God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 946: Perverted so hot to transform

Seeing that the big truck is about to hit Jiang Fan!

In Johnny's eyes, there was already a look of fear!

After all, it is the first time he has transformed, and he hasn't mastered his power at all!

Being attacked by these demons unexpectedly caused his flame to go out!

damn it!

Today not only is oneself going to die, but unexpectedly, even this ordinary person will be hurt!

It's just that in everyone's different eyes!

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

Suddenly he slapped the truck with a palm!

"Is this kid crazy?"

"He thought he could stop it?"

"Ridiculous human!"

"I don't know what I can do!"

The black hearts sneered!

However, the next moment!



In front of everyone, the truck seemed to hit a mountain made of steel!

Jiang Fan stayed still!

But the truck started from the front, and the whole truck began to twist and deform because of the violent impact!

At the same time, all the car windows burst into pieces with a "boom"!

The driving local monster was thrown out of the car window directly by the strong inertia!


The big truck suddenly bounced and flew out far away!

After landing, there was another explosion!


"How is this possible!"

"Who the **** is this kid!"

"Horrible Oriental!"

"What a terrifying power!"

The black heart demon were stunned!

Johnny was even more stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

It takes a lot of strength to block the crazy truck with one hand!

Could it be that this is the legendary Chinese Kung Fu?


"Thank you! Brother! Thank you!"

Johnny looked grateful!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and was about to take out the takeaway!

But at this moment!

"Bastard! Damn human!"

A roar suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the earth demon who was bombed out has already viciously rushed towards Jiang Fan!

This damned human dared to make him so embarrassed!

Must die!

Although he has infinite power, as an elemental demon, he is not afraid of physical attacks at all!

"No! Hurry up!"

Seeing the earth demons were killed, Johnny suddenly screamed!

But Jiang Fan smiled coldly and took out the gold bricks with his backhand!

"Hahaha! Stupid human! Are you going to compensate me with this thing? It's ridiculous! Hahaha!"

The originally angry local demon suddenly slowed down, and his face was full of mockery!

The Black Heart Demon and others are even more sneered!

Human beings are so simple!

They are demons!

There is a fart for gold!


The earth demon has directly grabbed Jiang Fan by the collar!

"Boy! Seeing that you knew you were wrong, I was merciful and swallowed your soul completely! After all, it's an honor for you to be one with me! Come on!"

Seeing that the earth demon opened his mouth, he was about to absorb Jiang Fan's soul!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan picked up the gold bricks and slammed it on his forehead!


The earth demon fainted directly!

Jiang Fan had already smiled grimly, and backhand took out the Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

"It's an honor to go to your code!"

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Jiang Fanbai's knife went in and the red knife came out, but within three seconds, seventeen or eight holes had been opened in the earth demon's body!

Then with a backhand sword, he directly chopped off the head of the earth demon!

Nima is too cruel!

The Black Heart Demon and others are all dumbfounded!


"Boy! Who the **** are you!"

The black heart demon roared!

"My name is Jiang Fan! I'm a Chinese takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

Nani? !

Takeaway? !


Is this still the human world they know?

Is the world so uncomfortable now?

Is a delivery person so ruthless?

Through magic, Mephisto, who was gazing at this place from afar, was even more shocked!

Huaxia's takeaway rider is so fierce!

I'm so stupid!

The takeaway rider is the most powerful and qualified ghost rider!

If you signed a takeaway to be a Cavaliers back then, wouldn't you have already fulfilled your wish?

damn it!

When this waste Chai Johnny finishes his work, he must be replaced!

At the same time as everyone was sluggish, Jiang Fan had directly taken out the takeout and handed it to Johnny!

Something was not right. Although the local demon was beheaded by himself, the Shuiyu Zimother Sword did not give feedback on the cause and effect!

It seems that he is definitely not dead!

Even though the Black Heart Demon and others on the opposite side did not make a move, the aura they exuded actually reached level 14 or higher!

The breath of the black heart demon faintly made Jiang Fan's whole body full of needles!

I have nothing to fear, but if I play with a few of them, I have to use my hole cards!

It is more cost-effective to wake up Johnny's ability!

"This, what is this?"

Johnny looked at the takeaway with a look of shock!

My eyes were so smoked by the mapo tofu that I couldn't open it!

But by the way, he actually gave birth to a desire to eat!

"Chinese food, Mapo tofu!"

"Chinese food?"

Johnny looked shocked!

Then I couldn't control it anymore, I just reached out to take the takeaway, and started to eat!

"It smells so good! It smells so good!"

"Ah! This spiciness makes me feel like I'm going to burn!"

"So spicy! So cool! I'm going to burn!"

As Johnny finished eating the takeaway, a three-foot-high flame suddenly rose across his head!

At the same time, his whole body turned into a burning skull look!

Johnny was so spicy that he transformed directly!

It's just that, it smells like pepper!

Even Jiang Fan was choking and sneezing!

There is a trace of regret in my heart!

This material seems to have been added too much!

Be cautious next time!

"Not good! The evil spirit rider has recovered!"

"More than that, stronger than before! It's so spicy!"

"Damn it! What the **** did that kid eat for him!"

"Hua Xia Food actually has such a magical effect!"

"Damn! Back to hell, we must catch all those Chinese chefs!"

The black hearts are scared!

And at this moment!

"Damn! You Chinese bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

The Earth Demon, who was beheaded by Jiang Fan, has recovered, and he must kill Jiang Fan!



A flaming chain suddenly flew out of thin air, directly binding the earth monsters firmly!

It was Johnny who made the shot!

"no, do not want!"

The earth demon screamed suddenly!

Although he is not afraid of physical attacks and is immune to the low-level magic of the branch, the flame of the evil spirit knight is their common nemesis!

"Let me go! Blackheart! Help me!"

The earth demon screamed frantically!

It's a pity, feeling the terrifying aura of the evil spirit knight, the black heart demon's face sank!

He gave Jiang Fan a fierce look, then waved!

"let's go!"

"Don't kill them?"

Asked the water demon!

"The evil spirit knight has recovered! And this Chinese takeaway actually has a feeling that makes me scared, first go find the Saint Van Gonzal contract! Then kill them again, it's easy!"

The Black Heart Demon said, suddenly disappeared without a trace!

The Water Demon and Wind Demon who followed him also screamed and disappeared instantly!

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