God Level Demon

Chapter 1058: Purple mine cannon

A warehouse in the villa.

The warehouse was full of mechanical parts and materials, and it was cleaned up at the moment. Thousands of nano-level engineering robots returned to the engineering box to rest.

The entire warehouse has become very clean, leaving only a silver-white huge spaceship in this place.

"Has the transformation been completed?"

Xia Ping squinted his eyes and looked at the silver-white spaceship: "How do I feel that there has been no change before."


The cat fairy said: "The appearance of this spacecraft certainly has not changed, but the internal changes can be big."

"Because the main project of this transformation of the spacecraft is the spacecraft engine, this engine is more than a hundred times more powerful than the people you create."

"Of course, because of the relationship between materials, engineering equipment, etc., this can only be done for the time being, but there is no big problem in the navigation inside the star domain."

It looked at Xia Ping very despised.

"So powerful? So, isn't it possible to leave the cloud and go to other human planets?"

Xia Ping asked.

The cat fairy nodded: "This is the next plan I want to tell you. You have now been promoted to Zifu and you are eligible for interstellar travel."

"To be honest, the place in the cloud world is a poor country. There are too few resources for cultivation here. If you want to evolve quickly, you must go to the universe."

The reason why it helped to transform this spacecraft is that Xia Ping will leave the cloud and enter the real universe, so that he can quickly evolve to a higher level.

Otherwise, stay in the cloud world, dozens of years have passed, and only promoted to the realm of God.

"Where is the weapon system? Is there a weapon system that transforms the spacecraft?"

Xia Ping is still interested in the weapon of this spaceship. If the power can be greatly improved, then he has a terrible killer.

"I know you will ask this, in fact, the weapon system has not been modified for the time being."

The cat fairy smiled slightly: "After all, the technology weapons in the cloud world are still too weak. Even if it is a transformation, there is no way to increase the power, so I simply did not change."

"But you don't need to worry, there is exactly one weapon in the base, called the purple mine gun!"

"It captures the thunder of the heavens and the earth, and then stores it inside the cannon, and it bursts out in an instant. This kind of power is terrible, even if the practitioners of the refining environment can kill."

"In the universe, it is also a good weapon, enough to deal with many dangers in interplanetary navigation."

It explains how to sail in space, from time to time encountering meteorites flying in the face, and asteroids, sometimes unavoidable, only by the weapons of the spacecraft to crush these meteorites.

Otherwise, in the high-speed driving, hitting these meteorites, the entire spaceship will burst and the ship will be destroyed.

If Xia Ping is still a teacher, he is not qualified to know the information, but now he has been promoted to the king's territory, and his authority at the base has been greatly improved.

Therefore, he is also qualified to get some secret treasures in the base. This is also the step by step guide and help for the disciples of the stars.

"By drawing the power of the thunder of the heavens and the earth? Is there such a unique cannon? It is really powerful, but how fast will it be, how slow will it be?"

Xia Ping asked.

"You said the idea."

The cat fairy smiled slightly: "Indeed, if it is allowed to absorb the purple mine gun itself, it is indeed very slow. It is estimated that the energy of a shell cannot be accumulated in one day."

"But there is a kind of energy crystal in the universe, called Thunder crystal, which uses special technology to compress the thunder energy of the heavens and the earth to make the energy block."

"If you put this thunder crystal in the purple mine cannon, you can shoot dozens of shells."

"But in the base, there are not many thunder crystals, about one hundred or so. When they are used up, they are really gone, so be sure to save them."

It warned Xia Ping that this was the killer that the base left for Xia Ping. The purpose was to prevent any unforeseen dangers, so it could not be used casually unless it was a very urgent moment.

"What are you waiting for? We immediately returned to the base and installed the purple mine gun on the spacecraft." Xia Ping couldn't wait to install the purple mine gun.

Once you have this killer, the practitioner of the gods can kill him with a shot, and he can walk sideways.


A few minutes later, Xia Ping went to the new Luna, and he immediately found that the warship's computer changed, and installed the latest technology brain, the speed is not as fast as before.

The cat fairy can also live in the Luna, and you can control the warship at will.

Moreover, there are many intelligent liquid robots inside the warships. They are like real crews, responsible for cleaning the warships and also repairing the warships.

What he wants, as long as he speaks to the air, there will be a robot to come to the service immediately, and the service will be obedient, which is equivalent to a five-star hotel.

Xia Ping was very satisfied and immediately issued an order to leave. Immediately, the warship left the warehouse and flew in the air.


The warship was immersed in the void, and the space jumped, silently, and disappeared into Giant Island.

After a few seconds, Xia Ping appeared in the base.

"too fast."

Xia Ping was very impressed. Although the battleship had the ability to jump in space before, it could not be compared with the present, and there was almost no feeling of vibration.

Moreover, this warship was also installed by the Cat Immortal invisible system, and the anti-detection system was opened all the time. According to the current technology of the cloud industry, the warship could not be traced.

Therefore, even if the Luna appeared in the base, these human soldiers guarding the base did not find any abnormalities, and any detection system was invalid.

"go in."

The cat fairy and the brain in the depths of the base got in touch, immediately opened a hidden storage in the base, and then the Yueshen entered the base quietly.

Xia Ping walked down from the Luna, and he entered the mysterious relic for the first time. He soon discovered that there was a silver-white spacecraft docked on the ground deep in the base.


His pupil shrinks, although the size of the spacecraft is not very large, probably similar to the Luna, but he instinctively noticed that the spacecraft exudes an incredible atmosphere.

The ship is engraved with mysterious and ancient inscriptions everywhere, like a very powerful magic weapon, completely different from any spacecraft he has seen before.

"This spaceship is called the Stars, the old master's car, the holy class spaceship."

The cat fairy introduced.

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