightening!

Jiang Fan played too hard with this hand!

Not only disrupted their plans and caused the Bao family to lose a tenth level in vain, but also completely turned their brothers into enemies!

Even if the two are reconciled now, they will never dare to talk to each other again!

The entire Bao family was also invisible, and a crack was separated by Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan is completely relying on their game to stand up!

Tell them plainly, not only in terms of strength, they are not opponents! In terms of wisdom, it's a big difference!

This is Jiang Fan's warning to them!

It is Jiang Fan's revenge for this dismissal!

For a time, the two only felt bitter!

Be a cocoon!

Really bind yourself!

"What are you doing in a daze? Dispose of the corpse!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke, and then lazily sat on the sofa!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Bao Zhenrong and others nodded again and again!

Everyone knows that Baojia, I'm afraid it's going to change!

Bao Dabao smiled bitterly in his heart!

At this moment, he didn't know whether he knew Jiang Fan, whether it was right or wrong!

As the living room was cleaned up, Bao Zhenxing and his son left immediately with excuses!

"Mr. Jiang, please have tea!"

Bao Zhenrong looked embarrassed and handed Jiang Fan a cup of tea!

At this moment, only Bao Zhenrong, father and son and Jiang Fan are left in the living room!

Jiang Fan took a sip of tea and nodded slightly!

"Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry for what happened just now..."

Before Bao Zhenrong finished speaking, Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!

"Talk about the point!"

"Ha ha……"

Bao Zhenrong laughed dryly, and finally spoke slowly!

"Mr. Jiang, I want to ask you to help us deal with the Pang family!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Mr. Bao, I have been in Xiangzhou for less than two days, but during these two days, the Pang family has never provoke me! And your Bao family has troubled me twice!"

"The point I ask you is not what you want to do, but what you should do!"

Bao Zhenrong was stunned!

Then he looked at Bao Dabao with a look of help!

But Bao Dabao was just drinking tea!

"Mr. Jiang, my family is a mining company. I am willing to transfer the development rights of a gold mine to you!"

"Moreover, you don't need to worry about the operation and labor of this gold mine at all! Everything will be operated by my family!"

Gold mine!

Bao Dabao trembled suddenly!

Dad's handwriting is actually bigger than he thought!

The Bao family has three gold mines in Xiangzhou's sphere of influence!

Even the worst of them has an annual output of more than two tons!

The point is that gold mines do not only contain gold, but also other associated mines!

Excluding the manpower and material resources of mining, the annual net profit is enough to reach more than 600 million yuan!

In other words, the Bao family honors Jiang Fan's money every year, a full 600 million!

Per year!

This is far more real than real estate or treasures!

Even Jiang Fan's eyes moved slightly!

Bao Zhenrong is really willing!

Although the money is not too much according to Jiang Fan's vision, after all, the wealth of the Jiang family back then was even jealous of the wealthiest members of the capital!

But this attitude made Jiang Fan very satisfied!

"Fine, talk about the Pang family!"


Bao Zhenrong finally looked happy!

The Pang family has been deeply rooted in Xiangzhou for a hundred years!

The ancestor of the Pang family was a corpse chaser. He made his fortune by stealing the corpse and selling tobacco and soil. Now, he is a behemoth with catering, daily chemicals, real estate, minerals, pharmaceuticals, etc.!

And this generation of Pang Family Patriarch Pang Shifang is not only powerful, he has reached level ten!

And it is said that his wife has a deeper background!

Therefore, in the face of the newly emerging Bao family, the Pang family didn't bother to take care of it!

I just didn't expect that the package will become bigger and bigger, and the tail is big!

The Pang family made trouble with the Bao family over and over again, but Bao Zhenrong actually endured it all, even at the expense of losing money!

All this is because he can't afford to provoke the Pang family!

The Bao family is indeed rich, but rich does not mean that they have strength!

The more masters are, the more arrogant and arrogant, they don't even bother to be managed by others!

The point is that nouveau riche like the Bao family don’t even know where to hire masters!

Even the previous tenth level, I was lucky enough to run into it!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan just killed him directly!

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