God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 939: It's not easy to die generously

Surrounded by seven fourteenth-level Mao Zong, there are also masters like Dou Yichang and Dou Liancheng sitting in control. Now even if Jiang Fan can run, he can't run at all!

"Haha! Jiang Fan! If you are as cunning as a fox, you are destined to be finished this time!"

"Yes! The strongest of our Dou family is countless zombies!"

"If you ran away earlier, you would have to wait until dark!"

"This is self-defeating!"

A group of children from the Dou family laughed loudly!


Facing such a crisis, Jiang Fan laughed!

And it's a big laugh!

"You, what are you laughing at?"

Dou Yichang's face is gloomy!

I faintly felt that there was something wrong!

"Patriarch Dou, you seem to have made a mistake. Not to mention that you have seven extra hairs. What if you have seventy extras?"

"What do you mean?"

Dou Yichang's bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger!

"Oh! I mean, I don't have to do it with you at all!"

Jiang Fan sighed and pointed to the Dou family's children who were full of the yard!

"Look at them carefully, they are all...hostages!"


Everyone in the Dou family was stunned!

I just felt that I was hit by the sky thunder, and the outside of the thunder was tender and the inside was tender!


No wonder Jiang Fan broke their legs and threw them all into the yard!

The son of the Dou family, who has always been domineering, never thought that he might become a hostage one day!

"You, you, you are shameless!"

Dou Yichang stammered for a long time, and finally scolded!

He was really stunned!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan was shameless to this point!

The point is that he encountered this situation for the first time!

"I take this as a compliment from Patriarch Dou! Next, let's talk about the conditions!"

"...You, what do you want!"

Dou Yichang stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"Simple! I want you Dou Family to be loyal to me from today!"

There was silence!

for a long time!

"Hahaha! What are you kidding?"

"Let our Dou family be loyal to you, why?"

"It's just that you fooled our Dou family with your own mind. Do you really think you are invincible?"

"Boy, I advise you to wake up!"

A group of Dou family children ridiculed!

"You are really crazy!"

Even Dou Yichang looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

However, Jiang Fan just chuckled softly!

"Dou Patriarch, I advise you to agree, otherwise I can't guarantee the safety of these Dous children!"

Dou Yichang's face changed directly!

"Jiang Fan! You better be sober! If you dare to touch a hair of my Dou family, my Dou family and you are bound to die endlessly!"

"Haha, Patriarch Dou, even if I don't move them, will you let me go?"

"Of course! As long as you leave honestly, I promise you will never be embarrassed—"

"Save it!"

Jiang Fan interrupted Dou Yichang directly, looking at him mockingly!

"Patriarch Dou, if you let your Dou family be so ugly, you will let me go? No three-year-old child will believe this! Your words will only make me think you are an idiot!"


Dou Yichang was angry!


Then what are you special, let me say!

"Jiang Fan! I don't care what you want to do, I advise you to be more realistic! I want our Dou family to yield to you, this is absolutely impossible!"

Dou Yichang's eyes were fierce!

"It's a pity, this is indeed my main purpose! Patriarch Dou, if you don't agree, to avoid future troubles, I have to kill you all today!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly and spoke softly!

Dou Yichang trembled all over!

Jiang Fan's tone and eyes are definitely not joking!

He really intends to kill the Dou family!

However, he is a mere eleventh level, where is this self-confidence!

The point is, where did he get this courage?

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan! You are too arrogant! Even if you dare to do it, my Dou family would definitely rather die than--"

A Dou family kid suddenly roared!



A silver light flashed in Jiang Fan's hand!

The disciple suddenly screamed, and the whole person was cut off!

It happened that he was not completely dead at this time, and his screams resounded throughout the Dou family's old house!

Everyone was stunned!

They all looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

Dou Yichang roared even more!

"Jiang Fan! You beast! I want you—"

"To shut up!"

Jiang Fan replied with an even more vicious roar!

"Since you would rather die than surrender, then go and die!"

"Who else!"

Murderous flashes in Jiang Fan's eyes!

"There is a kind of you take me too—"

It was another Dou family kid who roared!

It's a pity that he hasn't finished speaking, and Jiang Fan has another silver light flashing in his hands!


That Dou family's child was cut in half from head to toe!

Everyone was stunned!

Shaking all over!

Jiang Fan actually dared to kill!

"Jiang Fan!"

Dou Yichang roared, and the bell in his hand shook suddenly!

Those seven Mao Zheng suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

"you dare!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked back and looked at Dou Yichang fiercely!

Dou Yichang's heart is inexplicably pumped!

The bell in his hand suddenly stopped!

And Jiang Fan is already like a demon, looking at all the children of the Dou family!

"Who else!"

This time, glanced by Jiang Fan's gaze, everyone bowed their heads in horror!

Even Dou Lianpeng and others dare not look at Jiang Fan!

Killing intent!

Among Jiang Fan's eyes at the moment, there was a genuine killing intent!

Anyone who dares to disobey him has a dead end!

"Damn! A bunch of bitches! You dare to play with me generously and die! If you are not afraid of death, as early as when I attacked the Dou family, you should fight for your life!"

"All of you, listen to me honestly! I didn't kill you, just because you have the value of being a running dog!"

"Once I find that you are useless to me, no matter who it is, only death!"

Everyone was stunned by Jiang Fan's murderous intent!

Don't dare to move at all!

"Jiang Fan, you, are you not afraid that our Dou family and you will die together?"

Dou Yichang squeezed his fist tightly, his teeth were crunching!

It's crazy!

In history, there has never been a person who dares to humiliate the Dou family so much!

It's just that, at the moment in the yard, all the elite children of the Dou family!

He really didn't dare to take the risk!

"To die together? Do you have that ability? Dou Yichang, I'll give you a chance! One to one! As long as you can beat me, I will let your Dou family go!"


"My lord! No!"

"Master! Be cautious!"

"Mr. Jiang! Impossible!"

Number two and others were stunned!

Scream in a hurry!

But the Dou family members were all refreshed!

Dou Yichang is even more overjoyed!

Even if Jiang Fan had the talent for combat, he would only be a mere eleventh level!

It's three levels away from myself!

Even with one move, he can kill Jiang Fan in seconds!

"Hahaha! Good! If you can win, my Dou family will start today, so what if you are loyal to you!"

Dou Yichang laughed wildly!

With a movement, he suddenly killed Jiang Fan!

He wanted to kill Jiang Fan into dregs within one move!

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