God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 891: Visitors from across the ocean

Jiang Fan looks at the total number of causal points!


More than 120,000 causal points!

When I thought that when I just got the system, it was a huge wealth that Jiang Fan couldn't imagine!

Now, only the crucial "Nine Yin Zhenjing" is left!

Once you get it, your own strength will surely usher in a qualitative leap!

Put all the items away, and Jiang Fan returns directly to the real world!

But on the way home, he always felt that something was missing!

When he reached the door of his house, Jiang Fan slapped his head heavily!

The body of the water watcher!

At that time, I was patronizing and calculating how to maximize profits, but I forgot about it!

If it is normal, this thing is of course useless!

But now I have several cultivators in my hands!

What if it can be refined?

what a pity!

Back to Jiang's house, Jiang Fan fell asleep!

At this moment, on the other side of the ocean, a plane slowly set sail, flying directly to China!

It's just that less than half an hour after the plane set sail, it suddenly jolted violently!

"what happened!"

"what happens?"

All passengers panicked!

At the same time, the outside of the cabin became completely dark, and there was a faint flash of thunder not far away!

"Dear passengers, we have encountered thunder clouds, please don't be nervous...Ah!"

As soon as the captain's voice sounded, he suddenly exclaimed!

The next moment, the plane trembled violently!

Someone could even see that there were two lightning bolts falling close to the wings of the plane!

"It's over!"

"The plane is going to be struck by lightning!"

"We're done!"

"Help! I don't want to die!"

"Go home! Go home!"

In the cabin, there was a mess in an instant!

Only one man sitting in the corner yawned boredly!

This man is about thirty years old, with blond hair and blue eyes, and a very handsome face!

"Raiden? Humph!"

The man smiled proudly, suddenly stretched out his right hand, and gently pressed it on the fuselage!

The next moment, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared on his hand!

Miraculously, in the thunderstorm cloud, the countless lightnings seemed to suddenly have life, all of them avoided the plane!

Soon, the plane passed through the clouds unscathed!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

Only a beautiful girl sitting next to the man looked at the man in shock!


The man made a silent gesture to the girl!

The girl nodded hurriedly!

As for the man, he slowly took out a picture and looked at it carefully!

The girl couldn't help but glanced up, her eyes widened!

"So handsome! Sir, is this man your friend?"

"Friend? Haha! Of course! He is our family, the best friend!"

The corner of the man's mouth, with a hint of ridicule!

"Then you went to China to see him?"

The girl asked curiously!

"Yes, but I have to look for him slowly!"

"That's better than you tell me his name, I can help you!"

The girl's eyes lit up!

"you can help me?"

The man looked at the girl playfully!

"of course!"

The girl smiled proudly!

"Secretly tell you, my family is extremely strong in China!"

"Oh? That being the case, why would you run into economy class?"

"Because I am low-key!"

The girl smiled slightly!

"Introduce yourself, my name is Song Yue!"


The man smiled and added another sentence!

"Gal George!"

"So your name is Gal, what about this person?"

Song Yue pointed at the photo curiously!

"His name is... Jiang Fan!"


When he woke up the next day, Jiang Fan only felt refreshed!

But as soon as he finished washing, Uncle Zhong ran over!

"Master! Bai Xia just contacted me and said that the company was suddenly injected with a large amount of working capital last night! The total, the total amount exceeded 8 billion!"

"so much?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Where did the money come from?"

"The Qiu Group!"

Uncle Zhong speaks directly!

Jiang Fan's expression is beyond words!

Is Qiu Mingyue crazy?

Liquidity and real estate are completely two concepts!

All the spare money in the hands of big companies will continue to be invested and use money to make money!

Even a group with a market value of more than one billion yuan can use tens of millions of liquidity at most!

Unless it's a brain show, you will never leave a large amount of spare money waiting to rust!

A full eight billion, this money might have been obtained by Qiu Mingyue withdrawing funds from certain projects!

"Master, this money Baixia hasn't moved yet. Look, do you want to return it?"

Uncle Zhong clearly understands the meaning of this!

"No! Tell Bai Xia, the process continues to accelerate!"

Jiang Fan made a decision in a blink of an eye!

Now is not the time to calculate favors, as long as you kill the Zhou family and take back the property of the former Jiang family, not to mention the mere eight billion at that time, even if it is 80 billion, he will be able to return it!

"Yes! I will tell Bai Xia right away! In addition, Master, the news that we are going to rebuild the Jiang family has already been sent out! The Wu Family, Zhao Family, Xue Family, and other forces all came to visit last night!"

"Just take care of this matter!"


Seeing Uncle Zhong left, Jiang Fan called Wang Yi again!

"Did the mine from Xiangzhou come here?"

This is what Jiang Fan cares most about!

If you arrive one day earlier, you can let a few cultivators start the furnace one day earlier!

Then I can get the causal point one day earlier!

"not yet!"

Wang Yi shook his head!

"Not yet? Two days!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Call me Bao Dabao!"

Soon, Bao Dabao ran over in a panic!

"Dabao, what's the matter with that mine?"

"This... Brother Jiang, I, I just asked, my father said, they said..."

Bao Dabao's face is very ugly!

"Say what?"

"They said that the Pang family's affairs have not been dealt with yet and there is no manpower for the time being. Please wait a few more days..."

Bao Dabao's voice is getting smaller and smaller!


Wang Yi roared directly!

Staring at Bao Dabao fiercely!

"You guys are awesome! The master's orders are not good! Fuck! I'm so violent!"

Wang Yi suddenly rolled up his sleeves!

"Little Bu! Old Ke! Come out! Damn someone is going to rebel!"

Hearing Wang Yi's roar, Bao Dabao's face turned pale!

After coming to Los Angeles for a few days, he already had an extremely intuitive understanding of Jiang Fan's strength and influence!

Not to mention the fact that he is a small family, even if the power of the entire Xiangzhou adds up, it is not enough for Jiang Fan to pinch it alone!

However, those idiots in the family have been smitten by the Pang family's industry, and they can't listen to their own words at all!

"What are you doing? Being the manager of the Jiang family is so uncivilized! Don't you feel ashamed?"

Before Bao Dabao waited for an explanation, Jiang Fan had already spoken dissatisfied!

Wang Yi was startled!

its not right!

According to the master's usual urination, encountering such ungrateful things will definitely **** him directly!

Why did you count yourself up?

His mind turned around, and he suddenly grieved with a grievance!

"Master said, I am too unruly! I was wrong!"


Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Bao Dabao with a pleasant look!

"It doesn't matter Dabao, after all, there is a reason for it, so wait a few more days!"

"Big Brother Jiang..."

Bao Dabao was moved in a mess!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan was so tolerant of himself!

In contrast, Baojia is simply a bunch of rubbish!

"Okay, I'm going back to school, why should I go!"

Jiang Fan said, heading straight to Blue Eagle!

At this moment, Xiangzhou!

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