Four o'clock in the morning!

With the roar of the plane, Jiang Fan and others finally came to Yilin!

Yilin City is located in the southern part of China, continuing to the east is Miaozhou, and from Miaozhou to the south, it is the seldom-visited Shiwan Mountain!

There are three life exclusion zones as famous as the northern desert and Kunlun Mountains!

However, Jiang Fan is not the group of self-help travelers who add to the chaos of society. He doesn't plan to go to places like Shiwan Dashan unless his brain is amused!

The kind of death that specializes in trips in the wilderness is left to those who are too long-lived!

As for him, the reason why he came here is precisely because Yilin is occupied by the Nishikawa Dou family!

Although the Dou Family is known as the Xichuan Dou Family, their forces are not only in Xichuan!

The surrounding urban areas are their spheres of influence!

This is the difference between the first-class family and the previous Ma family and Pang family!

They are no longer limited to one city and one place, but have expanded their influence to a few surrounding areas, or even more than a dozen urban areas!

Formed a whole clan that echoes each other!

Moreover, these first-class families not only have a wide range of domestic industries, but some have even stepped into the world!

It can be said that in terms of financial resources, certain powerful first-class families are not inferior to the wealthy families!

The only thing they lack is the background!

And the most important one among the details is the master!

Without a master, no matter how big these families develop, for the four great families and the seven giants, it is a piece of fat. Not only is there no threat, but it can be given and requested!

A few people just left the airport, and a Mercedes-Benz business drove over!

The door opened, and a young man who looked very capable immediately got out of the car and spoke respectfully to Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Ah you are?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

"My name is Wu Sizhe and I belong to the Wu family! Knowing that you are coming, the hotel has already been arranged!"

The Los Angeles martial arts business is a medical business, and the climate here in Yilin is suitable and it is very suitable for herbal cultivation. Therefore, the martial arts family opened a branch here many years ago, which is responsible for the purchase of herbs!

And this one named Wu Sizhe is Wu Sicheng's cousin!

Hearing that Jiang Fan was coming to Yilin, Wu Weizhou immediately arranged Yilin to be responsible for the reception!

However, Jiang Fan's complexion changed, and his face suddenly became gloomy!

"Wu Weizhou, an idiot!"

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, did I do something wrong?"

Wu Sizhe was shocked!

"You are right, the Wu family is wrong!"

Jiang Fan frowned and spoke quickly!

"You leave immediately, and the hotel you have arranged for will find someone to check in immediately! Remember! From now on, your martial arts family has nothing to do with me!"

"This this……"

Wu Sizhe's face was extremely pale!

Looking at Jiang Fan's expression, the Wu family had obviously offended Jiang Fan!

And the consequences of offending Jiang Fan, he simply couldn't bear it!

Jiang Fan looked at Wu Sizhe with a panic on his face, and finally quickly explained it!

"I'm here to benefit. I'm here to trouble the Dou family! Are you looking for death when you come into contact with me? What if you get revenge by the Dou family? I know you are also kind, but immediately erase all traces related to me! "


Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Wu Sizhe was surprised!

At the same time, I felt even more grateful to Jiang Fan!

Change someone else, who cares about his life and death!

It's ridiculous Wu Weizhou, this flattery actually caught the horse's leg!

"Mr. Jiang is great! Sizhe will never forget!"

After Wu Sizhe said this, he left in a hurry!

Jiang Fan waited for a while before he called two taxis and went straight to the city!

Randomly found a hotel, Jiang Fan called everyone over and began to decorate it!

And until this time, Yuguangzi didn't know what Jiang Fan was going to do!

"Mr. Jiang, you, are you going to deal with the Dou family?"

Old Dao looked pale!

"Yeah, is there any problem?"

"Problem? The problem is big!"

Yuguangzi looked anxious!

"The Dou family is a first-class family! If nothing else, there are no fewer than five masters in the family at level fourteen!"

"Moreover, they themselves are proficient in corpse refining, accumulated over a hundred years, not to mention the top-notch hairy stiffness, even if there is a flying stiffness, it is not impossible!"

Flying stiff!

This thing is at the same level as the master!

Although not as terrifying as the Grand Master, but a hint of wisdom has sprouted, far more terrifying than ordinary zombies!

Just these people, they can fly back and forth in seconds!

And hearing Yu Guangzi's words, the faces of the others changed too!

Especially Curtis, who was used to grabbing Jiang Fan, thought it was very easy to come out this time, just like taking the money and leaving before!

Even before leaving, I had a boast to Wang Yi!

But now it seems that this is a life-deal business!

No. 2 and No. 13 are also livid!

The two of them are indeed good, but they are not so rampant that they dare to pick five!

Especially, there are not only five fourteenth levels, but also so many terrifying zombies!

Everyone swallowed, and looked at Jiang Fan dumbly!

Until now, everyone knows how crazy Jiang Fan is!

"My lord, this, the gap is really too big, or else..."

On the 13th, he hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help but speak!

"Yes, sir, or, withdraw?"

No. 2 can't help it anymore!

"the host?"

Curtis swallowed even more!

However, in front of everyone, Jiang Fan only smiled!

"This is challenging!"

Everyone was shocked!

All fools know that the gap between the two sides is too big!

But Jiang Fan's expression is too confident!

Confident to them, this Dou family, who seemed invincible to them, seemed to Jiang Fan's eyes like braised pork on his lips!

"Don't be so surprised, trust me, I will let you know how vulnerable the Dou family is in front of me!"


In the morning, the sun is shining!

In a manor in the western suburbs of Yilin!

An old man is sitting by the pond, leisurely feeding a few koi in it!

And behind him, there were two middle-aged men, a man and a woman!

These three people are the principals of Yilin here, the younger brother of the head of the Dou family, Dou Yimao! With his son Dou Lianji and daughter Dou Wenxiu!

At the moment, the three are chatting!

"Father, I heard that the uncle's son-in-law is in Xiangzhou and is in trouble?"

Dou Wenxiu asked!

"Hehe, yeah, it is said that there is a Baojia who hired a master and took the entire Pangjia!"

Dou Yimao laughed!

"Huh? The Bao family is very courageous, don't you know the relationship between the Pang family and us?"

"Li Ling is stunned! After all, that kind of little character doesn't even have the qualifications to know that we exist!"

Dou Lianji sneered!

"My eldest brother said, I must have been angry, right?"

"Of course! I heard that Dou Liankui was specially sent over. By his means, the Bao family must have been killed by now!"

"Huh! It's good if you die! The people who dare to move the Dou family are really indifferent!"

Dou Wenxiu sneered directly!

"Hehe, there is no shortage of idiots in this world. Okay, you two..."

Dou Yimao hadn't finished speaking, and there was a roar of a car suddenly outside the front gate of the manor!

In the next moment, a Wrangler banged the door of Dou's house upside down with a "bang" and flew directly into the manor!

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