God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 869: This line looks more promising than takeaway

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan actually smiled!

"It's okay, Pao Pao, please go ahead!"

"Okay, okay! I will let the driver see you off!"

Bao Zhenrong looked happy and left in a hurry!

But Jiang Fan didn't wait for any driver, he took Bao Dabao into a car and drove away!

"Brother Jiang, my father..."

Bao Dabao hesitated for a long time before speaking slowly!

"It's okay! Am I so stingy?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"That's good!"

Bao Dabao laughed!

It's just that he didn't notice the harsh look in Jiang Fan's eyes at all!

The Bao family is really a pile of mud that can't support the wall!

Fortunately, I didn't count on them at all!

With Dou Guizhi's background, the Bao family will be destroyed sooner or later!

At that time, it will be the best choice to kill back to Xiangzhou in the name of revenge and support the obedient Bao Dabao!

And the power behind Dou Guizhi, hehehe, must have a lot of benefits!

It's a pity that at this moment, whether it is Pang Shifang, who is in despair, Bao Zhenrong, who is triumphant, or even Bao Dabao who looks forward to a new life, everyone doesn't know that Xiangzhou is just a chessboard in Jiang Fan's hands!

And they are all pawns manipulated by Jiang Fan!

"I really look like the ultimate BOSS!"

Jiang Fan muttered to himself! Overjoyed!

Soon, the two had arrived at the airport and took the nearest direct flight to Los Angeles!

At this moment, Dou Guizhi finally slowly opened his eyes in a room in the Pang family house!


Seeing Dou Guizhi waking up, Pang Xiwen hurriedly rushed over!

"Outside, what's the mess outside?"

Dou Guizhi shook his head!

"It's the Bao family, and the Bao family is taking over our Pang family's industry!"

"Mom! Our house is gone!"

Pang Xiwen burst into tears!

Dou Guizhi slowly exhaled a mouthful of muddy air!

"Hey! Don't cry! Where's your father?"

"He, he is transferring property to the Bao family!"

"This waste!"

Dou Guizhi looked fiercely, and suddenly touched his left cheek!

The slap that Pang Shifang slapped just now is still aching!

"This is useless, dare not provoke that Jiang Fan, but hit me!"

"Sure enough, all men are unreliable! Big pig's hoof!"

"Xiwen, give me the phone!"

Dou Guizhi said with a grievance!

Pang Xiwen quickly passed the phone over!

Dou Guizhi dialed a number, and a kind voice immediately rang from the other side!

"Guizhi? Why do you call me so late?"

"Dad! You, you have to call me the shots!"

Dou Guizhi's tears came straight down!

"What's wrong? Don't cry, tell dad what happened?"

"Pang Shifang hit me!"

"What?! This bastard! He couldn't find death!"

The other side suddenly shouted angrily!

"Isn't Azhen by your side? Let her fight me! If that **** dared to fight back, I will personally destroy him!"

"Azhen, Azhen is dead!"


"Well! Was killed! And not only was he, the Pang family was also robbed!"

"You, what did you say?"

The opposite is full of shock!

"Then how stiff the hair I gave you when you got married?"

"Dead, beheaded!"


The opposite suddenly screamed!

"what is the problem!"

Dou Guizhi said it again while crying!

"Okay! Very good! Someone actually bullied our Dou family!"

The old man on the opposite side sneered!

"Dad, you must help me out!"

"Relax! This Bao family is destined to die!"

"And that Jiang Fan, I will definitely train him into the lowest level walking corpse, to vent your anger!"

The old man's tone was full of murderous intent!


At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Jiang Fan finally returned to Los Angeles!

Go back to Jiang's house and ask Uncle Zhong to make arrangements for Bao Dabao, and Jiang Fan will fall asleep!

Just after getting up the next day, Jiang Fan's cell phone rang!

"Huh? Sister Feng?"

"Jiang Fan, I heard that you and Zhong Qing are going to see your parents?"


Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

"Pretend! By the way, don't be stingy the first time you see a parent, pick something good!"

"Also, dress decently! Don't wear that fake Armani! It's too embarrassing to expose the stuffing!"

"I'll transfer two thousand for you, and go to Lilang to pick a set of clothes by myself!"

"No, Sister Feng, hello! hello!"

Jiang Fan hadn't reacted yet, Xu Xiaofeng had hung up the phone directly!

After a while, the WeChat transfer will arrive!

Jiang Fan looked blank!

After thinking for a long time, I remembered, Zhong Qing, isn't that his blind date?

Had it not been for Xu Xiaofeng's reminder, he would have forgotten such a person!

The point is, see the parents?

What a joke!

Jiang Fan was about to call Xu Xiaofeng, but the phone rang again!

"Hello, I am Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan! This is Zhong Qing, do you have time tonight?"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Does this little girl really want him to see his parents?

"This, sorry, no!"

"I know, you want to deliver food, right?"


"Wait a minute!"

Zhong Qing was silent for half a minute!

Then, her voice sounded again!

"I just transferred you 10,000 yuan, which is considered as an employment fee! Tonight, please come home with me anyway!"

I wipe...

The speed of making money is so fast!

Twelve thousand got it in a blink of an eye!

Want to be a professional blind date in the future?

It seems that this business is more promising than takeaway!

"Then it's settled, come to Beihai Building at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, I will wait for you downstairs!"

Zhong Qing smiled softly!

"Why is it? Hey! Hey!"

Looking at the hung up call, Jiang Fan accepted the transfer without saying a word!

No need to have trouble with money!

The point is, if she doesn't go, Xu Xiaofeng must kill herself!

After washing, Jiang Fan went straight to Blue Eagle!

But as soon as I arrived at the gate, the system prompt rang!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"In 2012, Citigroup’s economy collapsed, and the number of unemployed people was unprecedented!"

"The crime rate has been rising, and the prison system has undergone a turning point!"

"Jidao Prison organized a series of competitions on the Internet! In order to earn ratings, criminals have to pay the price of their lives!"

"They are the gladiators of the new era, and Jidao Prison is their arena!"

"Just like ancient Rome, the audience of this era also came into being! And they are eager for more!"

"This gave rise to... Death Speed!"

"Ding! Please give Jason a fighting spirit, a rice topped with chives and eggs!"

Death Speed!

It turned out to be a death speed car!

Violent enough! I like!

Jiang Fan was about to turn into the canteen, and at this moment, the system prompt suddenly sounded again!

"Ding! System reminder! This world has a certain chance to get the upgrade parts for the "Lucky Bike"!"

Finally you are here!

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

Step on your feet and rush to the cafeteria!

"Master! Let's pack a rice bowl with wine, vegetables and eggs!"


Soon, a warm rice bowl was freshly baked!

Jiang Fan carried the takeaway and rushed directly—you guessed it! Still that smell! Still that familiar old place!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"Death Speed"!

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