God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 881: I don't know the goods

"Brother Ding, you have misunderstood, you and I are all friends, of course it's okay to help you! But how to help is a bit troublesome!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!

"There is obviously one of the easiest ways to do this, and that is to tell Miss Luo Jia about it yourself!"

"But you didn't do that. You should be threatened by the Ding family, right?"

"If you say it, the Ding family will kill Xiaobao by all means?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Ding Xuan was stunned!

Then looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

"It's true!"

"If this is the case, it is the most troublesome!"

Jiang Fan shrugged!

"Why do you say that? Just ask someone to pass the word to you?"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"If the Luo family cancels the marriage because of this incident, the Ding family will definitely anger you! You may not be what will happen to you, but Xiaobao will definitely die!"

Ding Xuan trembled all over!

"Then, isn't this unsolvable?"

"Not really, unless the Luo family doesn't care that you have children!"

"how can that be!"

Ding Xuan looked bitter!

"As long as the big family, the most important thing is honor! Miss Luo's own status is noble, even if she is willing, Luo's family will never let her marry a man with a child in the second marriage!"

"This is no longer a matter of honor, but a vicious slap in the face of the Luo family!"

"At that time, let alone marriage, the first thing the Luo family will do is probably to fight our Ding family!"

"Okay! There is actually a second way!"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

"any solution?"

Ding Xuan seems to have got a life-saving straw!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly!

"You come to be the Ding family-Patriarch!"

Ding Xuan gasped suddenly!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"This, this is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible! Think about it, if you become the owner of the Patriarch, Xiao Bao's safety will no longer be a problem!"

"And even if Miss Luo's family has to marry you and serve as the son-in-law of Luo's family as your paternal master, the Luo's family will definitely agree to it even if you have a second marriage and have children!"

"After all, there is a first-class family head who is the son-in-law, this kind of thing not only doesn't slap her face, but also has a big face!"

"Especially, the Luo family has only one daughter, and then the entire Luo family's property will be in your hands!"

"Eight giants, the Ding family! Are you really unmoved by this title?"

Jiang Fan's tone was gentle and deep, and to Ding Xuan's ears, it seemed to be the temptation from the abyss demon!


As long as you become the owner of the Patriarch, there will be nothing that can threaten Little Treasure!

And if the Luo family still insists on marrying, then the entire Ding family will usher in an unprecedented flyby!

If you say it badly, you can really emulate the Yan family and become another giant!

At that time, his name must be high in the ancestral hall, becoming the object of admiration for the entire Ding family!


Ding Xuan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath!

"Brother Jiang, what do I need to do?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

These two methods are actually a trap!

Jiang Fan's purpose is to make Ding Xuan the head of the Ding family!

Jiang Fan followed Ding Xuan's words at the beginning, constantly guiding his thoughts, and then began to exaggerate the difficulty of the first option, just to throw out the most critical second option at the end!

And as long as Ding Xuan opened his mouth to choose, the thought would be like a wild weed that could no longer be erased!

Ding Xuan is Jiang Fan's friend, Jiang Fan will naturally not pit him!

However, while helping friends, let them also be their own help, this is Jiang Fan's style all the time!

The Ding family is the top existence in the first-class family. If Ding Xuan is supported, his power will go further!

This is a win-win situation!

"The Ding family's influence is not small, this matter has to be discussed in a long-term, you will send me the information of every important person in the Ding family, and I will help you find a solution!"


Ding Xuan does not hesitate anymore!

"As for now, let's get rid of your cousin first!"

Jiang Fan said, raising his hand a wisp of wind!


Ding Fang wakes up slowly!

But when she saw Jiang Fan, she immediately stretched out her hand!


"What's wrong with Big Sister Ding? Are you ready to get local products now?"


"Understood! I'll prepare it for you now!"


Ding Fang stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

After a long time, she suddenly stood up angrily!

"Ding Xuan! Don't think that it's okay to find someone to come over and gag! I'll tell you! I'm not angry at all!"

Looking at Ding Fang, whose face was full of anger, Jiang Fan and Ding Xuan were speechless for a while!

"Huh! Ding Xuan, remember! You only have one week! If you still disagree, the family will never be polite!"

After Ding Fang finished speaking, he turned around angrily and left!

"Sister Ding! You really don't want a local specialty? Dip the green onions in the miso, and eat at least two bowls of rice for a meal!"

Jiang Fan’s voice is full of expectations!

"Asshole! You wait for me!"

Ding Fang staggered and roared at Jiang Fan, walking faster!

"Cut! Things that don't know the goods!"

Jiang Fan looked contemptuous!

"By the way, Big Brother Ding, is there a Zhong Qing in your building?"

"Zhong Qing? Which company?"

"It seems to be called Juyou International!"

"Oh! I remember! There is such a company on the 16th floor, but I am only responsible for rent collection. As for their personnel, I am not clear about them. In this way, I will ask the secretary to check it and send it to you in a while!"

"Okay! I'm leaving now!"

"Well, I'll give it to you!"

When the two came downstairs, they saw a Hyundai Tucson parked here!

Zhong Qing is frowning at her watch next to the car!

"Zhong Qing!"

Jiang Fan shouted!

"Jiang Fan!"

Zhong Qing showed a relaxed expression and immediately walked towards Jiang Fan!

"Why did you get in? I thought you didn't come!"

As Zhong Qing said, he glanced at Ding Xuan and nodded immediately!

"President Ding!"

"Hello there!"

Ding Xuan smiled, then patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder!

"Brother, good vision!"

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Fan laughed dryly, but his eyes suddenly became weird!

He always feels that something is wrong!

After Zhong Qing got into the car, Zhong Qing immediately started the car and drove into the road!

"By the way, let me introduce you to my family first!"

"My father's name is Zhong Guodong, who used to be a university lecturer, and my mother's name is Wang Shuyun. He used to be an accountant in a state-owned enterprise, but they are all retired now!"

"My hometown is in Sichuan, because most of my relatives are here, and I also work here, so my parents moved back after they retired!"

"After a while, I won't be nervous at home. My parents are very good. There are only three of us at home. You can just order it!"

Zhong Qing gave a brief introduction to the situation at home!

Jiang Fan nodded repeatedly!

"Well, do I have to buy some gifts?"

"No, I prepared it in advance. You were hired by me. Of course, you can't really make you spend money!"

Zhong Qing answered very simply!

Soon, the two have arrived at Jinfu Mingyuan Community!

Zhong Qing rang the doorbell immediately after going upstairs!

Soon, a middle-aged couple greeted us!

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