God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 931: Mysterious soldiers are still endless

Dou Yimao's heart was cold, and he never thought that Jiang Fan would be so shameless!

He got the benefits, but he still wanted to kill him!


"I'm sorry, Erye Dou! You are just a fractured bone. With your strength, you can completely heal as long as you meditate for about half a month!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

Dou Yimao was circled with a blank face!

"You, won't you kill me?"

"I, Jiang Fan, make a promise, and I won't regret it if I say something good! Don't worry, I will not kill you alone!"

"Yes, but you, why would you do this?"

Dou Yimao is even more confused!

Jiang Fan didn't want to kill him, but he just crippled him!

The others were also at a loss, and they had no idea what Jiang Fan meant by doing this!

"I just made you unable to move in a short time! Erye Dou, take care of your injuries! Goodbye!"

Jiang Fan said and waved his hand, and directly led people away from Dou's house!

It's just that I just came out of Dou's house!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Why did the order come at this time?

Jiang Fan is stagnant!

"The heaven and the earth are in the beginning, the primordial chaos, the righteousness is the god, the evil meaning is the devil, since the beginning of the heaven and the earth, the gods and demons have coexisted and entangled endlessly..."

"Fighting between righteous and evil, endless years, hating eros, and transforming all kinds of magical weapons, although the years have passed, the world has changed, but...the mysterious still!"

Hearing this introduction, Jiang Fan's heart convulsed inexplicably for some reason!

The system prompts are still going on!

"According to legend, the great **** Nuwa forged a magic weapon, and died with the devil!"

"When the strange demon died, he angrily cast a curse on the gods——"

"Lord of the Heavenly Crystals, rich and dignified, and great catastrophes!"

Tianjing? !

Jiang Fan only felt that all his hairs were standing up!

"Ding! For Wentian, please give me a warm Derensu!"


Tianjing, Wentian, this is-Shenbing Xuanqi!

In the world of comics, the degree of danger is absolutely at the forefront, and the dimension is even higher in a terrifying world!

Even at the beginning of the comics, the first big boss Yan Wang must have almost 20 levels of strength!

Even if he is the weakest Jade Magic King, he is afraid that he will have to be level ten or above!

However, what coexists with danger is a great opportunity!

There are countless top-level techniques there, and the power is even more powerful to a terrifying level!

If you can obtain the Seven Major Limiting Sword Art, or the Xuantian Evil Emperor's Three Divine Skills, then you will be fully developed!

When the time comes, what level fourteen, a half-step grandmaster, even if the grandmaster comes, he will be slashed!

But what attracted Jiang Fan more than the exercises were the ten **** soldiers and ten magic soldiers!

Jiang Fan, a weapon like Tianjing, doesn't want it. Although it is the most powerful, it doesn't match him well, but the Tiger Soul Magic Sword is simply tailor-made for him!

In addition to that magic weapon, as long as these two weapons are in hand, whoever will die!

Jiang Fan was trembling with excitement!

Although relying on his current strength, I am afraid that a third-rate villain will come out of him, he may not be an opponent!

But Jiang Fan has always been accustomed to seeking wealth and wealth, notoriously asking for money but not life!

No matter who he is, do it first!

"Ding! Accept this task, you have 30 minutes of preparation time, or you can choose to enter the reincarnation of the world at any time!"

Jiang Fan didn't dare to delay anymore, and hurriedly found a small supermarket after getting on the bus!

"Boss! Come to Titelensu!"


"By the way, give me some heat!"

Soon after the milk was heated, Jiang Fan went to the deli next door to buy five roast chickens, and found a place with no one!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! It's about to enter-"Shenbing Xuanqi"!

Mysterious weapon!

It really is this world!

Shenbing Xuanqi is about the beginning of heaven and earth, and the birth of gods and demons!

God nurtures all things, but demons want to destroy the world!

The great **** Nuwa cut off one of her arms and cast the heavenly crystal of the **** soldier, but the strange demon took advantage of the vacancy and entered Nu Wa's body!

In order to save the common people, Nuwa detonated the celestial crystal, and died with the same demons!

At the time when the court gave a noble, Nangong Yi feasted on the guests at Jiandao in Taihu Lake, but he did not expect the Heaven and Earth Alliance's envoy to kill, and the two confronted, causing Tianjing to blew up!

The entire Taihu Jiandao was blown into ruins!

Nangong Yi’s wife, Dongfangxiong, blamed Nangong Yi’s concubine Yuyan for all the mistakes, and brought people over to kill Yuyan!

But at this moment, Yuyan has already died of dystocia, and her and Nangongyi's children have disappeared without a trace!

No one took these two missing children seriously, but no one knew that after more than a decade, the boy named Wentian would go through life and death and eventually become an unsurpassable martial arts myth!


Jiang Fan appeared again, already on a vast ice field!

The biting cold wind howled, almost freezing human bone marrow!

Even though Jiang Fan had the bodyguard of the Nine Suns Scriptures, he still couldn't help rubbing his hands subconsciously!

"Here... is the world of mysterious soldiers?"

When the cold wind blew, Jiang Fan finally calmed down his excitement and began to look around!

"Strange! This kind of icy world doesn't seem to appear many times..."

"Good! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

At this moment, a childish voice suddenly followed the wind and snow and came from far away!


Jiang Fan looked happy, and immediately ran in the direction of the sound!

Soon, he saw a broken low wall by the wind!

And under that, there actually seems to be a figure!

Jiang Fan strode away, and was stunned when he saw the picture in front of him!

I saw that a very beautiful boy with white hair, only four or five years old, was looking at a baby girl in his arms with a gentle expression!

One of his fingers is still in the baby girl's mouth!

The baby girl is holding her fingers and sucking, and she keeps swallowing!

Only through the trace of blood flowing out of the corner of her mouth could he discover that it was this little boy who was feeding this baby girl with his own blood!

"Are you feeding her with blood?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

Hearing the question, the little boy finally raised his head and showed an innocent smile!

"Sister is hungry..."

Looking at this smile, Jiang Fan felt sad for no reason!

This scene is too familiar!

This little boy must be Nangong Wentian, and the baby girl in his arms should be his sister Wencai!


If it's an adult Wentian, and if you follow behind to pick up the leaks, you will be well developed!

It's a pity that Wentian was in his childhood. It seems that I won't get anything good this time!

But it's okay, make a good relationship first!

Jiang Fan directly opened a box of milk and handed it over!

"Come on, give her this!"

"What is this? It smells so good!"

Wentian took the milk, and all the greedy saliva flowed out!

It's just that he resisted, and fed Wencai in his arms little by little!

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