God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 999: Master uncle fairy blessing first enjoy

The crowd was stunned!

Staring blankly at the scene in front of you!

Fried, fried? !

The upper limit of this thing is 100 tons!

In other words, unless the force exceeds one hundred tons, and at least one hundred and twenty tons or more, it is impossible to even break this thing!

But now, this thing has exploded!

And not only did it explode, it also broke the ground!

The other party just flicked his finger!

This, what a force it must be!

Do not!

This is absolutely impossible!

It must have nothing to do with this kid!

"Master is too strong!"

"That's right! Unexpectedly, when the master punched the punch just now, the lethality exploded at this moment!"

"Master's secret strength is really terrifying!"

"A punch that exploded the ergometer produced by the Huojia, the master is absolutely martial arts!"

Several of Yue Jianhong's supporters said one after another!


"To shut up!"

Yue Jianhong's expression was as if he had spent a high price on health care, and then found out that the other party was bigger than him!

It's so scared that the soul is out of possession!

He has a few kilograms by himself, he knows too much!

If you want to explode this thing, unless you reach level ten!

The young man on the other side exploded the dynamometer with just one flick!

Such strength can no longer be described as horror at all!

"You, you, who are you?"

Yue Jianhong trembled all over, with cold sweat on his head!

"Who am I? I am your uncle!"

"You, how do you curse!"

Yue Jian Hong Seli screamed!


"South Uncle, he, his old man is right, it is indeed your uncle!"

Yue Yang finally spoke!

"He is the master of Uncle Six! Jiang Fan!"


Yue Jianhong exclaimed, then he knelt without saying anything!

"Junior Yue sees Hong and visits Uncle Master!"

The whole Yue family knows Jiang Fan's name!

Violent beating Yue sees the mountains and Yue sees the tide is nothing!

It is acceptable to defeat Yue Jianhan!

But until just now, Yue Jianchao and others sent back news that Jiang Fan had dropped a fourteenth level in one punch!

This Nima Ke is too scary!

For such a character, let's not talk about provoking him from the Yue family, it's too late to hold his thigh!

Seeing a group of disciples standing stupidly, Yue saw Hong suddenly yelling at him!

"A bunch of idiots! Why don't you call Uncle Master!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"The disciple pays homage to Uncle Master!"

"Uncle Master's martial arts is truly an eye-opener!"

"More than that! With such strength, he can be called a devil!"

"Uncle Master Shifu enjoys immortality forever, longevity is the same as heaven!"

The crowd was flattering for a while!

Jiang Fan shook his head and looked directly at Yue Jianhong!

"In the future, teach carefully!"

Yue Jianhong trembled all over, and he already understood it!

Jiang Fan didn't mention the refund of the money and cheated, and he had already left a lot of affection!

If this incident spreads out, the Yue family must be infamous, and it will have to be stinky in the future!

"Yes! The disciple understands that the disciple will definitely teach carefully in the future!"

Jiang Fan ignored Yue Jianhong and looked towards Yue Yang!

"Is it the same in other places?"

"No, no, no! Xu Zhen picked all the others who could play!"

Yue Yang hurriedly spoke!

Jiang Fan couldn't help but sneer!

It seems that the upper-class people all know what virtue the Yue family is!

People are not in the mood to come here to look for things!

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, ready to leave!

At this moment!


The door of the martial arts hall was suddenly kicked open!

Immediately afterwards, several men with sturdy faces strode in!

"Yue Jianhong! Fang Dazhi, Dafang Wuguan, come to ask for advice!"

Be the first man, speak proudly!

"Who is this group?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

"They are from Dafang Martial Arts Hall, not from Yangcheng. They want to come here to develop!"

"It happened that Xu Zhen kicked the gym two days ago and gave up everything he could. They thought they had a chance, and they came here!"

Yue Yang quickly explained it again!

"Look at how bad your Yue family is! Even the level four and five dare to come over! Do it yourself!"

Jiang Fan hated it, turned around and left!

However, when he just walked to the door, Fang Dazhi stretched out his hand to directly block Jiang Fan!

"Haha, my friend, you also learn martial arts, right? Don't rush away, just see if we take action, then I promise you will choose our martial arts gym!"


Jiang Fan frowned!

"Asshole! What are you talking about?"

"Boy! You are looking for death!"

The faces of the people behind Fang Dazhi sank!

One of them even punched Jiang Fan directly!

Jiang Fan's backhand was a big mouth pumped up!



This person screamed and flew up suddenly!

Before landing, the whole person fainted with his tongue out!

Fang Dazhi and others are completely confused!

"you you……"

Fang Dazhi was shocked and angry!

"Don't get out yet?"

Jiang Fan's expression sank!

Fang Dazhi suddenly said nothing, carrying the fainted person and ran away!


Jiang Fan took a sip and walked away!

Only a group of worshiping eyes are left behind!

It's dusk after leaving the martial arts hall!

"Uncle Shi, where do you go next?"

Yue Yang asked carefully!


Jiang Fan was about to speak, but at this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance!

The moment he turned his head, a red shadow flashed away at the far corner!

"Master! There are masters!"

Curtis suddenly spoke!

"Master, do you need to kill him?"

Yue Jianhan also said slowly!

"No need, maybe it's just a coincidence!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that the breath was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it!

"Let's go, go to Ren's house and meet Xu Zhen!"

"Ah? But, don't you wait until tomorrow? Tomorrow is the day to fight!"

Yue Yang was stunned!

"Don't be silly boy, such a small role is not worth waiting for him for a day!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Yue Yang's heart was shocked!

Suddenly there was a feeling of worship for no reason!

No wonder Chen Ling secretly promised Jiang Fan!

If you are a woman, I am afraid, you can't resist Jiang Fan's charm at all!

Seeing, a few people have already boarded the car!

At this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"At the beginning of the creation, a Rubik's Cube was born!"

"We don't know where it came from, we only know that it has the power to create the world! Then let these worlds have life! Our race was born here!"

"Our races have lived in peace for a while, but like all powerful forces, some people want to use it to do good, some people are different, so the battle began!"

"This war spread to the entire planet until it was completely destroyed!"

"The Rubik's Cube was also left in the distant outer space!"

"We looked around, hoping to use it to rehome!"

"Just when we were looking for almost desperate moments, news came that we found traces of it on a planet!"

"The name of that planet is Earth!"

"The Rubik's Cube is called—Fire!"


Jiang Fan's eyes widened!


Unexpectedly, this order came from Transformers!

"Ding! Please give me a warm meal for the frozen Megatron, Xiao Er put the cows!"

Xiaoer herding cattle?

Can those steel machines drink this stuff?

But it’s okay, just do it yourself!


Transformers, here I am!

Jiang Fan is extremely excited!

But the next moment!

He suddenly reacted!

"Wait! System! Who is it for?"


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