God Level Demon

Chapter 1112: Yin Yang Dan

Qiankun Star, the highest mountain, is the residence of the saints of Beiming. This place is a forbidden place in the forbidden land. Without the permission of the saints, anyone who goes in will die.

At this moment, Xia Ping followed the northern sage to the house.

The northern sage is sitting on the jade bed, and Xia Ping is standing next to it.

"The most admired person in this life is the brother of Qiankun. He has great grace with me."

The northern sage Shen Shen said: "Before the old man once vowed that unless someone got the inheritance of the Qiankun brother, I would never recruit a disciple, so I still have no disciples under my door."

"And you have now obtained the inheritance of the brothers and sisters of Qiankun, and got the big yin and yang to destroy the monument, which proves his martial arts talent, so the old man moved the idea of ​​collecting the apprentice."

Xia Ping did not speak, still listening quietly.

He is not surprised why the northern sage knows that he has realized the big yin and yang smashing the monument. After all, the Qiankun wall is a treasure belonging to the Qiankun faction. There are secrets in the other party who know each other.

"Remember, this big yin and yang fall handwriting is considered to be a first class even in the many outstanding schools of Qiankun."

Beiming Saints said: "This is the top secret of our sect. Before you get the consent of the sect, you must not reveal this scholastic and teach others."

His tone is very strict.

"The disciple understands."

Xia Ping nodded. He also knew that this was a martial art school. If you let it go, it would be a great disaster for the sects.

If you are thoroughly studied by the enemy, then it is dangerous.

"Since you have joined my Qiankun faction, you should know some rules."

Beiming Saints said: "In the Qiankun School, I want to learn the top-level magical methods. The top supernatural powers are not obtained for no reason. I need yin and yang to exchange."

The so-called Yin Yang Dan is the unique Ling Dan of the Qiankun School. It uses the sacred yin and yang to refine the Dan Ding, assisting countless precious herbs, and finally refining the precious medicinal herbs.

Taking a yin yang can save the practitioners three months of condensing mana. If you can get a lot of yin and yang, then you don't know how much time you can save.

Basically, all the Qiankun disciples want to get yin and yang. After all, in the outside world, even if they have money, they can't buy them. They only provide them to Qiankun's disciples.


Xia Pingdao, waiting for the end of the assessment, the cat fairy has already told himself some basic knowledge about the Qiankun faction, so he is also very clear about these common sense.

If you want to exchange precious martial arts at the Qiankun School, you need a lot of yin and yang exchange. If you want to get precious treasures, you also need yin and yang exchange.

And Yin Yang, it is the reward given by the martial art to the disciples.

For example, the disciples complete the mission of the sect, and there are a large number of yin and yang rewards.

If promoted to the mood, there are yin and yang Dan.

Promoted to the realm of the gods, there are also yin and yang Dan.

Every time you are promoted to a big realm, the martial art has corresponding rewards.

Or if you get any treasures, donate to the sect, you can also have yin and yang.

In short, the better your performance, the more contributions you make to the martial art, the more yin and yang you give to the martial art. Everything is fair, all depends on your performance.

If there are enough yin and yang, then you can learn all the precious methods at the Qiankun School, which is why the Qiankun School attracts countless people.

"Ordinary ordinary disciples, each can get a yin and yang, become a disciple of the elders, each person can get ten yin and yang, but you become a veteran disciple, the treatment is not the same, you can get a hundred yin and yang."

Beiming Saint Man: "If you can be promoted to the mood, you can reward a thousand, and God can get 10,000. When you advance to a realm, you can get ten times the reward of the elder disciple."

Xia Ping heard the heartbeat, and it turned out to be a saint disciple with great benefits. The initial reward alone is far superior to ordinary people, and no one else can match it.

You must know that ordinary foreign disciples only get a yin and yang, so that yin and yang are not enough to redeem precious cultivation methods, so it is necessary to work hard to complete the task released by the martial art.

Sometimes, it takes a full year or even a few years for them to accumulate enough yin and yang to redeem the skills they need.

Of course, although this situation seems to be very hard, but compared to those who can not join the Qiankun faction, do not know how many times better.

After all, these practices of cultivation, even in the outside world, can be bought even if they have money, which is a secret law that is not accessible at all.

At least staying in the Qiankun School, they have the hope of becoming stronger.

However, compared with Xia Ping’s treatment, I don’t know how far it is.

"There is a book here, such as the merits and deeds. It is the practice of the martial arts of my Qiankun school. Basically, every disciple will get one. If you have not been strong enough in the cultivation, you can change this, but if I don’t think it’s necessary, I can’t practice it.” The Northern Saints continued.

"As for you still want to learn other martial arts magical powers, swordsmanship, secret law, etc., you will go to the Qiankun Pavilion of the Qiankun School to exchange it. I don't know how to ask me again."

"Remember, in the Qiankun School, even if you are a disciple under the old man's door, it does not mean that you can rest easy, everything needs to use your own strength to fight for it."

"Besides, the old man will not help, understand?"

He looked at Xia Ping seriously.

"Understand, Master." Xia Ping arched, he didn't need anything else, but fairness.

As long as he is in a fair environment, he is not afraid to compete with others, but if anyone dares to deceive, he will not be able to blame him.

When he finished, he wanted to leave.

"and many more."

The northern sage seems to think of something, and called Xia Ping: "Is your mental strength stronger than ordinary people, is there any adventure?"

"Yes, when I was a child, I had a chance to eat a mysterious elixir, which led to my mental strength being strong, at least ten times the average number." Xia Ping said half-truth.

"Ten times the number of ordinary people? Sure enough, the talent is different, it is no wonder that you can withstand the mental pressure of the wall."

The northern sage reveals a faint color: "I have a mysterious technique in my body. This is what I got from an ancient ruin when I was young. It is not a sect property, so you can take it and compare it. Suitable for people who are spiritually strong and strong."

He threw a cheat from his body.

Xia Ping took a look at it, which read a few old and simple golden characters "Lion King Kong".

Immediately, he felt that this cheat was very extraordinary. It was just a few big characters. He seemed to feel the arrival of a lion, the roar of the sky, the oppression of terror, and the countless stars were shattered.

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