"Hehe, don't be afraid, I promise to make you the most perfect artwork!"

The little boy smiled softly, and walked briskly towards the strong man!

"Damn! I fought with you!"

The brawny man suddenly yelled, and his fists suddenly turned red!

Then, hit the ground hard!


A shocking explosion!

Almost the entire island trembled fiercely!

Suddenly a fiery red wave of three meters in diameter blasted straight into the sky from the little boy's feet!

This trick is exactly the ability of a strong man-a fixed-point strike!

This ability can condense the power of the whole body to burst out, and its power is far beyond the masters of the same level!

Even if the fourteenth level is unsuspectingly smashed, if you die, you will be seriously injured!



Suddenly countless cracks appeared on the invisible and innocent air wave!

At the next moment, this wave of air was like substance, and it broke apart!

And the little boy, with a smile on his face, steadily continued walking towards the brawny!

"You, you devil!"

The brawny man looked desperate and burst into tears!

too frightening!

This kid is just a monster!

Even now, he doesn't even know what the opponent's ability is!

Seeing that the little boy got closer and closer, even his courage to resist completely disappeared!

Can only wait to die!

But at this moment!


A ring on the boy's hand suddenly trembled slightly!

The boy's complexion was stagnant, and he couldn't help looking at the ring on his hand!

The ring was silvery white and simple in shape, but there was a sharp sword engraved on the ring!

And at this moment, the long sword actually exudes a little **** brilliance!

"this is……"

The little boy suddenly widened his eyes!

Seeing the little boy in a daze, the strong man suddenly had his heart beat, and then he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the little boy!

However, before he got close to the little boy five meters, he let out a miserable cry and quickly backed away!

At the same time, countless wounds appeared inexplicably on his whole body!

He didn't even know how he got hurt!

"Don't be stunned! That is indeed the call of Lord Thorns!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded!

The brawny man suddenly looked back, and saw that on the surface of the sea, he didn't know when there was an extra man!

The man's face was pale with sunken eye sockets, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness!

It's just that he is walking on the sea as if he has no weight at this moment!

The big man didn't even find out when this person appeared!

But when he saw this man, the little boy's eyes jumped, and then he suddenly showed a harmless smile!

"Number two? Why are you here?"

"Your speed is too slow, I thought you were dead!"

The man named No. 2 glanced at the little boy coldly!

"On the 13th, don't waste time, go to see Lord Lord with me right away!"

"Lord of Thorns? Haha, if I remember correctly, he is the sixth Lord of Thorns in the super series. It is said that this lord is just a level ten trash! What qualifications does he have to order me?"

The little boy on the 13th smiled softly!

However, No. 2 just glanced at him coldly!

"Although you are a new sword-holder, there is one thing you should not forget! Before you kill the lord, don't resist any orders from him! Otherwise, you will definitely die first!"

The voice of No. 2 is more indifferent than the look in his eyes!

"As for whether to disobey orders, it's up to you!"

The face of the 13th changed drastically!

He hesitated for a long time, and finally let out a cold snort!

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number!

Soon, a helicopter appeared on the horizon!

No. 2 nodded in satisfaction, and the whole body actually rose out of thin air and floated directly onto the plane a full tens of meters from the ground!

And No. 13 gave a cold snort, glanced at the sluggish brawny, and jumped onto the plane!

The helicopter circled in place, and then quickly flew towards the distance!

The brawny man stared at the helicopter blankly. He couldn't believe that he was not killed!

But he reacted immediately and quickly took out a talker!

The sixth lord of the sword of thorns unexpectedly appeared!

He must report this news to the organization!

Soon, there was a sweet female voice on the other side!

"Hello, do you need any service?"


The strong man opened his mouth and was about to answer the secret signal, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that he couldn't say a word!

And more than that, the whole world suddenly turned upside down!

what happened?

what happens?

The brawny man was surprised!

But at this moment, he suddenly saw an extremely strange scene!

Not far in front of him, a headless body is holding a talker!

So, is that my body?

I was beheaded?

When did this happen?

With such a thought, the brawny man died completely!


Los Angeles!

"Jingle Bell!"

With the ringing of the school bell, Jiang Fan finally put down his phone!

There are all kinds of information about the Dou family!

And this information was sent to him by the Chen family in Beijing!

"The Dou family...I underestimate these first-class families!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Dou's family is located in Xichuan, where it is deeply rooted. Although there is no master in the family, the corpse poison zhenqi they cultivate is extremely special. Coupled with the technique of corpse refinement, few people are willing to provoke them!

But Jiang Fan is not here!

The few cultivators in his own hands who are now eating and waiting to die are just their nemesis!

After doing some calculations, Jiang Fan left Blue Eagle!

However, as soon as he reached the gate, he saw the familiar Hyundai Tucson!

And Zhong Qing was standing by the car, waving at him!

It was noon at the moment when school was over. Seeing that another beauty came to Jiang Fan, all the students were suddenly excited!

"Hey! Hey! Look! Jiang Fan has changed again!"

"Fuck! Really! Another superb!"

"So blatant! Isn't Jiang Fan afraid that Headmaster Xia will see it?"

"Fear of a fart! How many boats has he stepped on? Is this one worse?"

"If someone else turns over early, is he stepping on an aircraft carrier? Why is it so stable?"

A group of boys are envious!

"Ahem! Zhong Qing? Why are you here?"

"Just passing by after get off work at noon, do you want to have dinner together?"

Zhong Qing smiled!


Jiang Fan nodded and got in the car directly!

Lu He and the others who watched here not far away gritted their teeth!

"This bastard! It really is a super scumbag!"

"Yeah! It was useless to mix up like that last time! Is this woman an idiot?"

"What should I do? Do you want to keep up?"

Feng Jin, Liang Kuan and others all questioned!

"That's worth mentioning! As messengers of justice, we must never let Jiang Fan succeed!"

"The most important thing is, if you can catch this **** and **** him in bed, wouldn't you be able to threaten him?"

Lu He smiled!

The others' eyes lit up!

"That's right! He has to listen to whatever he wants to do then!"

"Let him take a cow pill bath!"

"It's too cheap for him! I want him to wear a three-point pose and have a French wet kiss with Ma Desheng!"

"Oh~~This is a bit disgusting!"

"Go and follow him first!"

Lu He and the others chuckled, called a taxi directly, and followed sneakily!

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