God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 922: Rob me as an ancestor

At this moment, Douglas also stood up and nodded to Jiang Fan!

"Huh! Unexpectedly, this prohibition is quite strong! However, I have a lot of talents and I have the ability to release you! Of course, it depends on your sincerity! Are you really planning to tell me your name?

The other side fell silent abruptly!


"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The sound of beating the door continued to sound!

Obviously, the contents inside would rather slowly grind away the jade charms than to say their own names!

"Okay! I'll see you again later, I hope you will change your mind then!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he left here with Douglas directly!

As usual, the ladder passage was sealed, and the two talents re-entered the tomb!

"How is it, is it measured?"

As soon as he came out, Jiang Fan couldn't wait to ask!

This time, Douglas’s most important purpose is to measure the area inside the bronze gate!

As long as Douglas activates the earth element ability, he can feel the scope of the ban!

In the same way, the scope of the prohibition represents the space inside!

And by estimating the space, you can roughly figure out what is being held inside!

"It's tested!"

Douglas hurriedly spoke!

"As soon as my earth element power was activated, I felt an extremely tough energy! This energy is like a sphere, starting from that bronze gate, with a diameter of at least 500 meters!"

Five hundred meters, that is a full mile!

Even if one floor is three meters high, it will be more than one hundred and sixty floors!

Jiang Fan had never heard of such a large range of restrictions before!

If you leave such a large space for a monster of normal size, if the opponent is still an otaku, that would be great!

But this is a cage, not a nursing home! Therefore, the imprisoned must be an extremely large individual!

"Snake repair! It must be this monster!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was 70% sure in his heart!

"When will Jade Fangzi and the others arrive?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Already on the plane, up to three hours!"

Douglas said respectfully!

"Three hours, go, go and see my gold mine!"


The two were about to leave, but Xia Yuanqing suddenly leaned forward!


Xia Yuanqing's face was a little embarrassed!

"What's wrong? Is there not enough funds?"

"That's not it, ahem, um, have you contacted you during this gentle period?"

"Gentle? No, we are not too familiar!"

"Oh, then, all right..."

Xia Yuanqing looked disappointed!

"I see! You miss Yu Jia, right?"

Jiang Fan's face is full of gossip!

"Ahem! Well, how is that possible!"

Xia Yuanqing looked guilty and hurriedly shook his head!

"Don't worry, within three months, Yu Xiaodie will definitely be fine!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"That's good, that's good... ahem, hahaha! What does this have to do with me?"

Xia Yuanqing was embarrassed!

Jiang Fan didn't bother to pay attention to his uncle idiot, waved goodbye to him, and took Douglas straight to the gold mine!

It didn't take long for the two to come to Dagushan!

Here is where Jiang Fan's gold mine is!

Dagu Mountain is a continuous barren hill. At this moment, countless machines are roaring on a flat hill!

Load the initially mined ore into the truck!

These ore will be transported to distant factories for smelting and purification!

Seeing Jiang Fan two come up, a team of strong Hans immediately stopped them!

"Who are you? What do you do?"

The man in the lead was burly in stature with a fierce look, and the people behind him were almost like this!

There are even a few with pistols stuck in their backs!

Although privately-owned gold mines are extremely profitable, their risks are also not small, and there are often scrambles!

Even though the Bao family was already second in Xiangzhou at the time, there were still many desperadoes who took risks for the sake of gold!

Moreover, miners and drivers may also have the possibility of private possession, so the security of gold mines is far stricter than that of banks!

"My name is Jiang Fan, and the Bao family should have told you that now this gold mine belongs to me!"

Jiang Fan said directly!


The brawny man was startled, looked behind him, and then, a group of big men all laughed!

"Boy! I'm afraid you don't know yet? The Bao family is finished!"

"Yes! Our Manager Zhao has made an agreement with the Pang family, and now this gold mine belongs to Manager Zhao!"

"No matter what contract you have with the Bao family, get acquainted quickly!"

"Otherwise, we're welcome!"

A group of people laughed and looked at Jiang Fan mockingly!

Jiang Fan was expressionless, but Douglas was angry!

Suddenly raised his hand!



The soil on the ground seemed to have life, collapsed one after another, directly burying a group of strong men in it!

Just leave your head on the ground!

A group of brawny men are silent collectively, the next moment!


"Grandpa, please spare your life!"

"We, we are just a group, we are not in charge!"

"If you have anything, just go to Manager Zhao!"

A group of people screamed for mercy!

What is this special method? It's scary!

It is definitely not something they can offend!

"Really scary!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, grabbed the head of the brawny man, and pulled him out like a carrot!

The brawny man only felt that his neck was about to be pulled off, and he was shocked by Jiang Fan's terrifying power!

too strong!

This kind of strength is simply unheard of!

"Uncle! Uncle forgive me!"

"Shut up! Where is Manager Zhao? Let him come and see me!"

Someone dared to occupy his property!

This is simply Chi Guoguo's robbery!

But when it comes to robbers, he is the ancestor!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The brawny man hurriedly took out his cell phone and dialed a number directly!

"Manager Zhao?"

"Big Tiger? What's the matter?"

A lazy voice sounded on the opposite side!

"Manager Zhao, two people came and said that the gold mine belongs to him, this..."

"Don't worry about it! Break their legs and throw them out!"

"This, we are not opponents!"


Manager Zhao's voice was raised three degrees!

"Wait! I'll be there soon!"

Soon, under the leadership of an Audi Q7, seven or eight Toyota Tundras directly drove over!

Q7 The car door opened, and a fat bald man with a big belly got out of the car with a cigar in his mouth!

This person is the manager Zhao, Dafu Zhao!

Behind him, a group of brawny men with machete steel pipes also jumped out of the car one after another!

"Damn! What kind of an eye-opening **** dares to get into Lao Tzu's place to cause trouble!"

As soon as Zhao Dafu got out of the car, he saw a group of buried men and suddenly roared!

"You are Zhao Dafu?"

Jiang Fan glanced at him coldly!

"Yes! I am! Who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan! You should know the news when the Bao family transferred me the mine at that time!"

"Oh! So it was you!"

Zhao Dafu has a clear expression!

But he laughed right away!

"Boy, I know you! Although I don't know what price you used to buy this gold mine, the Bao family is dead! Therefore, your title certificate cannot be counted! This gold mine does not belong to you! "

"The title certificate belongs to me, but the gold mine does not belong to me. Interesting!"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

"Huh! Kid, don't even think about playing law with me! This is Xiangzhou! Only those with big fists will count! Those who know you will think they are unlucky, and get out of here!"

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