God Level Demon

Chapter 1190: Inheritance Hall


After refining the infinity, Xia Ping instinctively realized the use of this Chinese spirit, how powerful it is, and it depends entirely on the strength of the master.

According to his current mana, it is possible to split tens of thousands of infinite shackles, and it is still an invincible sergeant, enough to push a country.

And because this infinite material is special, it can change thousands of times and can change into different appearances.

At the beginning, Fang Hao used the infinite 傀儡 to change into his own appearance, went to perform the assassination mission, and he was remotely controlled, so that he would be foolproof.

Therefore, the success rate of his assassination mission is 100%. It is known as the killer who never misses his hand. It is frightening, which also leads to his high reward.

Even he can use infinity as his own substitute, so that even if the enemy rushes over, it just destroys the infinite shackles, but the body is unscathed.

However, it is precisely because Fang Hao is too dependent on infinity, which leads him to only have the ability to fight remotely. Once he encounters an unexpected situation and puts the ontology at risk, he is a bit overwhelmed.

It’s like this time, he didn’t expect them to be ambushed, so he was hit hard when he didn’t look at it for a while.

He was even directly found by Xia Ping, and even if he did not take it out, he was killed on the spot and died very badly.

"Well, now is the time to go to the main hall of the temple."

Xia Ping put all these things together.

Since all of them have solved the seven killings, no one can stop him from going to the main hall of the temple, and now the main hall of the temple is in the most empty state, and many masters have left. Now is a good time to enter.

If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when to wait.


After an hour, the transmission array of the Huaining City Soul Hall was launched.

In the next second, Xia Ping and Liu Rulan appeared in the main hall of the temple.

This time, Liu Rulan also followed, because Xia Ping did not know much about this place in the main hall of the temple. With Liu Rulan's help, he could easily enter the entire hall of the temple.

"It's really coming."

Liu Rulan Meilu reveals a very complicated look. She did not expect that she would have the opportunity to return to the main hall of the temple again. I remember that when she came last time, she came to accept the mystery of the soul temple.

In addition, she never had a chance to come back. Even now she is not only alone, but also brought a demon outside the domain. If she is discovered by the master of the temple, she does not know how much trouble will happen.

It is estimated that the entire blood soul continent will vibrate.

But now she has been kidnapped by Xia Ping, riding a tiger, even if it is impossible to get out.

The most important thing is that she was defiled by Zhuo Hao into a collusion outside the demon. This is a sin of the genocide. It has long been a place in the soul of the soul, and now it can only be a path to black.

"Is this place the main hall of the temple?"

Xia Ping looked up and immediately saw himself in a large hall. There were a lot of transmission arrays around him. From time to time, the lights flashed, and the figures came out from the transmission array.

These people are all from the **** souls of the mainland, and they come to the main hall of the temple to have a variety of purposes.

His gods spread out and felt that this huge building hides a lot of powerful atmosphere. Even if the news of the blood soul saints has left many masters, the center of this blood soul continent still has a considerable degree of defense. force.

The entire huge building is equipped with a super-altitude method. The depths of the void seem to show a glimpse of the law, like a chain of order, falling into the void.

If the array of this place is in operation, it will instantly refine the enemies inside the big array and let the enemy die without a whole body.

"The main hall of the Temple of the Soul has a large number of branches, such as the Treasure Hall, the Lianwu Hall, the Inheritance Hall, the Alchemy Hall, etc. The convenience of the place we are going to this time is to pass the temple."

Liu Rulan secretly conveyed to Xia Ping: "The inheritance monuments passed down from ancient times are the remains of the blood soul saints, which contain many of our souls."

"But I want to get some secrets, it depends on luck."

"Because it is necessary to pass on the monument, it is said to be a treasure in itself. It has the power to explore the qualifications of the disciples, and it can automatically screen the secrets that are suitable for you."

"But the temple is not open every day. It will be opened once every three years, letting the geniuses from all over the blood souls pass on. Today is not the day when inheritance begins."

"So, the inheritance of the temple is extremely strict, and it is not so simple to want to go in."

She still feels that it is an embarrassing thing to get the inheritance of the soul temple. Even if the master of the soul hall leaves the majority, there is still a small part of the antiques left here.

These old antiques control the soul of the temple, and can easily pinch the invaders who enter the main hall of the temple.

"Hidden treasure hall? Is there any baby in it?"

Xia Ping’s eyes suddenly brightened.

"You don't want to play the idea of ​​the Treasure Hall. The guards in that place are more than a hundred times stricter than the inheritance of the temple. It is almost three steps, one post, five steps and one whistle. If you alarmed the inside guard, we will die." Liu Rulan did not I looked at this bandit-like bastard, and it was really a demon outside the field. I saw a baby and my eyes were like the sun.

"Then forget it."

Xia Ping is very sorry, but compared with many babies, it is more important to pass on the secrets of the temple. After all, if you master the powerful mystery, you will get the baby in the future.

In the universe, the power of its own is the most important, these treasures are nothing but body.

For some of the treasures, thus destroying the plan of sneaking into the temple, it is not worth the candle.

"Come with me."

Liu Rulan took Xia Ping away from the transmission array and quietly sneaked into the main hall of the temple.

After half an hour, the two turned east and west. Under the leadership of Liu Rulan, her old horse knew the way and avoided countless guards along the way. They finally came to a black palace.

There is a plaque standing above the palace, and the three characters of the sacred hall are written. It seems to contain a strong spiritual brand, which makes people unable to look directly.

This place seems to be a forbidden place, surrounded by a strong ban, not easy to enter, and there seems to be no guards at the entrance to the palace.

"What happened? Why are there no soldiers guarding?"

Liu Rulan was very confused and stumbled over the beauty.

"It's very simple. There are five or six masters in the temple. They seem to be observing the inheritance." Xia Ping, through the detection system of the cat fairy, suddenly knew that there were many masters in the temple.

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