God Level Demon

Chapter 1178: Mouse trap

"Waste snacks, without your father, what else can you do?! With this skill, dare to arrogate in front of me, how much do you have to do?"

Xia Ping was condescending, so he looked at Changchi like this, and he looked at him like this.

"you you!"

Changchi gas was sore in the nostrils, and he couldn't speak at all. He was slapped by Xia Ping, and he felt so painful that every cell in the body was bitten by ants.

As the son of the Temple of the Soul, from a young age, he was very expensive, and he had suffered such pains, not to mention being beaten by a slap, and his teeth were lost two or three.

This is simply a shame!

"Not convinced? Do you dare to look at me?! I have scrapped your third leg, so that you will become eunuchs in the future, see if you are still not convinced, and you will not be the Lord in the future."

Xia Ping blinked his eyes and suddenly lifted his foot. He squatted toward the pants of Changchi, like an elephant trampled.

"No no no!!!"

Changchi made a scream of screaming, like a pig being castrated, and the eyes were almost smashed out. As the most important part of a man, if he was scrapped, he would die.

Even if you are the master of the Temple of the Soul in the future, there is no meaning. In the face of the Three Thousand Belles of the Harem, you can only watch and move. This is the biggest torture in the world.

And if he becomes an eunuch, he will never be a master. No one will be willing to condescend under a eunuch. This is the face of the soul temple. This is simply to ruin him.


Xia Ping stepped on the ground and immediately stepped on a pothole. The gravel was splashed. This foot did not hit the important part of the Changchi pool, but it was a little bit.

After all, he still wants to perfectly play the identity of the owner of the Huaining City. If the real pool is really abolished, I am afraid that it will irritate the temple of the temple, causing no small trouble for his next action.

Therefore, he is only scaring Changchi.

"Is it dizzy?" Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows. He felt that this scare seemed to be overdone.

Because at this moment, Changchi has completely fainted, the eyelids are white, the body is pumping, and the mouth is foaming, like a dead fish floating out of the water.

Estimating this foot will bring him an indelible shadow in his life.

"Bring these wastes to the treatment, don't stay here to be in the way." Xia Ping waved his hand and told the sorrowful cadres around him.

"Yes, the Lord." At this moment, several cadres also wake up as if they were dreaming. They quickly stepped forward, and the two elders who were seriously injured, and the Changchi, who was fainted and passed away, quickly took treatment.

If these three important figures die here, no one on the scene can escape, and they will surely face the anger of the Lord of the Soul, and then they will not know what will happen.

"Zhuo Hao, you are crazy, do you know what the consequences of this are? Even the sons of the lord dare to fight?!" Tan Bo looked at Xia Ping's eyes as if he was looking at a madman.

"What are the consequences, is he still afraid to get rid of my position?" Xia Ping said lightly.

Tan Bo is dumb and can become a city hall. In fact, it is equivalent to a prince. Even if the main hall of the temple is extremely powerful, it is impossible to remove his position for no reason.

After all, many souls in the temple will also limit the power of the lord, and can not do whatever they want.

The problem is that even if he can't take his position for a while, he can secretly calculate it. As long as he is still mixing on the **** soul continent, it is impossible to escape the influence of the lord.

Even if you have been away for a year, you can't hide for a few years, and sooner or later there will be bad luck.

However, Tan Bo did not know that Zhuo Hao at the moment was not himself, but a warrior from outside the country. He did not worry about what the Lord had to retaliate. He could leave as soon as he planned to complete.

Of course, if things develop beyond imagination, it is not a problem for him to leave the Blood Soul continent now, so he does not worry about revenge from the Lord of the Soul.

"And the princes will have a kind of relationship?! He can become the master of the temple, can't I?" Xia Ping blinked.

what? !

Upon hearing this, Tan Bo was shocked. He didn't expect Zhuo Hao to have such an amazing idea. He wanted to be the master of the temple. He was ambitious.

You must know that the whole blood soul of the mainland is like a cloud, and those who want to be the master of the temple of the soul, such as the cross of the river, the difficulty of being the master of the temple, it is hard to climb the sky, why this kid has such confidence .

Difficult to say that he has recently got what adventures, so that his confidence can not burst? !

For a time, Tan Bo's eyes flickered. I don't know why Zhuo Hao would suddenly become like this. It made him feel very strange and seemed to be a bit unpredictable.

However, Xia Ping ignored Tan Bo, and he turned and left with Liu Rulan.


At the moment, Huaining City is outside the hall, a corner of the street.

Hey! !

Seven figures appeared in this place, they were dressed in a low-key, gloomy look at this huge building, they are the seven killers who came to chase Xiaping.

"Strange, actually easy to mix into the hall of this soul hall, really dare to be arrogant, is he not afraid of being discovered by the people of the temple, and thus death?" Big brother Fang Yan face is very dignified.

Originally found in Xia Ning City, Xia Ping's trace, he immediately wanted to start, did not expect Xia Ping Ma non-stop, simply do not give them a chance to go directly to the temple hall.

In this way, they will be a bit of a slap in the face, because once they start working in this place, they will surely be discovered by the masters of the Soul, and they will surely fall into a huge chaos.

If you can kill a kill, it is most afraid that they are not successful in assassination, and they are caught in the encirclement of the soul masters. Instead, they are surrounded by chasing, which becomes a joke.

As a small and famous killer in the universe, there is no absolute certainty. They don't want to shoot. This will make people stunned and provoke the opponent to be alert. The next time they want to start, it is not so simple.

Of course, they did not expect it at all, in fact, they have long been exposed.

"It is very strange. You must know that there are many bans in the temple of the Soul. There are forces to detect the souls and the universe. If there is strange force mixed in, it will trigger an alarm. Even if you want to escape." I can't escape, although I am confident in diving into any hidden place, but I don't dare to go in the temple."

The seven-sister Connor sighed. As an assassin master, he also assassinated the president of a small country. He also smothered in the ban of heavy guards and had a rich experience of assassination.

However, the guards of the soul temple are still very convinced. After all, the method of mental power scanning is simply unfavorable. The breath of the killer on his body, as well as the breath of the universe, can not be hidden.

There have been some cosmic killers who once wanted to sneak into the temple of the soul, but they were all destroyed by the people of the temple. Without exception, these things have been learned.

If only the easy to fit can be mixed in, then there will not be so many people who die in the Blood Soul continent.

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