God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 867: I'm out of double

Pang Xiwen quickly said everything about today!

"It seems that he has a baby! Otherwise, how could the boss of Hongwenzhai meet him?"

"Is it because of the Bao family?"

Pang Shifang pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered!

"Check this Jiang Fan! Dig out his background for me!"

Soon, the team has returned to Pang's home!

Seeing Pang Shifang and the others get off the car with a gloomy face, Dou Guizhi, who had been waiting on the side, greeted him immediately!

"What's the matter? Why is your face so ugly?"

"Mom! It's that Jiang Fan! This person is too shameless!"

Pang Xiwen was extremely suffocated!

Weeping and telling the story again!

"It's him again!"

Dou Guizhi's eyes are full of anger!

"Pang Shifang! You are still not a man! Why didn't you react at all when your son was bullied!"


"Don't talk to me about moral nonsense! Arrange manpower immediately! I will kill the Bao family directly!"

Dou Guizhi screamed suddenly!

"Good good!"

Pang Shifang nodded hurriedly!

Although he is the head of the Pang family, he is a famous fear inside!

Not only because of Dou Guizhi's temper, but also because of her background!

The background of his wife, even ten Pangs can't match!

What's more, if you hurry up early and not late, extinguishing the Bao family overnight is also considered a severe shock to those people!

Pang Shifang looked directly at the butler!

"Didn't you hear what the madam said? Don't hurry up!"


Soon, all the senior members of the Pang family have gathered!

And Pang Shifang began to give orders with a gloomy expression!

Want to completely solve a family, it is simple and troublesome!

As long as this family is killed, everything is naturally the winner!

But it takes a lot of time to receive the industry!

Moreover, it has to be digested slowly!

At this time, there will definitely be a lot of profit-seeking people taking advantage of the fire!

Especially families in a few nearby cities, they might even get involved!

For these people, some people must be allocated to solve it!

Seeing that Pang Shifang has almost arranged it, at this moment!




Suona and gongs and drums suddenly sounded from outside Pang's house!

"What's the matter? Go out and have a look!"

Pang Shifang frowned!

A Pang family kid rushed out immediately!

However, in less than half a minute, this person ran back in shock!

"Patriarch! Yes, it's the Bao family!"


Everyone was taken aback!

Pang Shifang strode to the door!

Only when he saw the scene in front of him, he was blindfolded!

I saw dozens of cars parked outside the gate!

And at the gate of Pang's family, there is also a coffin!

Look at the style, it is Mr. Bao's!

At this moment, more than a dozen musicians are beating gongs and drums by the coffin!

And then, there will be countless Bao family members led by Jiang Fan!

"Bao Zhenrong! You, what the **** are you doing!"

Pang Shifang was furious!

Bao Zhenrong hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Jiang Fan beside him, and then gritted his teeth!

"Pang Shifang! You killed my father. Today, our Bao family will come to ask for justice!"

"Just to be fair?"

Pang Shifang was startled and suddenly laughed!

"Bao Zhenrong! You are really crazy!"

The rest of the Pang family children laughed wildly!

"Patriarch! This group is just right! Save trouble!"

"This is a door-to-door delivery!"

"Hehehe, Bao Zhenrong, today is the death of your Bao family!"

Pang Xiwen's eyes widened with excitement!

Staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

it is good!


He pointed at Jiang Fan suddenly!

"Take this little beast to me!"


Two figures suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Looking at the strength, it definitely has exceeded the eighth level!

Jiang Fan remained motionless, but a person suddenly jumped out behind him!

It is the ninth-level master of the Bao family!

"Boom boom!"

Just one face to face, two eighth level vomiting blood and flying upside down!


"Bao Jia is really daring to make a move!"

"That's the case, killing you is justified!"


Before the ninth level had time to return, Dou Guizhi suddenly flashed behind him!

Immediately afterwards, a woman had already arrived in front of the ninth level!

Look at the breath, this woman is actually at the tenth level!

The ninth-level frightened liver and gall, but under the tenth-level coercion, he didn't dare to move, so he could only wait to die with his eyes wide open!

Seeing that the woman had already raised her hand, she was about to shoot on the forehead of the ninth level!

At this moment!


A terrifying scream suddenly sounded!

The woman just felt cold all over, and desperately backed away!

But it's too late!


A bang!

The woman seemed to be hit by a sniper rifle, suddenly flying high!

By the time she landed, she had become a corpse!

Until then, everyone was shocked to see that there was a toothpick stuck in the woman's forehead!

"Tooth, toothpick?!"

"A toothpick actually killed level ten!"

"What a scary method!"

Everyone's eyes widened, with a look of horror!


Dou Guizhi screamed and hugged the woman's body!

This woman is called A Zhen, but she was the girl who was married when he got married!

Follow her for more than 20 years!

But now, it's so dead!

Dou Guizhi suddenly raised his head and stared at Jiang Fan!

"It's you!"

"Yes, it's me!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"You, you beast!"

Dou Guizhi screamed suddenly!

"Pang Zhen, Pang Yong! Break him into pieces for me!"

The two tenth levels of the Pang family suddenly rushed out and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

"and so on!"

Pang Shifang had just reacted at this moment and yelled in a hurry!

But it's too late!

At this time, Pang Zhen and Pang Yong had already arrived in front of Jiang Fan!

But before they could take a shot, Jiang Fan had already smiled disdainfully, and suddenly two punches blasted out!


Pang Zhen Pang Yong suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, and when it fell to Pang Shifang's feet, he had become a corpse!

Everyone just feels cold!

It's too fierce!

The tenth level is like an ant in front of Jiang Fan!

Simply vulnerable!

Bao Zhenrong and the others are full of joy!

so amazing!

It turns out that Jiang Fan is so powerful!

No wonder he dared to be so mad!

With Jiang Fan as the backer, after Bao's family, he will surely rise to the top!

"No, it's impossible!"

"The Bao family has absolutely no ability to find such a master!"

"You, who are you!"

Pang Shifang looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"Say, I'm Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang! Fan!"

Dou Guizhi suddenly looked ruthless!

"You are dead! You are absolutely dead! I want to—"

"Guizhi! Shut up!"

Pang Shifang's voice suddenly sounded!

Dou Guizhi was taken aback and looked at Pang Shifang in disbelief!

"You, you actually yell at me!"

But Pang Shifang ignored her at all!

Just staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"Jiang Fan, no matter how much the Bao family benefits you, as long as you withdraw, I will give you double!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Pang Shifang dumbfounded!

"Patriarch! No!"

"Yeah! Let him go, how face my Pang family is!"

"Now not only to let him go, but to give him so many benefits, it's literally slap us in the face!"

Pang Xiwen screamed even more!

"Dad! What a joke! He can kill tenth level, and he can kill eleventh level!"

"Just come out there--"

"Shut up all to me!"

Pang Shifang looked back suddenly, and suddenly roared!

Everyone suddenly closed their mouths!

"Jiang Fan! If you are not satisfied, I can even come out, triple!"

Pang Shifang looked directly at Jiang Fan and spoke slowly!

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