God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 964: Brother Jiang, you are too shameless

Ding Xuan is so confident now!

As long as Brother Jiang is willing to help himself, let alone those old guys!

In the future, the entire Ding family will be his own!

Ding Xin was startled, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

He could feel that Ding Xuan obviously had full confidence in Jiang Fan!

Is this person Ding Xuan's support?

"Boy, I don't care who you are, but you'd better not interfere with our Ding family affairs, otherwise, you won't know how you died by then!"

Ding Xin looked at Jiang Fan with a strong warning scent!

"Bastard! How dare to be so presumptuous to adults!"

As soon as Ding Xin said his words, Christine was directly angry!

Slap Ding Xin on the ground with a backhand slap!

Going up is just a kick!

Affected by Jiang Fan, now the entire Jiangzhuang, regardless of long-range close combat, all like to get started!

"God! Don't fight!"

"Sister! I was wrong! I was wrong!"

"I just fart!"

"Let me go!"

Ding Xin was beaten and cried!

Just now, when he was caught, he pretended to make Christine a beating, but he didn't expect to be beaten again because of a word!

"Okay, let him go!"

Jiang Fan finally spoke!


Christine agreed, and then looked at Ding Xin with a sneer!

"Good luck! Get out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ding Xin got up very embarrassed and ran to the door!

"Boy! You, wait for me!"

He glared at Jiang Fan!

Kristen didn't dare to offend him, but Jiang Fan looked mediocre, but he could make him pretend to be a force!


"You haven't been beaten enough, are you?"

Christine yelled and ran after him!


Ding Xin screamed in fright, turned and ran!

"Brother Jiang, it seems that the old guys in the family can no longer sit still. Should we do it?"

Seeing Ding Xin leave, Ding Xuan hurriedly spoke!

"Not urgent!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"This... they've all started kidnapping my son, aren't you in a hurry?"

Ding Xuan was startled!

Now it is not only for the safety of his son, but the most important thing is that Ding Xuan's desire for rights has been thoroughly aroused by Jiang Fan!

Human desires are like flames fueled by flesh and blood. Once ignited, they can no longer be extinguished!

"Big Brother Ding misunderstood!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"I have analyzed all the information you gave me before, the Ding family...to be honest, it's really decadent!"


Ding Xuan was taken aback!

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"The power of the Ding family is too concentrated! Almost all of them are in the hands of the patriarch and several clan elders! And the younger generation has very little power in their hands! There is almost no right to speak!"

"This matter is especially obvious in dealing with you!"

"Actually, this is a good thing for you. You only need to get rid of those old guys, and then I will support you and become the owner of the house. It's easy!"

"Then, then we can just get rid of them, what are we waiting for?"

Ding Xuan looked puzzled!

"No! Although this is simple, it has too many hidden dangers for the future you, or the future Ding's family!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and began to explain!

"This involves the question of what a person wants!"

"Tell them, you are in charge, it seems simple, but if it were in ancient times, it would be a mutiny! The name is not right, the words are not right!"

"In the early stage, it was taken from the strength of you and me. Maybe others can only acquiesce, but after a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that others will not think otherwise!"

"Even if they don't dare to do anything to you, but if they don't listen to the orders, it will be enough for you to drink a pot!"

"Of course, the easiest way is to get rid of all the disobedient people, but if you do this, the Ding family will probably be over!"

After listening to Jiang Fan's remarks, Ding Xuan was stunned!

"This...this...then what should I do?"

It was Jiang Fan who instigated him to be the master of the house before, but it was Jiang Fan who made him wait for a while!

Brother, you can't play with me!

Seeing Ding Xuan's look anxious, Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Don't worry, since I pointed out the problem for you, naturally there is a solution!"

Jiang Fan didn't want to sell it, so he spoke directly!

"Although your Ding family's centralized power model is unreasonable, no one resists. This is enough to show the weight of the Patriarch and the family elder in the Ding family!"

"For this kind of people, the first thing you need to do is to combat their prestige!"

"The easiest way is to make everyone feel that they are getting confused! Keep in charge of the family, it will only make the family undone!"

"And how does this manifest? It is in your body!"

"Trust me, after hearing Ding Xin's report, they will definitely be furious! They will continue to send people to catch Xiaobao!"

"And every time they send someone, hehe!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and suddenly whispered a few words to Ding Xuan!

Ding Xuan's eyes lit up and looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Brother Jiang, you, you are too shameless! Ahem! I mean, wonderful!"

"Small! Then listen to me!"

"According to the information, your generation from the Ding family actually has a lot of talents, both civil and military, but there is no room for display!"

"What you have to do now is to choose a few suitable candidates and contact them through the few brothers left in the family! And make a great promise! Sharing benefits!"

"In this way, after you take over the family in the future, they will be your most loyal thugs, and the group that belongs to them will definitely support you!"

"As for when you are fully seated as Patriarch, what should I do? I don't have to teach you, right?"

Jiang Fan's smile is meaningful!

Ding Xuan took a deep breath, and then gave Jiang Fan a strong hug!

"Brother Jiang, thank you! I won't say too much polite remarks. The Ding family in the future will always stand behind you!"

"Big Brother Ding is polite. From today on, business as usual! I will let someone take care of Xiaobao in secret, don't worry!"


Then the two began to study the question of candidates!

In fact, for Jiang Fan, if he just wants to subdue the Ding family, it is extremely simple!

Even the Dou family, who was even better than the Ding family, was easily taken down by him. It was so simple to subdue the Ding family!

The reason why he planned patiently was purely for the friend Ding Xuan!

Ding Xuan obviously understands this too. For him, Jiang Fan is not only a friend, but also a benefactor, so you are also welcome!

Anyway, as long as Jiang Fan has something to do, he will be over!

Just when the two men were planning how to make Ding Xuan come to power, in the third class, Wei Fuling finally woke up from the state of the ruler!


As soon as Wei Fuling woke up, he was furious!

At the same time full of fear!

What the **** did Jiang Fan do to himself just now?

Why do you seem to be a different person?

Especially, when she thought of crying with a runny nose and yelling at Hong Lei to let him soak herself, she wanted to find a rope to strangle herself!

Bastard **** bastard!

Jiang Fan!

You wait for me!

Wei Fuling stood up suddenly and was about to walk out of the classroom!

"Poria, Poria! Where are you going?"

Hong Lei suddenly looked at Wei Fuling a little shyly!

"none of your business!"

Wei Fuling roared, turned and left!

At the same time I hate more!

This big idiot like a bear!

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have come to this end!

After leaving the classroom, Wei Fuling dialed a number directly!


The other side picked up the phone, and then, a gentle but slightly smiling voice sounded directly!

"Fuling? How is it? Los Angeles is pretty good, right?"

This voice is Wei Fuling's father, Wei Qifeng!

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