God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 941: Sure enough, the local tyrants in China

Dou Yichang hesitated again and again, and finally sighed helplessly!

"You, you won! My Dou family will be loyal to you from today!"

"That's right!"

Jiang Fan smiled with satisfaction, then nodded at Curtis!


When Curtiston stretched out his hands, he directly summoned a magic contract!

Upon seeing this, Dou Yichang looked even more ugly!

The other party had even prepared the magic contract in advance, obviously this time he definitely came prepared!

He originally wanted to verbally agree in order to retaliate in the future, but now it seems that there is no such hope at all!

"Patriarch Dou, please!"

Jiang Fan smiled at Dou Yichang!

Dou Yichang hesitated for a moment, then suddenly spoke!

"Jiang Fan, Lian Kui, is Lian Kui..."


Jiang Fan has no expression on his face!

"Not only him, Pang Shifang's family was also killed by me!"

Dou Yichang trembled!

A son and a daughter all died in Jiang Fan's hands, but now he doesn't even have a chance to avenge him!

"This is fate!"

Dou Yichang gave a wry smile, and finally a drop of blood popped out at the magic contract floating in the air!

With Dou Yichang as an example, others have also started!

Soon, everyone signed the contract!

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction and suddenly spoke!

"Dou Yichang! I killed you a son and a daughter, do you really want to kill me?"

"without me……"

Dou Yichang's heart beats!

"to be frank!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed!


Dou Yichang gritted his teeth!

"Very good! I like to listen to the truth! In that case, I will untie your knot!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, he suddenly slapped Dou Yichang on the top of the head!

Dou Yichang stiffened!

There is only thought in my mind-it's over!

With the contract, he can't hurt Jiang Fan at all!

Moreover, the previous battle with Jiang Fan completely dispelled his confidence!

That's it!

Dou Yichang sighed and closed his eyes directly!


next moment!

"God, my goodness!"

"This, what is this means?"

"This Jiang Fan, is it because the gods failed?"

"This kind of thing is unprecedented!"

The exclamation of the crowd directly caused Dou Yichang to open his eyes!

Only then did he realize that everyone was looking at him!

In those eyes, there were shock and amazement, but also envy and jealousy, but the most was greed!

"what happens?"

Dou Yichang asked startledly!

Just as he spoke, he was suddenly surprised!

Own voice!

His own voice should be extremely old, but why is it so full of breath now?

He raised his hands in disbelief, only to find that his hands, which should have been thin and shriveled, were actually full of muscles!

"Mirror! Bring me a mirror!"

Dou Yichang suddenly yelled!

Soon, a child of the Dou family brought a mirror!

When he saw the person in the mirror, Dou Yichang almost fainted with excitement!

In the mirror, there is actually a magnificent man who is less than forty!

That was him, as he was when he was young!

"This, how is this, maybe..."

Dou Yichang trembled and touched his cheek in disbelief!

"Nothing is impossible! But only 30 years of life!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The leaf of the tree of life is really the most valuable item!

The point is, there are still a hundred years left!

"Three, thirty years of life?!"

Dou Yichang almost fainted with excitement!

This is more than just an increase in life span of 30 years!

Instead, he directly restored his body to the prime of his prime!

With this body, you can have as many children as you want!

The most important thing is that he has stayed at the fourteenth level for many years without making any progress!

This is not only because of qualifications, but also because the older you are, the lower the chance of breakthrough!

But now, when he is back to his youth, there is hope of becoming a master!


Once he becomes a master, the entire Dou family will rise!

Can definitely be among the most outstanding first-class family!

There is even hope to become a new giant!

It can be said that Jiang Fan is not giving Shouyuan, but the future of the Dou family!

"Jiang, Jiang, Mr. Jiang..."

Dou Yichang stammered at Jiang Fan!

The resentment in his heart towards Jiang Fan has long been thrown out of the sky!

Compared to the interests of the entire family, what counts for the death of a few people!

At this moment, not only Dou Yichang, but also No.2, No.13, Yuguangzi, and even everyone in the Dou family, all had their eyes bright and looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

It doesn't matter if they are warriors, super talents, or even cultivators!

Everyone's life has an end!

But Jiang Fan's ability to guard against the sky directly opened the door to a new world for them!

Now everyone has forgotten what Jiang Fan had to do with them before, and they all thought about how to slap Jiang Fan's flattery, and how to get this benefit!

Seeing everyone's excited eyes, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"Everyone, although my Jiang Fan is cruel, I am always generous to subordinates!"

"It's not impossible to do things well in the future and get a better reward than Shouyuan!"

"A better reward than Shouyuan?"

"Mr. Jiang! Give us a chance!"

"Yes! Who do you want to do, tell us directly!"

"That's right! We won't stop if we don't make him one hundred and eight poses!"

"Or do you have any other needs? My cousin, Guo Se Tian Xiang, will be a bed warmer for you, absolutely no problem!"

"Dad! Father Jiang! Recognize my son!"

The crowd boiled directly!

At this time, what kind of face is it, that's a fart!

Hugging your thighs is the most important thing!

Number two and others were stunned!

Before, these people were so desperate to die, but now they actually want to help Jiang Fan on the pole!

Isn't this a competition with them?

"Ahem, sir, we have always been loyal to you!"

"Yes, my lord! Our loyalty to you is a lesson from the sun and the moon!"

The two looked excited!

"Why do you two join in the fun? If it's good, can you miss you? Fuck off!"

Jiang Fan kicked the two away!

But the two looked overjoyed!

The adults' actions clearly show that they trust them more than the Dou family!

"Don't worry, there are opportunities to work for me! Now, let's go to heal your injuries!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Huh? Mr. Jiang..."

Crowd reluctantly!

"A bunch of bastards! Didn't you hear what Mr. Jiang said? Don't get out of here!"

Dou Yichang shouted angrily!

The crowd left reluctantly!

"Mr. Jiang, please, please use some tea and snacks first, and I will arrange the banquet immediately!"

Dou Yichang's eyes looking at Jiang Fan at this moment are already full of respect!

This kind of superb character who can bestow his life on others is definitely worthy of the Dou family to follow!


Xichuan Linglong Hotel!

This is one of the subordinate industries of the Dou family, and it is one of the top hotels in the entire Xichuan!

The dishes on the table don’t ask about the taste, only the price!

One hundred grams of aimas caviar alone is worth 13 thousand, which is a full plate!

During this battle, the eyes of No. 2 and others are straight!

The Sword of Thorns is also a big organization, and it can be said that it is very rich!

However, it can't reach the point where a meal can be extravagant!

It really is the local tyrant in China!

"Mr. Jiang! My Dou family was disrespectful to you before. This glass of wine is on behalf of everyone in the Dou family. I apologize to you and ask you not to remember the villain's fault!"

Dou Yichang raised his hand to hold a glass of wine and looked at Jiang Fan respectfully!

"Patriarch Dou is polite!"

Jiang Fan picked up the wine glass!

A few people were about to drink it all, just at this moment!


The door was suddenly pushed open, and then, a fellow from the Dou family rushed in!

"Patriarch! Miaozhou is here!"

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