God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 982: I'm not perverted enough

Ma Desheng is ashamed and indignant!

"Jiang Fan! You, you—"

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, Brother Leopard waved his hand directly!

"Check the goods for this kid!"

"Yes! Leopard brother!"

Several kidnappers directly lifted Ma Desheng down, and began to take off his pants without saying a word!

"No! Stop it!"

"Please! Don't!"

"Oh my God! Help!"

Ma Desheng cried and screamed wildly, like a good family woman about to be sold into a brothel!

It's a pity that several kidnappers don't care about him at all.

"Fuck! This fat guy is wearing strawberry-style pants!"

"Damn, it's so perverted!"

"No wonder no one wants to talk to him!"

"Today, our brothers can also be regarded as walking the way for the sky!"

Soon, under Ma Desheng's helpless cry, that white piece finally appeared!

Just a scar has completely destroyed this beauty!

Jiang Fan took out his phone without saying a word!

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing? Stop it!"

"Papa Papa Papa Papa!"

Jiang Fan simply ignored Ma Desheng's wailing, and took a 10-continuous shot!

Completely gather Ma Desheng's scar and his helpless but weak expression!

"Oh my God! I don't want to be a human anymore!"

"Why is this!"

"Jiang Fan! You bastard! I hate you!"


Ma Desheng howls desperately!

"Call a fart!"

Brother Leopard kicked Ma Desheng's **** directly, and then looked at Jiang Fan proudly!

"Boy, I'm sure this time!"

"Haha, I'm sure!"

Jiang Fan smiled very happily!

"What about the money? Tell you, if you don't have money, not only this fat man, you will also die!"

Brother Leopard's face sank!


Jiang Fan smiled, and suddenly hit an uppercut, which hit Brother Leopard's chin!



In the next moment, Leopard's whole person is almost as if riding on a rocket, and he was suddenly blasted into the sky!

Eight meters...15 meters...30 meters...

Everyone's eyes widened, watching Brother Leopard fly higher and higher!

"Fat, what happened?"

"How did Brother Leopard fly?"

"Remember a hand that fell from the sky?"

"Could it be that Brother Leopard wants to use the legendary, Tathagata Palm?"

"Brother Leopard is awesome!"

A group of kidnappers are inexplicably excited!

Unexpectedly, Leopard had such a unique skill!

However, in order to intimidate the two of them, is this approach a bit too wild?

When a group of people are full of question marks!

Leopard finally broke through the forty-meter mark!

Then, a short stay in the air, like a comet, descending quickly!

"Come down!"

"He's down!"

"He came down like a bolt of lightning!"

"I seem to have seen the Buddha's light!"

"This is the most fierce style of the palm of the Tathagata, Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect!"

"Brother Leopard! I admire you so much!"

Several kidnappers looked excited!

Even with tears in his eyes!

Tathagata palm!

He is simply a witness of history!

However, the next moment!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh -"

The leopard brother who reacted, seeing the ground getting closer and closer, suddenly burst out a heart-piercing scream of horror!

At the same time, the crotch was wet and he urinated directly!

Go to the palm of Nyima's Tathagata, I was beaten up by someone!

This is so if you fall, you will definitely die!

But a group of kidnappers don't know!

Leopard brother **** from the sky, but a group of kidnappers looked overjoyed!

"Unexpectedly, this trick actually aroused the power of heaven and earth!"

"The rain falls from the sky, Brother Leopard, you are too domineering!"

"Quick! Let me swallow this rain!"

"Oh? Why does this rain smell weird?"

"Nonsense! God descended from the sky, it must be different from water!"

"Yes! Drink quickly! This is a great opportunity to become a god!"

Several kidnappers opened their mouths, desperately to absorb the "grant rain" of Brother Leopard!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

This Nima--

I really don’t fit you because I’m not perverted enough!

"A bunch of idiots! The rain to pick up your sister! I was beaten up!"

"Hurry up and catch me!"

Brother Leopard couldn't control it anymore and screamed desperately!


"Brother Leopard was beaten up?"

"One punch blasted a big living person forty meters away! What kind of strength is this really!"

"Is this kid a pervert?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in horror, no one was going to pick up Brother Leopard!

On the one hand, I was frightened by Jiang Fan, on the other hand, forty meters!

A big living person fell from such a high place, so who would die?

Brother Leopard, for our sake, go with peace of mind and heroism!

However, if Brother Leopard was beaten up, what was the rain just now?

Thinking of this question, all the kidnappers' faces turned blue!

Can't think, absolutely can't think!

Seeing, Brother Leopard is about to fall alive!

at this time!


Jiang Fan stretched out his right hand and took Brother Leopard directly!

Even the wrist trembles without trembling!

Everyone has their mouths open!

An adult who falls forty meters can smash even a car with that kind of impact!

But Jiang Fan was caught so easily!

This is not only about strength, but also a steel-like physique!

This guy is simply a monster!


Everyone swallowed and spit!



All the kidnappers knelt down instantly!

"Big Brother! We were wrong!"

"We don't blame us for this, it was all instructed by Brother Leopard!"

"We didn't do anything, just let the wind go!"

"Please let us go!"

A group of kidnappers are crying!

Jiang Fan ignored them and gently placed Brother Leopard on the ground, only then smiled!

"Do you want more money?"

"It's got it!"

Brother Leopard's teeth are shattering!


Jiang Fan went up with a big mouth!

Brother Leopard finally got over!

"No! No more! Help!"

"Call your sister!"


Jiang Fan pumped a big mouth again!

Brother Leopard was completely honest and looked at Jiang Fan with fear!

And Jiang Fan smiled yinly!

"Say! How did you know that Ma Desheng was the winner?"

As soon as this problem came up, Ma Desheng, who was still crying on the ground, lifted his head in an instant!


I was so frightened that I almost forgot this question!

I was wearing a hood at the time!

Even if there are media reports, it is impossible for the other party to know who he is, let alone find himself so quickly!

"This, this..."

When Leopard's eyes turn, he will speak!



Jiang Fan suddenly grabbed Brother Leopard's chin, causing one of his big teeth to be pinched with one hand without hesitation, and he pulled it out!


Brother Leopard's big teeth were actually pulled down by Jiang Fan alive!


Brother Leopard screamed suddenly!

The blood spurts wildly in his mouth!

"Shut up! If you don't tell the truth, the next time I pull it out, it's your tongue!"

Jiang Fanyin smiled!

"I said! I said! It's Li Dong!"

"Who is Li Dong?"

"He, he is the manager of the Los Angeles Lottery! He misappropriated the public funds of the Los Angeles prize pool because of gambling, and now someone wants to check on it, he let us help him kidnap Ma Desheng! He said that the blackmailed money will be half one person!"

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