God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 944: Wonderful experience

Everyone was stunned as soon as Bai Meng said the words!

Looked blankly at Bai Meng!

It's like looking at a mentally retarded!

This idiot!

Is he crazy?

By now, I haven't noticed that Jiang Fan's status is the highest here?

Rejuvenate, give your grandma a hammer!

Our Dou family has all been beaten up, and this is how we got this opportunity!

Do you want to get this benefit by using a puppet Gu? Is there Hu spicy soup in this brain?

But Bai Meng didn't realize it, but smiled triumphantly!

As long as this surnamed Jiang returns to Miaozhou and gives his ancestors a rejuvenation, the reward he will get is more than just a puppet Gu!

Even if there are five or ten, it is not impossible!

When the time comes, we can resell it to Dou's family. How much will it cost?

Enough to spend a lifetime!

He is really a little genius!

"Uncle Dou, this sale is very cost-effective!"

"It's just a show of rejuvenation, compared to a billion, it's horribly cheap!"

"This is because you treat me well every time, I give you preferential treatment!"

"If it were someone else, I would never give him this opportunity!"

Seeing everyone still looks dull, Bai Meng frowned!

"What are you doing in a daze? Forget it, no thanks! Kid, come with me!"

As he said, he caught Jiang Fan directly!

It looked like it was holding a bank card studded with countless numbers!

However, before he touched Jiang Fan, he saw Jiang Fan suddenly raised his arm and swung over with a big mouth!


A crisp sound!

Bai Meng only felt that he was suspected of being smoked!

Is this a slap in the face?

Is this a cannon?

Bai Meng's whole body, his head pulling his neck, his neck pulling his body, hesitated like the Tom cat in the cartoon, and screamed screamingly, and slammed into the rockery in the yard!


The rockery suddenly exploded!

And Bai Meng's mouth was full of blood foam, sitting in the ruins stupidly, his eyes straightened!

"Hehe, Bai Meng, right? You dare to use Lao Tzu as a bargaining chip! I admire your courage!"

"But do you think everyone is as stupid as you? A puppet Gu wants me to use it once to rejuvenate?"

"I don't need your dog's brain to think about it. Lao Tzu goes directly to your white house to perform it. How much benefit does that have?"

Jiang Fan sneered and walked slowly towards Bai Meng!

"You, you **** dare to hit me!"

Bai Meng finally recovered!

And when he heard Jiang Fan's words, he became even more angry!

Suddenly shouted angrily and opened his mouth directly!


A fiery red phantom suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

"That's Gu worm! Mr. Jiang, hurry up and hide!"

Dou Yichang screamed suddenly!

But Jiang Fan just disdainfully smiled!


Jiang Fan stretched out his hand and grabbed this thing into his hand!

It was only then that everyone could see that it was a red snake, but half the thickness of chopsticks!

This thing was held by Jiang Fan but its ferocious state was unabated, and it screamed, and it was about to dive into Jiang Fan's flesh and blood!

"Hey hey! Fool! You dare to catch my natal Chi Practicing Gu with bare hands!"

"This thing is designed to break the innocence of the body, you can't stop it!"

"Wait for him to get into your body, just wait for the internal organs to be eaten away!"

"This is the price you dare to be disrespectful to me!"

Bai Meng laughed wildly!

This bastard, must let Gu worm toss him hard!

Let him know the cost of provoking himself!

As for killing Jiang Fan, he couldn't bear it!

He also wants Jiang Fan to return to Miaozhou to perform rejuvenation skills!

And hearing this thing broke the true qi, the others were already stunned!

In close combat, Zhenqi martial artist is definitely the top rank!

And different from vindictive or melee abilities, true energy is both offensive and defensive, flexible in use, and almost flawless!

However, everything in the world grows and restrains each other, what Zhenqi warriors fear most is precisely this kind of thing that can break gong!

Once the bodyguard is broken, the defense of the warrior is the same as that of a normal person!

Simply vulnerable!

Seeing that, the little snake had already stood up, hit Jiang Fan's wrist violently, and was about to get into the flesh!

Everyone was shocked, and they were all ready to take action!

But at this moment!


A bang!

The little snake hit Jiang Fan's wrist, as if it hit solid steel!

Not only did it fail to hurt Jiang Fan, but it even smashed its brains out and died directly!

Hang up, hang up?

Own natal Gu, is dead?

Bai Meng blinked his eyes, and suddenly spewed blood!

The whole body is even shrivelled!

This is a backlash from the destruction of the natal Gu!

But he didn't care about this at all, just looked at Jiang Fan with a dazed expression!

This, how is this possible!

Jiang Fan's body is indeed an infuriating reaction!

How could one's own natal Gu fail to break the defense!

Others are even more shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan's eyes, it was like looking at a monster!

"This, how is this possible?!"

"This kind of thing, let alone the eleventh level, even the true energy of the fourteenth peak can be broken!"

"But why is Mr. Jiang unscathed? On the contrary, this little snake was shaken to death?"

"Could it be that Mr. Jiang is-Grand Master?!"

"No! There is another possibility! That is, Mr. Jiang is, both internally and externally repaired!"


Everyone's faces are already full of horror!

Double repair inside and outside?

You know, external power is no better than internal power!

The arduousness of practicing external power is far more difficult than internal power!

To be able to cultivate all internal and external skills to level 11 at this age is simply a genius of Tianzong!


Even Tianding Tenji at Jiang Fan's age would definitely not reach it!

Facing everyone's horrified eyes, Jiang Fan just smiled!

I do have internal strength, but the strength of this body is actually eleventh level!

Do not!

Accompanied by the rewards for his two job transfer tasks, the strength of this body alone has surpassed the eleventh level!

In other words, at level 11, or even below level 12, you can't even break your own defenses!

Although this little snake is weird, it is only a ninth level, hitting himself, it's just looking for death!

Just throwing this thing away, Jiang Fan had already grinned and thought about Bai Meng's walk over!

"You, what are you going to do!"

Bai Meng finally reacted, and he was ready to slip away!

But Jiang Fan just stretched out his hand and choked his neck!

"Hey hey, let this thing eat my internal organs, right?"

"No, no... forgiveness, forgiveness—"

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Fan had already raised his arms, his big mouth slammed up like a machine gun!

"Papa Papa Papa!"

Everyone only sees many phantoms!

After Jiang Fan stopped, Bai Meng's entire face was almost squeezed!

"You, you bastard! You, you're done! Our Bai family will never let you go!"

"Hehe, there is a kind! Even now he dare to threaten me!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and then a series of big mouths twitched up!

Bai Meng was beaten and howled miserably!

"Patriarch Dou! Uncle Dou! Quick, let him stop!"

"As long as you tell him to stop, our puppet Gu will send you directly!"

"Hurry up! Uuuuu...I'm going to be beaten to death!"

It's a pity that Dou Yichang is not a stupid man. How can he offend Jiang Fan for a puppet Gu at this time!

Just pretend not to see!

Bai Meng was completely shocked!

"Mr. Jiang! Father Jiang! Grandpa Jiang!"

"I was wrong! Let me go!"

"My mouth stinks! I will never dare anymore!"

"Please! I'm really going to be beaten to death!"

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