God Level Demon

Chapter 1110: Northern sage

"Old ancestors!"

Many elders saw the appearance of the old man in the white robe. They were all horrified. They all recognized it. This is one of the three remaining saints of the Qiankun School, the northern sage.

The other two saints are the Sage of the Ghost and the Sage of the Snow Sea.

It is these three sages that have made the Qiankun School a stalwart, ruled the six stars, and thrived, and the forces are constantly expanding toward the distance and becoming more powerful.

In the face of such saints, they are all respectful and salute, and dare not have any pass.

"Old ancestors, why are you coming here?"

Asked by the elders, because the three great saints of Qiankun, if they are not in a state of retreat, they are going out to venture outside and rarely appear in the martial art.

Small things like this kind of recruiting disciples are even more unlikely to happen.

Not to mention, after reaching the saint, the power is extraordinary and the vision is different from the ordinary people. Even if the genius is enchanting, it is difficult to get into the eyes of the saint.

It is too difficult and too difficult to become a saint disciple.

Not to mention that the North Sage is itself a lonely person. There are basically no disciples under the door. Even if someone persuaded him to recruit a few disciples, he was rejected by him as a confession.

However, now the North Sage is actually appearing directly, and it is simply a matter of course for the Qiankun School to recruit this young man as his own disciple.

They are all shocked.

"Before the old man was retreating, suddenly he felt something. Someone realized that the big yin and yang fell on the tablet hand left by Qiankun’s brother, so come out and check it out."

The northern sage stood up and said: "The brother of Qiankun has great grace for me. Now he may be degraded, but his inheritance cannot be cut off in the Qiankun faction, so I swear that unless someone understands the big yin and yang in the wall of Qiankun I will recruit my disciples if I have a tablet, otherwise I will not recruit my disciples in my life."

He slammed the cause of the matter.

"It turned out to be."

Many elders are suddenly realized. They are also aware of the fact that there is no disciple under the door of the North Saint. Even if the other two saints dissuaded, they did not waver. There is such a secret.

"Now the old man has to recruit this kid as a disciple. What opinions do you have?"

The northern sage looked at everyone and looked overbearing.

"No, no, of course, no opinion."

"Since the ancestors personally recruited this young man as a disciple, we dare to grab it."

"That is, if the ancestors said earlier, we have already handed over."

"The ancestors can take the initiative to recruit disciples, which is a blessing for my grandfather, and it is impossible to grab."

Many elders have said that the saints have personally opened their mouths and said that they should recruit this young man as a disciple. Which elder is so bold and willing to block it, isn’t that looking for death? !

And these words are also their true words. If the saints are willing to teach their disciples personally, then they are better than nothing. This is a good result.

"Well, that's fine, then Xia Ping is the disciple of the old man."

The northern sage nodded, and he was very satisfied with his white beard.

With the conversations of these people, Xia Ping became a disciple of the North Ming sage, even if it was fixed.


After an hour, Xia Ping was sober and awake, at this moment he has completely accepted the martial arts heritage, and thoroughly learned this sacred yin and yang.

"It’s a mystery that it’s a holy school that has cost 400 million hatred."

Xia Ping's eyes showed a glimmer of light. He was immersed in the sentiment of the big yin and yang smashing the monument. This fascination was based on the power of yin and yang. The two forces were different from each other, but they were balanced with each other and formed a wonderful fusion.

One just, one soft.

One yin, one yang.

When this scholasticism was exerted, two distinct forces erupted instantly, forming a horrible attraction, sucking the enemy and simply unable to escape.

It can be said that once caught by the big yin and yang, the enemy is not far from death, and the more the enemy struggles, the faster they die, and they will be smashed into smashes in the whirlpool.

Xia Ping knew that he had a powerful martial arts this time, no less than the Yangshen fist he had obtained before.


Suddenly, he felt a strong breath coming from afar. When he looked up, he immediately saw that there were dozens of old people in the air.

They all descended from the sky and came to Xia Ping.

At this moment, other candidates are also waking up from the insights of Qiankun Wall, but now the candidates have lost more than 90%, because they can not be in the Qiankun wall any feelings, they were driven out.

Although these candidates are not reconciled, but there is no way, after all, the opportunities are equal, the Qiankun faction is also treated equally, everyone has the opportunity to comprehend.

But because their understanding is not enough, so the benefits can not be obtained, and can not blame others.

"What happened? Why are there so many people suddenly there?"

"My God, these are the elders of Qiankun, the real top talents."

"Yes, I used to visit the Qiankun School with my family elders. I have seen one of the elders."

"These elders are the real big bangs of the six stars, and they are powerful, and in a word, it is enough to shake countless stars."

"It is said that there is a superior performance in the Qiankun wall, which will be seen by the elders and become a disciple of the elders."

"Yes, I also heard the family elders say this, saying that I want to perform well in the Qiankun wall. Once I am looked at by an elder, this is definitely a step in the sky, and the status in the family will be greatly improved."

"Now that so many elders are present at the same time, they definitely want to recruit us as disciples."

"I don't know which person is so lucky, I am seen by the elders."

"It is also said that it must be the prince and grandson of our kingdoms, or the princes, the descendants of the big family. As for the untouchables, it is comparable to us."

"And yes, these civilians are just a foil."

These candidates have a lot of arguments, all of them are upright, excited, like a chicken with a **** chicken, can not wait to stand out from the crowd, all the elders' eyes are concentrated on themselves.

Especially the former children of the dignitaries, their faces are proud. They all think that these elders must come to see their excellent qualifications and want to recruit them.

As for those who don’t know where to come from, they are better than their noble nobles.

I don’t have to think about it. These civilians must be setting off their strong green leaves and are stepping stones.

The civilians around him heard these words, their faces were very ugly, and they clenched their fists. They were very reluctant, but the words of these powerful children were actually correct.

Regardless of qualifications and resources, the gap between the two sides is too great.

If they are the elders of Qiankun, they will definitely choose the dignitaries with excellent qualifications. Wherever they will choose mediocrity, they are almost civilians.

Even if you use your knees, you can think of this kind of thing happening. The salty fish turning over is a miracle.

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