God Level Demon

Chapter 1127: Wu Wu No. 2

"What temperature is this?"

Lv Wenhou's eyes wide open. He never felt such a terrible heat. It was like being close to the sun. He was so close, it was a moth.

The terrible hot flame wrapped his body all at once, and seemed to evaporate the water from his body. The ground soil was instantly evaporated and turned into a dry land without any moisture.

If this continues, he will surely be burned to death and turned into a dry body.

Even his ghost gods seem to be unable to withstand this hot energy, as if this heat can instantly burn his ghosts and power, melting his energy.

"Hurry to hide!"

Because of the instinct of the warrior, Lv Wenhou immediately wanted to give up Fang Tianyi in his hands and step backwards. He must maintain a certain evil distance with this dangerous figure.

But this is already too late, Xia Ping is at this moment, in vain, the void is a punch, a shake, a shock!

This punch is the fist of the flame that is condensed by the flame. It is like a fire of a fire, and it is as fast as a thunder.

"not good!"

Lu Wenhou's face changed greatly. He felt the fatal crisis. With a bang, he felt his belly was penetrated by a flame fist, even if the defense of the ghost body could not withstand it.

Even in his abdomen, a lot of flames appeared, and the body seemed to be melted into a melt. The force of every inch of the flame covered every cell in the body.

And he felt the energy of this flame, and even began to burn his soul.


Lv Wenhou showed painful color. His body could not resist it. He flew out in the air, and the abdomen penetrated and flew directly. He flew for dozens of kilometers.

Even the flame wrapped his whole body, and as he flew, he was swallowing his body a little bit, from a few meters high to two meters high, one meter high, then watermelon size, burning constantly.

After he flew for dozens of miles, the whole ghost body was finally burned to the ashes by the flames. When the wind blows, it disappears into the virtual battlefield.

"I, I lost?!"

The next second, Lu Wenhou's soul returned to his body, sweating, his eyes showing a shocking color, it seems that he did not expect to lose the game so soon.

Just a blow, the other person penetrated his abdomen, which is like a flame from the depths of hell, and instantly burned his body clean.

Even if he wants to resist, there is no way, it is completely a blow to the spike, extraordinary.

"Even if my ghosts and gods can't resist, what is the power of the flame?" Lu Wenhou was shocked. He thought that he could swept all the enemies by the ghosts and spirits.

Unexpectedly, I came to the Qiankun School to encounter such a horrible monster. It was only Zifu’s cultivation that he could overcome the challenge and fight him without any help.

"I won't admit defeat. Next time, I will beat you."

Although he lost the game, Lu Wenhou clenched his fists, not discouraged, but his eyes were full of war. This is the younger brother of Lu, the stronger the Vietnam War, and never admit defeat.


"The game is over, Xia Pingsheng."

At the moment, the virtual world, a mechanical sound came out in the air, and the system determined that Lu Wenhou and others were all eliminated, and Xia Ping won the game.

With a bang, Xia Ping also left the virtual world, and the soul returned to the body.

"My God, what happened just now?!"

"Just a blow, actually defeated Lu Wenhou, wearing his ghost body, too violent."

"What is this physique? How is it so terrible? Even the ghosts and the gods can't resist it."

"I don't know, but I am sure that the power is absolutely terrifying. Even if I am across the screen, I can feel the power of this flame to destroy everything. It is born for destruction."

"Yeah, the ghosts and gods are burned to the ashes by the flames. Fortunately, this is in the virtual world. If it is in the real world, I am afraid that Lu Wenhou has been beaten by a punch."

Many Qiankun disciples were shocked. They thought that the two sides would continue to fight for three hundred rounds, until both sides had no power, so that they would win the game.

But where did you think that it was just a blow, Xia Ping destroyed Lu Wenhou, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

"Wait, if Lu Wenhou loses the game, isn't Xia Ping winning the victory? One defeated ten?!" Someone heard the voice of the virtual system and immediately remembered the problem.

"Yeah, the battle was too fierce. I almost forgot. Just Xia Ping was playing ten."

"My God, this can win, it is a monster."

"It can only be said that it is a saint disciple. It is worthy of the name. We have no way to compare it."

"It is no wonder that even the northern sage must make an exception and personally recruit him as a close disciple. There is no doubt that this is the seed of the saint."

"After this war, who dared to question Xia Ping is undoubtedly the first strongman in the new life."

“Is it just a new life? It is estimated that it will take a long time for the status of the brothers and sisters to be threatened.”

Many Qiankun disciples are completely convinced. The martial arts and literature are different. The text has no first, but Wu has no second.

Because the martial arts are not strong, you will know once you hit it. If the strength is weak and you want to steal chickens and slide in a fierce and dangerous battle, it is impossible.

Nothing beats each other more than fighting.

Some people said that Xia Ping’s ten hits were arrogant, but now no one dares to say this. The ironclad facts prove this point. No one can compete. This is not a rumor.

Many Qiankun teachers and sisters are all blinking, and they also feel the danger of the latecomers. Although Xia Ping is now only a purple house, but promoted to the mood, the gods, it is also a matter of time.

"Ten of playing one actually lost, it is too shameful."

"If you lose a lot, even Lv Wenhou, who has mastered the ghosts and gods, is killed by a punch. We are not lost."

"This is indeed the case, but if we continue this way, we will still lose. Are you willing?"

"Of course, I am not willing, how about the sage disciples, we are not only looking at the waste of the guy's back."

"The next time, the next time you fight, you will never lose so badly."

Chur and others are clenching their fists and gnashing their teeth. They are many planets. The genius of each family has become invincible since childhood. When they came to the Qiankun School, they encountered such a big setback.

It’s just impossible to let them surrender if they only lose a battle.

They are all getting up, intending to practice, must catch up with the Xia Ping this monster, never give in.

"This year's disciples are really good."

Unlike many Qiankun disciples, the elders are very happy. The stronger the disciples, the more prosperous and prosperous the Qiankun school, which will occupy an increasingly important position in the universe.

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