
"Hehe, Pechak, you look at yourself too high! Do you really think Hennessy will punish Jason, the star of the game, for such a trash?"


Pechak's face was suddenly filled with horror!

Jiang Fan was right, he was already abolished!

The demon Hennessy would definitely give up himself for Jason without hesitation!

But Jason was refreshed!

The whole body is full of murderous aura!

"and many more!"

Pechak screamed suddenly!

But it's too late!

Jason roared suddenly and twisted his hands!


Pechak's neck was directly broken by angry Jason!

"My wife, I, I finally avenge you!"

Jason burst into tears!

And at this moment!

"Natalie, get Jason up! There is a car behind!"

The coach's voice suddenly rang from the car's intercom!

Natalie was shocked and hurriedly looked at Jason!

"Jason! Get up! A car is coming behind!"

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, I have already taken revenge..."

Jason sat on the ground with eyes blank!

Natalie suddenly felt cold when she saw Jason's appearance!

It's over, the current Jason is obviously dead!

No fighting spirit!

When the car behind is killed, he will definitely die!

"Jiang Fan! Can you help me drag him off the track? Otherwise, he will definitely be killed!"

"No need!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Jason! Although you killed Pechak, don't forget who instructed him to do this!"

Jason trembled and looked directly at Jiang Fan!

"You, what are you talking about, Hennessy?"

"Yes! And you have to get her signature before you can be free! You can find your daughter!"


Jason clenched his fists suddenly!

However, he immediately shook his head!

"It's useless! The entire prison is under her control, I, I can't do anything!"

"I will help you!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly, then took out the takeaway directly!

Suddenly, a scent drifted from the audience!

"This, what is this? It smells good!"

Jason was shocked!

"This is Huaxia Takeaway-Rice with chives and eggs!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Chinese Food!"

Jason and Natalie both lit up!

Legend has it that the real Chinese cuisine has a fascinating charm!

Many foreigners who have gone to China have refused to leave because of this!

"I am a takeaway, this time I am here to deliver food to you!"

Jiang Fan handed the takeaway forward!

"Eat! After eating, you will be full of fighting spirit!"

Jason was so excited! Shaking all over, carefully accepted the takeaway!

It's as if this is a treasure!

Chinese takeaway!

Unexpectedly, today, I would be lucky enough to have it!

Pinching a piece of leek egg with his hand and putting it in his mouth, Jason's eyes widened!

"Oh my God!"

"This, this taste, is so wonderful!"

"The unremarkable mixture of leeks and eggs can actually produce such an effect!"

"My taste buds! Almost exploded!"

Jason gobbled it up!

"Delicious! Great!"

"Not only delicious, but also full of passion!"

"I want revenge! I want freedom!"

Natalie's drool was overflowing while watching!

And looking at Hennessy here through the monitoring, I couldn't help but let out water!

"Chives and eggs on top of rice? This is the first time I heard of this Chinese delicacy!"

"Quick! When ordering a bike, give me a hundred pieces of chives and eggs on top of rice!"

At this moment, after eating the takeaway, Jason has jumped up!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! I will not give up!"

"Hmm! Come on!"

at this time!

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The roar of the engine suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a modified heavy vehicle suddenly rushed towards several people!

The car is very stocky, and there are two heavy machine guns on the left and right sides!

"Crap! It's Cannon Joe!"

"It's over! We don't have time to get in the car at all!"

"Asshole! It's hard to arouse fighting spirit, is it impossible to escape death after all?"

Jason and Natalie looked desperate!

Cannon Joe is Frankenstein's enemy in Jason's disguise!

The previous generation of Frankenstein was killed by Cannon Joe!

In the car, Cannon Joe had already grinned and pulled the trigger suddenly!

"Da da da da!"

The bullets of the machine guns screamed with terrifying sounds, and they shot at a few people in the rain!

All the viewers who watched the live broadcast have vaguely felt the scene of flesh and blood!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan didn't dodge, he directly pointed at Da Pao Qiao's car and slapped his palms into a knife!

Then, suddenly fell off!


In everyone's unbelievable gaze, a dazzling sword aura suddenly rushed out of Jiang Fan's palm and blasted toward the car!

next moment!


Da Pao Qiao's car was split into two directly by this sword qi from the middle!


"what is that!"

"The lightsaber of Star Wars?"

"Impossible! This thing rushed out of the body of that Chinese person!"

"Could it be that this is the legendary true spirit! It's too powerful!"

The audience was stunned!

"Sir! What, what should I do?"

"This kid is simply a reformer!"

"No wonder no one knows where the elites of Huaxia are! It turns out that they are all using takeaways as a disguise!"

"Once such a terrifying existence is broken into pieces, it is simply a nightmare for all countries!"

A group of subordinates panicked directly!

Hennessy was also shocked!

However, seeing Cengceng's rising ratings, she was immediately excited!

"Don't panic! Send me the Dreadnought!"


"Should that big killer be dispatched now?"

"As soon as that thing comes out, these racers will definitely die!"

Everyone was stunned!

"Huh! It doesn't matter if they die, now, all the audience's eyes are on this Chinese person!"

"Tell Dreadnought to kill this Chinese man!"

"I want him to know that no matter how high the skill is, he is afraid of cannons!"

And at the moment!

In the arena, the car that was split in half slid directly in front of Jiang Fan under the action of inertia!

On half of the car, there was Cannon Joe with a bewildered look!

He was like a tortoise, craned his neck and looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

Nima is too bullshit!

Was that a laser just now?

Actually, he directly split his car in the middle!

Hennessy this bitch!

If you really want to kill Lao Tzu, just say, what's the matter if you make a figure like a man!

Why not find a tank to kill Lao Tzu?

Just when Cannon Joe gritted his teeth!

"what is that!"

Natalie suddenly exclaimed!

Everyone looked into the distance, and suddenly all gasped!

I saw that a huge vehicle appeared on the field!

This car is more than ten meters long, and the countless wheels are full of hideous spikes!

Moreover, not only machine guns, flamethrowers, and missiles are on the body, but the rearmost position is actually inlaid with a tank fuselage!

"Fuck! Can you get a hammer?"

Cannon Joe is stunned!

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