God Level Demon

Chapter 1203: Deception thirty-six

A few days later.

Xia Ping and Jerma contacted again. He spent three days and finally wrote this deception.

"Cheats thirty-six??"

When Jerma saw the name of this work, he couldn’t help but swear. Is this the masterpiece written by Wu Wu?

To be honest, he is not very optimistic about what Wu is invincible to write. After all, he is immersed in this line of old fritters for hundreds of years, what author, what books have not seen.

He knows deeply what is called interlacing like a mountain. Although this kid has achieved little success in the liar world, it does not mean that he can write a good book. This is a matter in two fields.

However, he did not immediately criticize, but still want to see what he wrote and say.

If it is really a shit, then he will still recommend this kid to use the gunman, no matter what, this big sale can not be done in his own hands.

When he opened the book and saw it, he immediately saw a clear headline above, and the trick was to count the beauty!

Good guy!

Jerma was suddenly stunned because it described in detail how to use the beauty to deceive.

The so-called se word on a knife, the ancients have also said that eating se sex, it can be said that se is the root of human nature, perhaps ascetic can get rid of, but most of life can not get rid of this instinct.

The beauty plan is to use this instinct to deceive.

For example, the immortal jump, it uses some men's hunting psychology as a source, simply piao.

The beautiful woman sent her arms and asked how a normal man could stand it.

Therefore, when the beauty brought the man to a certain place and prepared to do something unspeakable, this beautiful accomplice suddenly appeared in front of her.

In order not to let things go out, or to protect themselves, good men will give their money to the accomplices, and they are the purpose of extortion.

Of course, this is just a low-level application for beauty.

Even more powerful is that the beauty finds a wealthy old man, throws his arms, dazzles him, and then quickly gets married.

In the last half of the year, the beauty sought an opportunity to divorce the other party. As a result, according to the provisions of the Marriage Law, half of the property was sent out. At that time, people and money were both empty.

If the other party is more embarrassed, the other party can be poisoned without knowing it, and all the property is her at that time.

This is a fraudulent marriage, not only for money, but also for life.

"so amazing."

Jerma looked flustered. He didn't expect that there would be such a sinister strategy in the world. In this way, there are still yan encounters in the world. Can those beautiful women still believe? Not all of them come to their own money.

He asked himself, if a beautiful woman suddenly gave her a hug, as a healthy man, he could not resist, and could not control the lower body.

But in this way, it fell into the trap of others. When people and finances were empty, he suddenly felt that the world was full of sinister and the basic trust between people was gone.

"The trick of the 16th trick is to swear!"

Gilma continues to look at it. If you want to achieve the purpose of deception, you can't be aggressive. Use the other person's arrogance to give the other side some benefits and let the other person relax their vigilance.

After defrauding the other party's trust, they will be deceived, which is often unfavorable.

Just like the financial pyramid schemes in today's society, fund managers boast that as long as they invest in their funds, they can have five points of interest per month, earn 60% a year, double in two years, and buy a house in three years. I can buy a plane in four years.

Some people didn't believe it at first, but the interest was paid in the first month. The interest was paid in the second month, and the interest was paid in the third month. Some people believed it.

At that time, not only did he invest in himself, but he even took all his friends and relatives to invest. He was completely crazy and fell into the dream of realizing the freedom of wealth and buying a car to buy a house two years later.

As everyone knows, after a few months, the liar has already collected the net, and directly fled with all the money, and fled with money.

At first, you were interested in interest, but people were looking at your principal. At that time, it was too late to cry.

This is the savvy of desire.

This kind of human greed has been deducted from ancient times to the present, never changed, and will always appear.

"The trick is to count the 34th bitterness."

When Jerma looked down, the trick was simple. He deliberately defrauded others with sympathy.

The simpler thing is to be jealous, use your own disabled body, tragic experience, defraud others to sympathize, and get a lot of money assistance.

This kind of person often appears on holidays and in the streets and lanes.

What is more complicated is the establishment of a welfare fund to help the public to raise funds from the public on the grounds of many people in difficulty.

Waiting for money to enter their pockets, what they want to do, this is an internal matter, no one can know.

"Gao Ming, it is too brilliant."

Jerma saw that all of them were chilly, and there was a lot of cold sweat on their foreheads. This is not only a simple book, but also a weakness of human nature. The whole story shows the common characteristics of life: arrogance, 嫉妒, greed, greed, anger, get something for nothing, se wants to wait for seven sins.

In fact, the so-called deception is a means of using human weakness to deceive.

"Master, you are a master."

Jerma admire, if there is no years of deception experience, there is no master-like means, no wisdom and wisdom of the demon, how can I write such a book.

This is not as simple as a book, it is a work, it is a masterpiece!

Before he was still looking at the other side, he couldn't write anything, but now, at this point, this is what his gunmen can compare. The lines and columns in it contain profound and profound deception, which makes people feel cold.

"Polite, polite, no feet, little insignificance."

Xia Ping modestly said that he was able to write this book, which was built on the shoulders of giants, with the shocking works of past lives, and the military's Kuibao 36-based calculations.

In fact, the thirty-six is ​​not only as simple as military thinking, it can rise to the height of philosophy, is suitable for all walks of life, and is regarded as a collection by many great ancestors of the past, and every time you look at it, you will be greatly inspired.

Applying such thoughts to the tricks is just a small test.

"Master, you won't be deceiving me now. Are you looking at the shares of our Universe Book and Media Company? To be honest, I don't have any money on my body. I don't have to worry about pants. Don't stare at me. ”

Jerma looked at Xia Ping very guilty. After reading this book, he was fascinated by Xia Ping, the master of the swindler world, the kind of supernatural.

Maybe you can say a few words to yourself, you can lie to his underwear, and tell the truth to stay with such a super liar, he is extremely psychologically stressed.

Now he was scared, and he was staying with a horrible character. The identity of the person in charge of the Universe Book Media Company’s Liu Yunxing domain could not give him a sense of security.

On the contrary, a character like himself will be targeted by a liar. After all, a liar will stare at the poor.

Even if the poor ghosts were searched for three days and dig three feet, I am afraid that even a drop of oil could not be squeezed out.

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