God Level Demon

Chapter 1005: Anti-water!

"what happened?"

Wu Quan and others stayed in the cell, quietly waiting for the offensive of Xia Pingren, recuperating, and by the way, rehabilitating their bodies and restoring part of their combat effectiveness.

Although they did not expect too much, there was also a hint of hope that Xia Ping suddenly found a conscience that could remove them from the sea of ​​suffering.

I could wait for most of the night, and there was no movement. Their hearts were getting more and more heavy. Now they are seeing a group of aliens running in anger. They even know that the big things are not good.

The cliff is what the monks did in the summer, which will cause the aliens to be so angry.

"Kill them all."

Just now, the elders of the drought and the elders issued orders and murderous.

"Yes, elders!"

Many axe knives in front of the hand, eyes showing a trace of cold, I want to cut off the human head.

"and many more!"

Upon seeing it, Wu Quan suddenly became anxious. For the instinct to survive, he couldn’t help but yell: "This adult, what is going on here, why should we kill us, please give us a reason."

"Even if we die, we must die clearly and don't want to be a sin."

He was in a hurry to stop this group of aliens from doing things.

"Why kill you?"

The elders of the drought-stricken sneer sneered: "Your friends can be regarded as a good abacus. Think of you as a bait, and use us as an idiot to make a turn.

"As a result, he will not come to save you. Instead, he will run to our city and go to the Holy Land to **** the fruit."

"Now, the kid is not threatened, that is to say, you have no use, do not kill you, do you still have your New Year?!"


Wu Quan, Lu Shan, Ren Haodan and others were all screaming in the heart. They finally understood Xia Ping’s plan. The **** didn’t want to save himself, but just shot them.

Think of them as bait, and temporarily stabilize the group of monsters in this place. As a result, the rear of the family is in an empty state, and the **** can sneak in and **** the five elements of the fruit.

This really made a good calculation.

"Miscellaneous things."

Wuquan and others are now green, and they can fully imagine that the kid is simply refreshing, grabbing the five elements of the fruit, have the opportunity to step into the king's situation, and then fly to the sky, pacing the clouds.

But they, the fart did not get, and the benefits are falling.

It is still in the hands of this group of aliens, tortured, and even angered to be killed.

How can they accept such a result?

"Wait, don't kill us." Lushan shouted. "In fact, we are still very useful. Don't you want to catch Xia Ping and kill it completely?"

"If you can forgive us for a small life, we are willing to help and kill the monk."

For his own life, he decided to surrender to this group of aliens.

"Assisting from it?" The elders of the drought-stricken people laughed and laughed. "I really can't accept your surrender. Who doesn't know that you are human and scheming."

"What if you secretly calculate what we should do? I am afraid that you will be sold, we are still helping you count the money."

It did not believe the words of Lu Shan and others, and felt that these people must have bad ideas.

"No, you must believe in us."

"Yeah, Xia Ping, the monk, for his own future, regardless of morality and morality, without conscience, we have long cut off the cloak with him, life and death are not shared."

"If we talk about the feeling of killing the monk Xia Ping, we will not be much lower than you."

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Don't you understand this truth?"

"And we are human beings. Human beings are the most familiar with human beings. They know the mode of action of the kid. If we have the help, the kid is simply flying."

"Yeah, without our help, it's hard for you to kill him. Didn't you prove this before?"

Wuquan, Lushan, Ren Haodan and others are repeatedly asking for mercy. It is useful to say that they are waiting for others. They can fight against water, secretly calculate and kill Xia Ping, and they will do their best.

It can be said that now they hate Xia Ping.

Hearing these words, the elders present at the scene looked at each other. They also felt that these human beings did make a little truth. If there were such human spies and wanted to seize Xia Ping, it would have been a good idea.

"Mechanical elders, what do you think?"

Many elders are looking at the elders of the mechanical family. It is the brains of this group of elders. The speech is very reasonable. The elders around are very convinced by its words.

"It doesn't make sense."

The elders of the mechanical family blinked: "If these human beings are our spies, find the whereabouts of the kid, and then they should be outside, then Xia Ping will die."

"And they are also familiar with Xia Ping's mode of action. I believe that it is easier to deal with than we are. We have these human traitors to help, and I believe that this is also a multiplier."

"The only question is, are they really loyal? If you are betrayed, what should you do?"

It points out the key issues.

"This is not a big problem."

The black wood elders yin measured: "My black wood family has a secret method called bone drilling, which is planted into their bodies with the special energy of our black wood family."

"In this way, their life and death are under our control."

"If they dare to rebel, we will immediately start this secret technique and let them immediately become violent. Even if the king himself takes the shot, there is no time to rescue."

what? !

Lushan and other people's faces are all big changes. If they really have this secret technique, then their life and death are really in the hands of the other party, and what is the difference between being a slave.

However, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. In the face of such life and death, if they do not agree with each other, they will only have one dead end and they will not be able to compete.

"Yes, this idea is good."

"Just do it, believe in this secret technique, and let them resist."

"Dare to resist, they will kill them immediately."

"You must work hard for our five races in the future, and you must not have two hearts. Otherwise, I will make you die."

The elders present were nodding. If there were secretive manipulations of these human beings, then they would not worry about these human rebellions. When they were two or five, they would fight back at the crucial moment.

"Well, talk nonsense, first control this group of humans and say it again." The black wood elders looked sinister, and immediately applied Lushou and others to the secrets of the palms.


At this time, Xia Ping quickly put five kinds of life into his own space ring, and after taking away the most precious treasures here, he did not have a reason to stay here, and wanted to escape quickly.

But at this moment, there was a horror to the outside, and the earthquake shook and banged. A figure appeared in the gate of the Holy Land.

It is a drought-ridden Patriarchate, and a strong purple house!

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