God Level Demon

Chapter 1117: The person is not good!

Qiankun Star is a mountain, which is a mountain where Xia Ping is located. He has now been named Yan Huangfeng.

At the moment, in the quiet room.

After a month of practice, Xia Ping has completely consolidated his cultivation and achieved a perfect state of Zifu. The majestic mana filled every corner of the Purple House and almost reached the limit.

After a while, he can be promoted to the mood, and the spiritual power will become a god.

Of course, this month, Xia Ping is not only consolidating his own cultivation, he also cultivated a new sacred martial arts yin and yang stagnation hand, completely integrated it.

Xia Ping immediately shot, a mana in the void immediately appeared, slap down a huge rock in front.


Immediately, the rock was immediately hit by the mana, which was like being crushed by a horrible force. Like tofu, it was turned into powder.

Even the power of this mana was infiltrated by an inch of inch, slammed on the ground of the quiet room, and awkwardly, a huge handprint appeared on the ground and creaked.

You must know that the rock of Qiankun Star does not know how many times harder than the stone of the Yunxiaojie. Even ordinary ordinary practitioners can only leave a palm print on the stone.

I think it would be impossible to make a rock powder like Xia Ping.

If you see this scene by others, you will definitely be scared out of your eyes. This power is beyond imagination.

“It’s a holy school, and it’s powerful.”

Xia Ping is very satisfied. This is just a small test. He did not show all the power, and his cultivation is not enough. He wants to fully exert the power of the big yin and yang to lose the tablet hand. Far away.

In addition to practicing the big Yin and Yang fell to the inscription, he also practiced a mysterious and powerful mysterious lion diamond seal given by the North Ming sage.

In practicing this secret technique, Xia Ping did not use the value of hatred, but chose to comprehend himself.

For him now, the understanding of martial arts does not know how many times higher than before. Ordinary secret surgery can also be learned without using the system to help.

Moreover, the lion diamond seal seems to have the same effect as the Tianlong octave, and it is a unique method of using the spiritual power to attack the enemy.

However, the Tianlong octave is an attack on the sound of the analog dragon. The lion diamond seal is a large handprint that simulates the momentum of the lion. It instantly explodes the spiritual power and attacks the enemy. This force is violent and violent, destroying everything.

Once the enemy has a lion's diamond seal, if it is weak in spirit, it is fainted to the ground, but the brain is directly dead. This is the overbearing and unreasonable.

Even a mentally motivated practitioner, in this mental attack, there will be an embarrassment between the moments.

Of course, if the soul power is stronger than Xia Ping, it will naturally be immune.

However, no matter what, this secret is very strange and powerful. Even if the summer plane can easily cope with a large number of enemies, it is impossible to defeat him with the tactics of the sea.

It can be said that after a month of practice, Xia Ping's strength is also a strong one.

"Sure enough, it is correct to come to the Qiankun School. If you continue to stay in the cloud, you don't know how long it will take to improve." Xia Ping is very satisfied.

"What you need most now is yin and yang, or the remedy that is no less than yin and yang, so that you can quickly break through higher realms and save a lot of cultivation time."

The cat fairy reminded.

"I know this." Xia Ping also knows this. "But don't talk about it first. Before you spent billions of cosmic coins and went to the virtual network to buy various materials, how is the situation now?"

In the month of his practice, the Cat Immortal was not idle. It purchased the materials from the virtual network and then quickly transported it through the Cosmos Express Co., Ltd., intending to repair the holy class spacecraft.

“The materials are being transported one after another, and I have already started to repair it.” Cat Fairy is excited. “It is estimated that after a while, you can start the stars and sail in the universe.”

"Fortunately, you have become a sage disciple. Even if you buy more things, no one dares to make an idea, and no one dares to inquire about any news, so the confidentiality work is okay and is not known to anyone."

There is a saint disciple who protects his identity. If Xia Ping does not make a thing that is too outrageous, he will be blinded by one eye, not to mention receiving a courier.

But even so, the cat fairy acted cautiously.

After all, the holy class spacecraft is too precious, even if the saint knows it will be blind, after all, the old owner of the cat fairy used to pay a huge price for the construction of the spacecraft.

Even the saints have to pay the price of such a fight. It is imaginable that this value for the saint is absolutely different.

So in case, just in case, it was very careful to repair the work of the holy class spacecraft, only in the space ring of Xia Ping, not known to anyone.

"That's good."

Xia Ping nodded.

Hey! !

At this time, the door of the quiet room was ringed.

"Come in."

Xia Pingdao, awkward, the quiet room door opened, directly into an old man wearing a black robe, this is the steward of the Qiang Kun faction appointed to Yan Huangfeng, responsible for Yan Huangfeng up and down the big and small affairs, under the jurisdiction of Yan Huangfeng many servants.

After all, Yan Huangfeng is very big. Every day, someone needs to clean, cut flowers and plants, cook rice and wash clothes. It is unthinkable that there are not enough servants.

Of course, these servants are all sentimental and loyal.

"What?" asked Xia Ping.

The black robe is in charge of the family: "The young master, there are some official disciples from the Qiankun to ask for help. They have been waiting for a long time. One of them is called Chur, who claims to be a friend of the young master."

"Formal disciple? Chur? Come see me?"

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows: "Well, let them in and meet in the hall."

Anyway, he has just closed his retreat, and he has nothing to do. It is no problem to meet this group of formal disciples. I just don’t know why these people suddenly came to Chur.

"Yes, young master."

The black robe butler immediately retired.

Xia Ping also left the quiet room and went directly to the hall of the mansion.

Hey! ! !

He had just arrived in the hall, and a group of people outside was brought in by the black robe butler, among them Chur.


Xia Ping blinked his eyes. He felt that the momentum of this group of people was not ordinary. Everyone was very ordinary. And looking at his own eyes, many people have warfare. It is estimated that the comers are not good.

But he did not say anything, it is still like a spring breeze.

"Xia Xiong."

Chur called out and said hello.

"Chur brothers, really don't come innocent." Xia Ping also greeted, very enthusiastic.

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