God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 883: Are you questioning me

"Coldly said that Qiu Yuanfeng hid and will not appear in a short time!"

"In addition, Qiu Yuanfeng also practiced the sword skills you left behind!"

"As for coldness, she is Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes in Los Angeles. All she needs to do is to report our every move to Qiu Yuanfeng!"

Qiu Mingyue said slowly!

"It's all expected, is there no other news?"

"There is one more thing, saying coldly that the Zhou family had sent a tenth-level strong to kill Qiu Yuanfeng, but it was killed by a strong one of Qiu Yuanfeng's subordinates!"

"Kill tenth rank? Is there such a master under Qiu Yuanfeng?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

"Yeah! I didn't know about it before coldly, and it was the first time she saw it!"

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

"Where is the cold feeling?"

"Qiujia Manor, you can see her in a while!"

Soon, the two have arrived at the Qiu Family Manor!

However, compared with the time when Qiuyuanfeng was still there, it is obviously a bit depressed!

As soon as they saw the arrival of the two, the coldness greeted him immediately!

"Miss! Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Fan glanced at it casually, but found that the cold eyes facing Qiu Mingyue were full of fear!

Although I don’t know what Qiu Mingyue uses to subdue the coldness, it seems that the effect is obviously not so good!

When a few people came upstairs, Jiang Fan suddenly saw the scene of Qiu Yuanfeng's office!

There is basically no change here, clean!

"This is where Qiu Yuanfeng's subordinates shot and killed Zhou's tenth level?"

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at it. Obviously this place has been renovated, and there is no trace of anyone doing it at all!

He shook his head, ready to leave!

Leng Qing said before that there are still a few secret rooms in the Qiu family, so why not go there and see if you can find anything!

"Yes! I was in the office at the time, and the person who shot was standing in the corridor. He sent a needle from the corridor to penetrate the wall, and then killed the Zhou family tenth level!"

Say coldly and quickly!


Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Just stop!

"Yes! They are all three-inch long fine needles!"

Speaking coldly, he suddenly patted the wall!


A muffled sound!

Immediately afterwards, the new paint on the wall peeled off, exposing countless fine holes!

Upon seeing this, Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

Even the heartbeat speeds up!

This kind of trace is too familiar!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan looked directly at coldly!

"Tell me about the specific situation that day, without missing a word!"

Startled coldly, but immediately told him about the death of Zhou Ming by Qiu Yuanfeng that day!

"Miaowu Tianluo? That's what the tenth level really said?"

Jiang Fan stared at coldly!

Cold all over!

Jiang Fan's eyes are terrible!

It's like a black hole sucking the soul!

"...Yes, yes! What he said must be these four words!"

"Miaowu Tianluo! Miaowu Tianluo! Hahahaha!"

Jiang Fan muttered and laughed wildly!

Qiu Mingyue and Leng Qing were all stunned, and had no idea what Jiang Fan was laughing at!

"Jiang Fan, what's wrong with you?"

Qiu Mingyue couldn't help but speak!

"Hahahaha! Great! Mingyue! Great! It's Wan Wu! Wan Wu is still alive!"

"Wan Wu? Is that the empty grave we saw when we went to the Qiujia Cemetery before?"

Qiu Mingyue is refreshed!

"That's right! It's him! Wan Wu! This wonderful dance Tianluo is a special skill worshipped by the Jiang family! Except for Wan Wu, he has no descendants!"

Jiang Fan's excited body was trembling slightly!

He had always thought that Wan Wu had been killed by Qiu Yuanfeng, but now it seems that Wan Wu must be alive!

Only after the excitement, Jiang Fan's heart gradually sank!

Since Wan Wu is still alive, can he betray the Jiang family, too?

Or is he controlled by Qiu Yuanfeng?

Damn, if you knew this, you shouldn't pit Qiuyuanfeng from the palace, but should take him down directly!

But it doesn't matter, this old fox has suffered such a big loss, he will definitely find his own trouble, and the next time he appears, it will be his death!

Jiang Fan's face is gloomy!

"Take me to those secret rooms!"


There are far more secret rooms in Qiu's Manor than Jiang Fan and the two thought!

It's just that all the secret rooms are cleaned up without exception!

There was no disappointment on Jiang Fan's face!

Although Qiu Yuanfeng didn't have much strength, his mind was by no means simple, otherwise, how could he even dare to play with the Zhou family!

This kind of aftermath is not handled well, so how can you be qualified to be Jiang Fan's opponent!

But although this old fox is cunning, he forgot that so many secret rooms are a clue in themselves!

"There are so many secret rooms, and many have direct drinking water and sewers. It seems that this old guy has trained a group of dead men!"

"If you give him more than ten years, maybe a powerful force will really appear!"

Jiang Fan's eyes flickered!

"If this is the case, isn't it a great threat to us?"

Qiu Mingyue looks solemn!

"Don't worry! He has no chance! Time will always be my friend!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

So handsome!

Not only Qiu Mingyue, but even the coldness has a heartbeat!

Jiang Fan at this moment has the charm to master everything!

"Cold feelings, how do you contact Qiu Yuanfeng?"

"He gave me a number before he left!"

"Then if you check this number, can you find him?"

Qiu Mingyue's complexion moved!

"No! This number must be transferred several times to find him. It doesn't make any sense to check it down! Moreover, he will come to me sooner or later!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"Then, what if you pass false news?"

"Qiu Yuanfeng is not a fool. In Los Angeles, it is impossible to be the only chess piece that is cold and cold. It is his style to be bright and dark!"

Jiang Fan stretched!

"Let's go back!"

Sending Qiu Mingyue home, the latter also wanted Jiang Fan to sit in, but Jiang Fan excused that something was wrong, so he strayed straight away!

Qiu Mingyue looked at Jiang Fan's leaving back, always feeling that he was a little weird!

It seems to be alienating yourself deliberately!

It's just a trip to the capital. Why has it changed so much?

and so on!


That fox Xia Fanxing seems to be in the capital!

Could it be--

Qiu Mingyue gritted her teeth, a sneer suddenly appeared on her face!

She suddenly took out her mobile phone!

"Zhao Lin!"

"Ms. Qiu? Is there anything to order so late?"

A male voice rang!

He is the head of the Beijing Branch of the Qiu Group!

"How is the company in the capital?"

Qiu Mingyue spoke lightly!

"Thanks to Mr. Qiu, everything is normal now!"

"Very well, let my subordinates check someone for me during this time!"

"You say!"

"Xia Fanxing!"

"The eldest lady of Fanxing Group?!"

"Yes! It's her! I want to know everything about her within this month!"


After hanging up the phone, Qiu Mingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and her appearance was somewhat similar to when Jiang Fan calculated!

She suddenly picked up the phone and dialed a number again!


This time, there was a female voice on the other side!

"Bai Juan, check the group accounts and allocate half of the working capital to invest in Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup!"

"One, half?!"

Financial director Bai Juan was stunned!

"Yes! It's half!"

"Mr. Qiu, we have invested a lot before. Although the group is developing steadily now, it has suddenly invested such a large sum of money, in case something goes wrong..."

"Are you questioning me?"

"No, I dare not!"

"Then do it!"


Hang up, Qiu Mingyue smiled coldly!

"Xia Fanxing! Even if you get on Jiang Fan's bed, it's useless!"

"If you want to be his woman, it's useless to betray your hue! You have to rely on your ability!"

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